Falling For A Bollywood Legend. Mahi Jay

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Falling For A Bollywood Legend - Mahi Jay

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child did leave its mark, thought Nina ruefully as she found the slip. Everything about her screamed order, from her perfectly styled hair to her perfectly pedicured toes.

      Shortly afterwards she headed into a small conference room where she had called in her usual team of people to help her iron out the final details regarding the campaign. Payal, a young junior executive, was the first to enter the room and she was grinning from ear to ear.

      ‘I still can’t believe you didn’t tell us you were friends with Aadith Varma!’ she gushed. Nina rolled her eyes in exasperation.

      ‘Payal, we were barely more than acquaintances, don’t make it into something bigger,’ retorted Nina lightly.

      ‘Some people have all the luck in the world,’ sighed Payal unrepentantly with a dreamy smile. ‘Had I been in your place I would have just m—’ She broke off as the rest of the team filed in one after the other.

      Nina made a note to herself to ensure that she kept Payal’s contact with Aadith minimal. Payal was a naive innocent who would probably end up getting hurt.

      When the rest of the team had taken their places around the table she quickly explained the time constraint they would be working under. Just then a discreet knock sounded on the door and Aadith Varma stepped in, looking über cool in faded denims and a linen white shirt that fitted his body like a dream.

      ‘Hi, everyone … I had an evening free, so I thought I’d drop in to discuss a bit more about the campaign and check if you required anything from my side,’ said Aadith casually as he strolled in and took a place near the head of the table next to Nina.

      Stunned surprise greeted his entry but within a minute everyone around the table save Nina was clamouring for his attention. Nina watched in wry amusement as Aadith took it all in his stride. He was at his charming best as they all introduced themselves to him.

      His eyes met hers across the table and he felt a wave of pleasure. When his hungry gaze fell on her lips where a slight smile was hovering, he felt a jolt of desire rock him. He wanted nothing better than to take her into his arms and kiss her senseless, he thought impatiently.

      Nina’s skin prickled with awareness when she caught sight of Aadith devouring her with his eyes. She cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention.

      ‘Mr Varma, it’s generous of you to offer your time. As you know the contest has been generating a lot of positive media attention towards both the movie and you, so I’d say it’s certainly been a step in the right direction.’

      ‘A lot of people from the industry have commented that the contest is creating the right buzz, so I am glad it’s working,’ added Aadith.

      ‘Since you’re here, it will be easier to work out the logistics that will work for you, Mr Varma,’ announced Nina.

      Aadith glared at her as she reverted back to the formal use of his name. His eyes promised swift retribution.

      ‘As far as logistics are concerned it would be better if you restrict all events relating to the contest to the metro cities. Security reasons apart, effectively managing the limited time we have will not be possible if far flung places are also included,’ stated Aadith decisively.

      There were vigorous nods all around. ‘Since we are choosing the top three entries we can restrict the venues to Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. That way it would seem as if we’ve covered the length and breadth of India,’ she finished.

      ‘Have you chosen the top entries?’ queried Aadith.

      ‘We wanted to portray love through the ages, so we’ve decided to choose a young, a middle-aged and an older couple,’ chimed in Payal with shining eyes.

      Aadith’s eyes clouded for a minute. ‘Ahh … Love through the ages …’ What a load of drivel, he thought bitterly. Hadn’t his father and he experienced firsthand that love was just another word for convenience? He knew love never stood a chance against money.

      ‘Ah, eternal love … how appropriate for the movie,’ he exclaimed sardonically. ‘Nothing sells as well as the idea of perfect love, does it?’

      Nina caught the note of bitterness in his tone. It seemed as if the others found something amiss too because Payal immediately asked, ‘Why, Mr Varma, don’t you believe in happily ever after?’

      Aadith flashed an unrepentant smile at her and replied, ‘Let’s just say I believe happily ever afters work better in movies.’

      Payal let out a strangled gasp. She had certainly not expected her favourite romantic hero to be a total cynic. Nina’s heart turned cold. If she had wanted further incentive to stay clear of him, there it was. She had it from the horse’s mouth that he didn’t believe in love. She couldn’t deny to herself that there was a burning attraction between them, but to give into that would be utter foolishness.

      Aadith continued smoothly, ‘If you let my assistant know the exact dates when my presence is required, he will ensure it is cleared.’

      Nina passed out a sheet of paper that contained the probable dates that they had pencilled in. Her fingers grazed his as she did so, it was the merest touch yet it felt as if he had been scalded. He stared at the sheet blankly. He couldn’t think beyond the tingling touch of her fingers. Was he so desperate that the most innocuous and fleeting touch could arouse such a heated response from him?

      He couldn’t have stopped himself had he even wanted to; he needed to touch her again. Now. As Aadith passed the sheet back to her he stroked her palms with his fingertips. Nina jerked her hand back as if she had been stung.

      Oh, yeah … she felt it too, thought Aadith in satisfaction.

      What was wrong with her? He’d only touched her hands yet she’d felt as if he’d run his fingers along her entire body. She groaned to herself. This physical need he’d awakened in her was driving her crazy, she thought exasperatedly.

      Aadith’s deep voice broke Nina’s reverie. After ironing most of the details out, he stood up to leave. He turned towards her casually and raised an enquiring eyebrow. ‘Nina, could I have a private word with you …?’ Her heart lurched.

      She followed him out with all eyes in the room glued to her back. Her heart was racing in triple time. She didn’t want to be alone with Aadith. She didn’t trust him, but even worse she didn’t trust herself around him. Her legs felt wobbly as she made her way to her office.

      Aadith pushed the door and held it open, deliberately leaving very little space for her to squeeze through. She had to brush past him to enter and that brief contact sent shock waves rippling through them both. The moment the door closed behind him Aadith caught her by her hand and gently pushed her against the wall. He moved closer so she was firmly wedged close to his hard male body.

      Nina gasped in surprise as she looked up at him with a curious mixture of fear and desire. She wanted to pull away sharply but the strong pull of attraction that had been simmering between them from the beginning held her still.

      ‘This is a bad idea,’ whispered Nina. He saw the helpless tremble of her moist lips and his mercury-grey eyes darkened in hunger.

      ‘I don’t think so. I’ve been aching to do this from the moment I laid eyes on you again,’ he muttered, and before she could edge another word in Aadith lowered his lips to hers in a soft, unhurried kiss. It was the merest brush of their lips yet it unfurled in her a veritable storm of desire.

      Her eyes fluttered to a helpless close as he moulded the softness of her body to the hardness of his. He heard the shallowness of her breathing and felt the warmth of her body curve instinctively into his. He had thought of this moment long enough, he realised as her lips parted and yielded to his. He gave a low groan as he deepened the kiss. Devouring. Plundering. Possessing … There was no room for thought other than to satiate the fierce hunger that was raging between them.

      It felt as if her body were melting, with the way his hands skimmed down the side of her body to pull her more firmly against him. The

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