Clandestine Christmas. Elle James

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Clandestine Christmas - Elle James

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in, Kate waited for the gate to swing open. “To answer your previous question, yes. The last meth lab sting was also my last mission as a Texas Ranger.”

      The drive up to the ranch house was completed in silence. As they cleared the twisting mountain road and emerged on the hilltop, the moon overhead shone down on the mansion his great-great-grandmother had built from the proceeds of the Lucky Lady Gold Mine before it had run dry.

      The huge structure loomed three stories above them with its colonial-style verandas and double layered porches wrapped around the entire house. The only concession to the deep snow and frigid winters of the high country in Colorado was the steep roofline. Though the original roof had been of split shingles made of hardened hickory, the new roof his grandfather had installed consisted of highly polished aluminum. The snow never stuck, simply sliding off.

      Frances Quaid opened the front door and Barkley bounded out. The giant black-and-tan Saint Bernard raced across the ground to the truck.

      Kate remained in the driver’s seat, the door closed. “Yours?” she asked.

      “That’s Barkley. He’s friendly as long as you don’t try to attack me, the Quaids or Jake.” He climbed down from the truck and braced himself.

      Barkley reared up on his hind feet, standing nearly as tall as Chase and weighing almost as much. He planted his paws on Chase’s shoulders and gave him a big sloppy kiss.

      “Okay, okay, you’ve said your hellos. Behave yourself now, or you’ll scare Ms. Rivers away.”

      Kate stepped down from the truck and rounded the front.

      Barkley dropped to all fours and loped over to sit at her feet, his big tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. He barked once, the sound deep and booming. Then he nudged her hand with his nose. At first stiff, Kate reached out a hand, allowing the dog to sniff. When Barkley nudged her again, she ruffled his ears, a small smile curling her lips.

      Chase watched in amazement as her expression transformed. From tense, almost pinched features, her entire face lit up as she smiled down at the dog.

      Seeing her happy for the first time, tugged at Chase and made him look at her in a different light. Not as an agent sent by Hank, but as a beautiful woman who stirred his blood and made him want more than he should from a bodyguard.

      “He’s not shy, is he?” she asked.

      “Not in the least. And he knows what he wants, which is more than I can say about most people.”

      Kate bent to run her fingers through the dog’s long coat and to scratch his head. “Not much of a watchdog, are you?”

      “On the contrary, Barkley would lick any intruder to death before they could get to the front door.”

      The big dog proved Chase’s point by laying a long wet tongue along the side of Kate’s cheek.

      “Ugh.” Kate straightened and scrubbed the dog slobber from her skin.

      “Consider yourself initiated into the family.” Chase dragged his gaze away from Kate and glanced up at the porch where Mrs. Quaid stood.

      “Mr. Marsden, Jake refused to go to sleep until you got home. Will you come in and tuck him in so that he can finally close his eyes?”

      Chase nodded. “I’ll be right in. Seems Jake will be staying with us longer than we first thought.”

      Mrs. Quaid frowned. “Is everything all right?”

      “No. But we’ll discuss it after Jake goes to sleep.” Chase hooked Kate’s elbow and leaned close. “I’d rather no one but you and I knew why you’re really here. I’d like to initiate the undercover op now.”

      Kate ground to a halt. “What do you mean?”

      “Go along with what I say.” He tugged her arm, escorting her up the stairs. “Mrs. Quaid, I’d like you to meet someone special.”

      The older woman turned a welcoming smile on Kate.

      Chase performed the introductions. “Mrs. Quaid is my housekeeper, and in charge of keeping me sane. Her husband is my foreman-overseer and my right hand when it comes to all things to do with the ranch. I inherited the Quaids when I inherited the Lucky Lady Ranch from my grandfather. And believe me, they were the best part of my inheritance. Without them, I would probably have sold the Lucky Lady.”

      Mrs. Quaid’s cheeks pinkened. “Oh, go on, Mr. Marsden.”

      “I really wish you’d call me Chase. You’re more like family than just a housekeeper.” Chase faced Kate. “Speaking of family... Mrs. Quaid, this is Kate fiancée.”

      * * *

      KATE NEARLY TRIPPED on the step she had been climbing when Chase announced her as his fiancée. Chase had invoked the undercover op, but playing the part with his own employees seemed to be overkill. Kate struggled for something to say when her tongue was tied with the surprise of her engagement. “Mrs. Quaid, happy to meet you.”

      The older woman gripped both of her hands in her own and grinned. “Oh, my. And I didn’t know Mr. Marsden even had a girlfriend. How did you keep this from us over the past two years?”

      Chase smiled and circled Kate’s waist with an arm, cinching her snugly to his side. “You know all those monthly trips I took to Denver?” He tipped his head toward Kate. “Let’s just say, I wasn’t alone.”

      What the hell was he trying to prove? If these people were as close as family, he’d just lied to them.

      “What a surprise. I can’t believe our own Mr. Marsden is engaged.”

      Mrs. Quaid pressed her hands to her cheeks. “When did you arrive in town?”

      Kate leveled her gaze on Chase. “I came over from Denver today for the first time and bam. I’m just as surprised as you.” Which wasn’t far from the truth. Mrs. Quaid seemed like a nice lady, but Chase must have his reasons for lying to his housekeeper.

      “I’m so happy for you both.” Mrs. Quaid touched Chase’s arm. “But you better check in on Jake. He’s missing his grandma. I’ll put on a kettle for tea. When’s Ms. Sadie coming home?”

      “She’s been in an accident. She’s in the hospital.”

      Mrs. Quaid pressed a hand to her chest. “Oh, dear. Is she going to be all right?”

      “I hope so.” Chase touched her arm. “Jake only needs to know she’s staying in town for a few days.”

      The older woman nodded. “Understood. If there’s anything I can do for her...”

      “There’s not much any of us can do for her. She’ll have to get well on her own.” Chase glanced around. “Where’s Mr. Quaid?”

      “He’s checking on the horses. He thought he heard something. He should be back by the time you tuck in Jake.”

      “Good. I need to talk to you two about some issues that have arisen.” He grabbed Kate’s hand. “Come on, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

      Her heart thundered in her chest and her belly clenched, the scar tissue seeming to tighten around a wound that would never heal. “No, really, I can wait in the kitchen with Mrs. Quaid.”

      “It will only take a minute and it will be worth it. I promise.”

      The big warm hand holding hers, tugged her toward the staircase.

      Once out of earshot of Mrs. Quaid, Kate asked, “Was it necessary to introduce me as your fiancée?”

      He didn’t let go of her hand as he climbed the stairs. “I thought it might make it easier for you stay here and be seen with me and not generate more questions.”

      Kate trudged up the steps, her breathing abnormally fast for the little amount of exertion. She had already worked back up to her usual three-mile

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