The Keepers: Ethan. Rae Rivers

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The Keepers: Ethan - Rae  Rivers

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seen them before. Back home in Ameera, now here.

      One of the hounds glared at Jenna. With a howl, it turned and sped across the lawn toward her. The other two hounds were quick to follow, abandoning Kate. They circled Jenna in perfect synchronisation. Saliva dripped from their mouths, their snarls as frightening as their sharp teeth. Large claws protruded from their paws as they moved.

      Jenna reached for the bike as Levi tore across the lawn, barking viciously. “Levi, NO!”

      But Levi charged the hound closest to her.

      Jenna climbed onto the bike. It revved to life and she sped across the lawn, drawing to an abrupt stop – just long enough for Kate to jump on behind her. With another loud roar of the engine, Jenna took off on a burst of speed and aimed for the house.

      Abandoning Levi, the hounds set chase, quick to reach them.

      Plan B.

      “Hold on tight!” Jenna shouted, turning toward the forest. A dodgy decision, but their options were limited. And dammit, where the hell was Archer?

      “Trust me, I’m not going anywhere!” Kate tightened her grip. “They’re so fast! What the hell are they?”

      The moment they reached the umbrella of leaves, blackness engulfed them. Jenna steered the bike between the trees, grateful for the single beam of light at the front. She zoned in on their surroundings, her Keeper instincts slipping to the forefront like she’d flipped an internal switch. Jenna gave into them, gliding through the forest as though she knew it by heart.

      In a way, she did. She’d jogged these woods every day since her arrival in town.

      The hounds made no sound, but she knew they were close. She could feel them. Smell them.

      “Jenna!” Kate screamed when one came catapulting between two trees. Jenna changed direction and the hound soared above them, connecting with a tree, yelping on impact. The other two had raced ahead, readying themselves for the ambush.

      A barricade of canine force.

      Jenna looked around, mentally scrambling for other options. The volume of adrenaline pouring through her veins sharpened her senses, numbing the fear. It was exhilarating.

      The sound of the river in the distance set a new plan into place. “Kate, hold on!” she called over her shoulder, slowing the bike so suddenly that they both slid forward. In a swift movement, she changed direction and accelerated. “Time to lose these beasts!”

      Kate tightened her arms around Jenna. “If the beasts don’t kill us, your driving will!”

      “My driving skills might be the only thing going for you right now. Show some respect.”

      The sound of water gushing nearby gave her hope and she sped through the trees, searching for the bridge Ethan had shown her the previous day. An old wooden bridge at the foot of the mountain. It joined two valleys, each side consisting of high rocks covered in moss, trees and ferns. A waterfall ran down the rocks behind it, flowing into the river below.

      At the time, she’d even stopped to admire the beauty. Now, it might be their lifeline.

      Finding it was easier than she’d expected. She slowed the bike, cringing at the sound of the heavy breathing and snapped growls behind them. The bike rattled along the wooden slats, the wheels skidding in the sand as they came to an abrupt stop on the opposite side.

      Jenna’s head reeled from her sudden movements. Insane. She scrambled off the bike, pulling Kate with her. “Where are they? Can you see them?”

      “No, but I can hear them. They’re close,” Kate replied breathlessly, scanning the valley.

      Jenna tilted the bike toward her and twisted open the fuel cap. She reached into her pocket for the matches she’d taken from the bar and shook the box at Kate.

      Kate’s eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

      “Serving hot dogs.”

      “You’re cracking jokes? Now?”

      “You’d rather I was quivering in fear?”

      “Seriously, Jenna, no comedic timing at all.”

      Even though it was dark, Jenna could hear the smile in her tone. Jenna grinned, tossed her the box, and aimed the bike toward the bridge. “On the count of three, you light the match and throw it into the fuel can. I’ll do the rest.”

      “You’re going to blow up Declan’s bike?” Surprise laced Kate’s words but she didn’t argue and readied the match. “On the count of three –”

      The rustle of trees signalled the hounds’ arrival. All three of them.

      “Now!” Jenna snapped, scrapping the countdown.

      Kate dropped the match as Jenna gave the bike a mammoth push, along with a spurt of the throttle before releasing it. The bike charged along the bridge and smashed into the railing. Metal scraped and glass shattered, followed by a burst of air as the fuel ignited. Flames engulfed the bike and a deafening explosion echoed through the darkness.

      Whining, the hounds paced the edge of the rocks, eyeing the fire, their bodies illuminated in a yellow blaze.

      A second explosion claimed the bridge, devouring it within seconds. Wood splintered, ropes snapped, and the flaming bike plummeted into the river below, taking the middle of the bridge with it.

      The hounds howled. They eyed the waterfall, the flames, and their prey standing out of their reach. One mock-charged, causing Kate to reel back, but it backed off as it reached the edge of the rocks.

      “It’s okay,” Jenna said breathlessly, eyeing their predators. “They’re terrified of fire.” She focused on steadying her breathing. Her body felt charged with fear and energy. The fear she despised. The energy she welcomed. The immediate threat had passed, but they had no idea what else awaited them in the forest.

      “You’ve seen them before?” Kate asked. “What are they?”


      “What on earth is that?”

      “Not something you want to mess with.” As a child in Ameera, hellhounds had been the equivalent of the monsters under the bed that haunted children’s dreams. Although they usually kept to the outskirts of the city, Jenna had always been terrified of them. “They came through the portal.”

      “How do we know there aren’t more on this side of the river?”

      “We don’t, but now we know to look out for them.”

      With a final howl, the hellhounds fled.

      Kate blew out air, her gaze shifting to the remains of the bike below. “So, Miss 007. We’re stuck in the forest and you’ve destroyed our ride home. What now?”

      “We’ll stay close to the river. There’s an old well further down. It’ll be tricky to find in the dark, but if we can access it we can access the tunnel that leads to the house.” An old underground tunnel the brothers had cleared in case they needed a quick escape. She pulled out her phone to call Ethan. “With luck, Sienna and her muscles can meet us along the way.”

      “Sienna would’ve spelled the entrance shut.”

      “You’re the witch who eats magic. Piece of cake.”

      “Eats magic?” Kate laughed, but her voice sounded tense. “That description totally kills my image.”

      “Who cares if it’ll open the tunnel?”

      “Are you sure it’s safe?”

      Jenna’s grin widened as she put her arm around Kate. “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

      “I should hope so. I’d hate to be hound food.”

      “Declan would kill me.”

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