Collins Gem. Collins Dictionaries

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Collins Gem - Collins  Dictionaries

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like to go to…Wir möchten nach… veer mur’khten nahkh…Is it OK to take children?Kann man Kinder mitnehmen? kan man kinder mitnehmen?Are there any excursions?Gibt es Ausflugsfahrten? gipt es owsflooks-fahrten?How much does it cost to get in?Was kostet der Eintritt? vas kostet dehr yn-trit?Are there any reductions for…?Gibt es eine Ermäßigung für…? gipt es yn-e er-mehsi-goong fuer…?childrenKinder kinderstudentsStudenten shtoodenten

Where can I/we get tickets for the concert?Wo gibt es Karten für das Konzert? voh gipt es karten fuer das kontsert?
Where can I/we hear some classical music/jazz?Wo kann man hier klassische Musik/Jazz hören? voh kan man heer klasish-e moozeek/jazz hur’-ren?

folkdie Volksmusikfolksmoozeek
hip-hopder Hip-Hophiphop
popdie Popmusikpopmoozeek
reggaeder Reggaeregeh
rockdie Rockmusikrokmoo-zeek
technodas/der Technoteknoh

      When out and about in Germany, you might be confronted with much more nudity than in your home country. Saunas, beaches, lakes, rivers, some swimming pools and even public parks can be clothes-free! It is not unusual and not typically considered to have any sexual dimension.

adventure centredas Adventure Centeradven-tshe senter
art gallerydie Kunstgaleriekoonst-ga-le-ree
boat hireder Bootsverleihbohts-ferly
campingdas Campenkempen
museumdas Museummoo-zeh-oom
piercingdas Piercingpeersing
tattoodas Tattootatoo
theme parkder Freizeitparkfry-tsyt-park
water parkder Wasserparkvasserpark
zooder Zootsoh

      Germany also boasts numerous traditional festivals.

      Oktoberfest A Bavarian beer festival held in Munich.

      Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt The Christmas Market in Nuremberg is the famous one but Christmas markets are held in most German cities.

      Kölner Karneval A huge carnival in Cologne including a week-long street festival, a parade that is usually aired on television and even a special greeting that is used during festivities: Kölle Alaaf!

What’s on at the cinema?Was gibt es im Kino? vas gipt es im keenoh?
What’s on at the theatre?Was gibt es im Theater? vas gipt es im teh-ahter?
How much are the tickets?Was kosten die Karten? vas kosten dee karten?
I’d like two tickets…Ich hätte gern zwei Karten… ikh het-e gern tsvy karten…
for tonightfür heute Abend fuer hoy-te ahbent

Schwimmen verboten shvimmen ferbohtenNo swimming
Springen vom Beckenrand verbotenshpringen fom bekkenrant ferbohtenNo diving into the pool

Where can I go clubbing?Wo kann man hier clubben gehen? voh kan man heer klooben geh-en?

bardie Barbar
gay bar/clubdie Schwulenbar/der Schwulenklubshvool-en-bar/shvool-en-kloop
gigder Giggig
music festivaldas Musikfestivalmoozeek-festival
nightclubder Nachtklubnakhtkloop
partydie Partypartee
pubdie Kneipekny-pe

      Germany is seen as one of the most gay-friendly countries in the world. There is an active LGBT community, especially in bigger cities, and several prominent politicians are openly gay. However, in some more traditional establishments, open displays of affection between people of the same sex may be frowned upon.

der Wettkampf/das Spiel dehr vetkampf/das shpeelmatch/game
der Tennisplatz dehr tennis-platstennis court
der Golfplatz dehr golf-platsgolf course
gewinnen ge-vinnento win

Where can we…?Wo können wir…? voh kur’nen veer…?
play tennisTennis spielen tennis shpeelen
play golfGolf spielen golf shpeelen
go swimmingschwimmen shvimmen
go joggingjoggen joggen
go fishingangeln ang-eln
go ridingreiten ryten
How much is it per hour?

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