Australian Bachelors: Masterful Magnates: Purchased: His Perfect Wife. HELEN BIANCHIN

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Australian Bachelors: Masterful Magnates: Purchased: His Perfect Wife - HELEN  BIANCHIN

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she offered, and caught his gleaming gaze.

      ‘A shower, then I get to take you to bed.’ But for now, it was enough just to hold her. ‘You enjoyed your walk through part of Central Park?’

      He was close, so close she caught the faint muskiness of his skin as it vied with the almost undetectable drift of his cologne. ‘Mike told you.’ It wasn’t a query, merely recognized fact.

      His hand shaped her breast, lingered, then his fingers slipped the buttons free on her knit top and sought the burgeoning peak beneath the light fabric of her bra.

      ‘So … how was your day?’

      ‘Meetings, negotiations, a conference call. Invitations.’


      ‘A few,’ he drawled as he stood effortlessly and placed her on her feet. He bestowed a brief, hard kiss, and headed towards their bedroom.

      Lara met him as he emerged from the en suite, and he crossed to her side, reached for the hem of her nightshirt and drew it over her head as she unhitched the towel at his hips.

      Wolfe took his time, rousing her to fever pitch as his need matched her own, and she wrapped her legs round his waist and held on as he took her to the brink, then joined her in a glorious free-fall that left them slick with sensual heat.

      In the lingering aftermath he trailed light fingers over her body, exploring the soft swell of her breasts, the dip of her navel, and settled low, seeking the highly sensitized clitoris and stroking it until the breath caught in her throat and she shattered, so caught up in an exquisite climax she cried out with the intensity of it.

      Lunch the next day was everything Lara expected it to be, and afterwards with Mike at her side she explored the contemporary galleries, entered one of many shops displaying crafts and exclusive gifts, and made a few purchases to take back to Sydney for Sally, Shontelle and the wait staff, as well as something quirky for Tony.

      Wolfe hadn’t indicated he’d be late, and she took pleasure in preparing a delicious salad, coq au vin with gourmet vegetables, followed by crème brûlée and fresh fruit for dessert.

      It was almost seven when he entered the apartment, and the blood began pulsing heavily in her veins at the sight of him.

      He was something else, and she bit back the desire to go to him, wrap her arms round his neck and invite his kiss.

      Instead, she took a moment to drink in his compelling facial bone-structure, the firm muscle-tone beneath olive-toned skin, strong cheekbones, piercing dark-grey eyes … and a mouth to die for.


      He responded in kind. ‘Interesting day?’

      ‘Great.’ She watched as he dispensed with his jacket, loosened his tie and slid the buttons free from his vest. ‘I made dinner. You’ve time to shower and change, if you want.’

      ‘Thanks.’ He collected his jacket and hooked it over one shoulder.

      Lara checked the table while he was gone, then she crossed into the kitchen and began serving the meal.

      Wolfe appeared as she was ready to take the food through to the dining room, and he collected the plates while she took care of the salad dish and dessert.

      Attired in black dress-jeans, a white collarless shirt with the cuffs turned back over each forearm, he appeared relaxed and at ease. A different look from the impeccably tailored three-piece business suit and silk tie.

      The casual style lent him a less formidable persona … not more ordinary, for a man of Wolfe’s calibre would inevitably stand apart no matter what he wore.

      He projected a dramatic mesh of elemental ruthlessness and devastating sexual alchemy … a dangerous combination coveted by his fellow contemporaries, and admired by women. A bottle of Chardonnay sat chilling in a crystal ice-bucket, and Wolfe filled two goblets, touched the rim of his to her own, and offered an appropriate salutation.

      The salad was crisp, the dressing tangy, and the chicken with accompanying vegetables perfection.

      It had been a while since she’d prepared a meal for just two people, and there was a certain satisfaction in the provision.

      What was more, it was pleasant to sit opposite Wolfe and relax, sip a little wine, and watch him unwind.

      His business interests were vast and varied, she knew, and he was putting in long hours to ensure everything would run smoothly following his return to Sydney.

      ‘I had a text message from Sally,’ she relayed. ‘Lara’s is doing well. Tony is great.’ Her mouth curved into a teasing smile. ‘I think there could be a mutual attraction thing going on between those two.’

      Wolfe leant back in his chair. ‘The Sydney interior decorator emailed an update. Everything is on target.’

      Lara began gathering plates and cutlery together. ‘I’ll go make coffee.’

      ‘Before you do, isn’t there something you’d like to tell me?’

      There was little she could gain from his expression. ‘Such as?’

      ‘Your solitary sojourn to a bistro last night.’

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