Innocent. Cathy Glass

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Innocent - Cathy Glass

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Maggie and I smiled.

      ‘Don’t worry, I’ll do it later,’ I said.

      ‘No, you won’t,’ Maggie replied. ‘We will all help.’

      Maggie and I joined Keelie on the floor and began packing away as Molly and Kit continued to watch Keelie, probably having never seen a teenager playing so enthusiastically before.

      ‘I’ve got to start a food diary to try to identify if the children are allergic to anything,’ I told Maggie as we tidied away. ‘Have Molly and Kit had anything to eat and drink this afternoon? I’ll make a note.’

      ‘Just apple juice. They didn’t want a snack.’

      ‘OK, thanks.’

      Before long most of the toys were in their boxes, although I left some out for Molly and Kit to play with while I saw Maggie and Keelie out. I gave Maggie a box of chocolates as a thank-you gift.

      ‘You shouldn’t have done that,’ she said.

      ‘Yes, she should,’ Keelie said, taking them from her. ‘If you don’t want them, I’ll have them – I did all the work.’

      ‘What do you mean?’ I asked.

      ‘I know they’ve just come into care so they’re bound to be quiet, but they wouldn’t talk, not even to Keelie, and there’s a haunted look in their eyes. I’m sure they’ve got secrets. Anyway, let me know if you need any help again.’

      ‘Yes, I will, thank you.’

      I watched her go and then slowly closed the door. A haunted look … yes, that summed up Molly and Kit perfectly, I thought. Even when they weren’t upset there was something in their eyes, a burden they carried, which at their age they found impossible to understand or communicate. If they couldn’t verbalize their suffering, it might come out in play, but not yet. They were where I’d left them in the living room, sitting on the floor by the toy box, and Molly had her arm around Kit.

      ‘Did you have a nice time with Keelie?’ I asked.

      Both children stared at me, and then Molly managed a small nod.

      ‘Good. You’re going to see your mummy and daddy soon, so let’s get you ready.’

      ‘Mummy?’ Molly asked.

      ‘Yes, we are going in my car so you can see Mummy and Daddy at what’s called a Family Centre.’

      ‘Mummy?’ Molly asked again as we returned downstairs.

      ‘Yes, you’re going to see Mummy and Daddy very soon.’

      ‘At my home?’

      ‘No, love, at the Family Centre. It’s like a home, with toys, books, games and chairs to sit on. You will see them for an hour or so and then I’ll bring you back here.’ I wasn’t sure how long contact would be, as Tess hadn’t told me, but it’s usually an hour and a half, sometimes two.

      Before I left the house, I sent a message to Paula, Lucy and Adrian on our WhatsApp group to let them know I was taking Molly and Kit to contact and wasn’t sure what time I’d be back.

      I was glad I’d already fixed the car seats in place the day before, because I’d forgotten how long it took to leave the house with two little ones. I’d also packed a bag with nappies, wipes and a drink of water for both children. The clothes the children were wearing were suitable for early September, but if no warmer clothes arrived from home then I’d buy winter clothes soon before the weather turned cold.

      ‘Where’s Mummy?’ Molly asked from the back seat as I drove.

      ‘At the Family Centre. You’re going to see Mummy and Daddy there soon.’ The children only ever asked for Mummy, not Daddy, which made more sense now I knew Filip worked very long hours. Aneta had been the children’s main care-giver, so it was natural that they would ask for her.

      ‘Is Mummy here?’ Molly asked as I parked outside the Family Centre.

      ‘Yes, Mummy and Daddy should be waiting inside,’ I replied. Molly was looking out of her side window at the building, while Kit was cautiously watching me. I met his gaze and smiled. The poor child looked scared and confused. I hoped that seeing their parents would reassure the children.

      Sometimes the social worker is present at the first contact, then after that they observe contact every few months, although they are sent the supervisor’s reports after each session. The parents would have been shown around the building and had the house rules explained to them. They would also have signed a written agreement that outlined the arrangements and expectations for contact.

      ‘The parents are in Blue Room,’ Tess said. Each of the rooms is known by the colour it is decorated. ‘I’ll take the children through. Filip has brought in some more of the children’s belongings.’ She nodded to a suitcase standing to one side. ‘He said he’s put the appointment card for the fracture clinic in there with the notes they were given on the care of the plaster.’

      ‘Thank you.’

      ‘Also, I’ve arranged a medical for the children on Monday afternoon,’ Tess continued as the children stood quietly beside me. ‘I’ve emailed the details to you.’

      ‘OK, thanks. I haven’t had a chance to check my emails yet. I’ll have a look this evening. What time is contact finishing today?’

      ‘Five-thirty, when the centre closes. The details of future contacts are in the email.’

      ‘All right.’

      ‘Come on, then, let’s see Mummy and Daddy,’ Tess said to the children.

      ‘Have a good time,’ I said, but the children just looked at me with sad, wary eyes.

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