A Melody Called Peace. Scott Johnson

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A Melody Called Peace - Scott  Johnson

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      Articles of the Melody


       General Image of the Melody

       If we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk!

       (Galatians 5: 25)

       And A Melody Called Peace, humbly, as an eternal gift, an eternal sign of friendship, love and peace is dedicated to his holiness, Pope Francis; as a memento to the Santa Sede; from around the world who shared their voices; who answered the call of the peace messengers!

      The purposes of this book are threefold: to see how people comprehend peace; to represent the language of peace in literature and arts; and to suggest approaches to global peace through the language of scientific works. The undertaking seems to be ambitious. How can this book be a large and multifarious manifestation of peace? However, we hope, the present authors, poets, and artists of all ages from different nationalities speak for others. Similarly, we hope to demonstrate how authors’ handling of the current and previous wave of the necessity for peace determines their approach to character, plot, diction, style and creativity.

      The information covered in each entry includes a prologue, and pieces associated with the content. Each entry focuses on one genre including poetry, prose, articles, visual arts and musical notes. Each entry heading lists the full name of the authors and their nationality and the following elements are contained in each entry: a preface/ prologue, and representative works. Thus, this anthology provides readers of diverse interests and different ages with a unique comprehensive range of knowledge and miscellaneous perceptions of peace, such as interactive, historical, cultural, national, international, biblical, environmental, and gender . oriented hallmarks.

      Input was solicited from our director manager Ellias Aghili Dehnavi, the Vatican Embassy in Tehran, as well as professors from various areas including Dr. Roohollah Modabber. From these discussions, it was determined that this anthology should deal with international, and multicultural significance whose contributors are artists, musicians, poets, writers or researchers. Here we defend our choice of the contributors. Some of them need no justification since they are the finest, most enduring researchers, poets, artists and musicians included Professor Paul John Amrod, Professor Burger, and Dr. Ziauddin Sabouri. This list may seem to be partial, and there may be disappointment over the exclusion of very few authors; however, we should declare that our decision was guided by our editorial board who shortlisted the works for the publication by thematic and poetic excellence criteria.

      I wish to thank members of the M.O.P who gave generously their time and advice, especially during the stages of preparation of this manuscript. And I would like to appreciate Dr. Frosini who was our messenger to invite poets to contribute. As an editor, I welcome suggestions in possible future anthologies. You may contact us via email at [email protected].

      Elham Jafari

       Immagine Generale Della Melodia

      If we walk by the Spirit;by the spirit let us also walk!

      (galatians 5: 25)

       E una melodia chiamata pace, umilmente, come dono eterno, segno eterno di amicizia, amore e pace è dedicata alla sua santità, Papa Francesco; come ricordo della Santa Sede; da tutto il mondo che hanno condiviso le loro voci; che ha risposto alla chiamata dei messaggeri di pace!

      Gli scopi di questo libro sono triplici: vedere come le persone comprendono la pace; rappresentare la lingua della pace nella letteratura e nelle arti; e suggerire approcci alla pace globale attraverso il linguaggio delle opere scientifiche. L'impresa sembra essere ambiziosa. Come può questo libro essere una grande e multiforme manifestazione di pace? Tuttavia, ci auguriamo, gli autori, i poeti e gli artisti di tutte le età di diverse nazionalità parlino per gli altri. Allo stesso modo, speriamo di dimostrare come la gestione da parte degli autori dell'attuale e precedente ondata di necessità della pace determini il loro approccio al personaggio, alla trama, alla dizione, allo stile e alla creatività.

      Le informazioni trattate in ogni voce includono un prologo, e brani associati al contenuto. Ogni voce si concentra su un genere tra cui poesia, prosa, articoli, arti visive e note musicali. Ogni intestazione di voce elenca il nome completo degli autori e la loro nazionalità e in ciascuna voce sono contenuti i seguenti elementi: una prefazione / prologo e opere rappresentative. Pertanto, questa antologia fornisce ai lettori di diversi interessi e di età diverse una gamma completa e unica di conoscenze e percezioni varie della pace, come tratti distintivi interattivi, storici, culturali, nazionali, internazionali, biblici, ambientali e orientati al genere.

      Il contributo è stato sollecitato dal nostro direttore manager Ellias Aghili Dehnavi, dall'Ambasciata vaticana a Teheran, nonché da professori di varie aree tra cui il dottor Roohollah Modabber. Da queste discussioni, è stato determinato che questa antologia dovrebbe occuparsi di significato internazionale e multiculturale i cui contributori sono artisti, musicisti, poeti, scrittori o ricercatori. Qui difendiamo la nostra scelta dei contributori. Alcuni di loro non hanno bisogno di giustificazioni poiché sono i ricercatori, i poeti, gli artisti e i musicisti più raffinati e longevi, inclusi il professor Paul John Amrod, il professor Burger e il dottor Ziauddin Sabouri. Questo elenco può sembrare parziale e potrebbe esserci delusione per l'esclusione di pochissimi autori; tuttavia, dobbiamo dichiarare che la nostra decisione è stata guidata dalla nostra redazione che ha selezionato le opere per la pubblicazione secondo criteri di eccellenza tematica e poetica.

      Desidero ringraziare i membri del M.O.P che hanno offerto generosamente il loro tempo e i loro consigli, soprattutto durante le fasi di preparazione di questo manoscritto. E vorrei apprezzare il dottor Frosini che è stato il nostro messaggero per invitare i poeti a contribuire. In qualità di editore, accolgo con favore suggerimenti in possibili future antologie. Puoi contattarci tramite e-mail all'indirizzo [email protected].

      Elham Jafari

       Trace Peace!ss

       Ellias Aghili Dehnavi, il presidente e fondatore dell'Accademia M.O.P.

      At a historical point, Andrew Carnegie shifted his endeavors to the cause of international peace. The global economy was transformed by the last great flow of the Industrial Revolution at the beginning of the last century, which brought remarkable ease in international trade, traveling, as well as communication. It was concretely sensed that a more peaceful, interconnected future would be possible. Others also agree with Carnegie in his opinion that “international war abolishment, the most disgusting blemish on our civilization,” could set out within grasp of humanity. For progressing this goal, he empowered the institutions, inspiring a global peace movement, and they still are among the leading voices nowadays.

      However, into the deeper aspects, the international order’s foundations that were dominant in the 19th century were cracked. By the emergence of new major powers, the geopolitical supremacy of wellknown players was challenged. The same technological progress as the cause of this optimism revolutionized the capacity of humanity for conflict. By 1919, when Carnegie died, a destructive world war with vast devastation occurred, burring his optimism under the competition of violent great powers and humanity’s failure of imagination.

      After a century, another inflection point emerged, which was full of hope and hazards. The optimism waves elevating at the end of Cold War had declined, and misgiving currents in its wake had been left behind. When the Soviet Union collapsed, it appeared that history was directing toward free markets and democracy, and it seemed that the “end of history” had reached and could cause the risk of conflict among the great powers. It seemed that emergence of a nascent Pax Americana transformed the bipolar world. Ultimately, in that euphoric moment, aspirations of Andrew Carnegie early in the last century proved, with disturbing trends again for foretelling a tsunami of disruption.

      The contemporary world is in its most populous, competitive, and complex state. We again are witnessing competition among the great powers. The way of our living, working, and fighting is again shaped by technological revolution. We observe shifting the global political and economic

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