A Melody Called Peace. Scott Johnson

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A Melody Called Peace - Scott  Johnson

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we have our secretary of state grinning miserably with a disgusting cynical sneer

      as he abandons our allies selling them to their Turkish enemies as our poor Kurds retreat.

      As well the attorney general is rabidly chasing a pipe dream of conspiracy which disappears

      in the twilight disregarding his responsibilities of due process uselessly tasteless and tacky.

      God help us as our competent compatriots clarify their story of abuse of power and adhere

      to the factual corroborating in unison abhorring the situation so perfectly candid and discreet.

      Murky are the waters for our patrician is stirring up dirt to obscure his bluff as this racketeer

      continues clinging to his self-indulgency while his fairy tale land truly seems to drip and differ.

      Respect for the opinion of others and multicultural cooperation is ridden with hate and deceit

      as children are in cages crying for their mothers as his heartlessness seems to simply persevere.

      This erroneous monster, the leader of the free world, is ready for the next victim he will extort

      while his lackadaisical lethargic lackeys will look on as usual as they quake and quack and quiver.


       An Irony of Preposterousness

      His jaws were as lopsided as a poor platypus

      He behaved addlepated like a total ignoramus

      Discombobulated and completely estranged

      Falling over his steps twisted and disarranged

      Can someone help this poor unwished urchin.

      He’s lost on the way to Oz like an evil munchkin.

      Striking like Rumpelstilzchen with his white supremacy

      making a pact with the Ku Klux Klan with his savage secrecy.

      Hypocritically playing innocent and turning our stomachs

      Freezing the right wing on their proverbial lazy buttocks

      Condemning all who do not please his twisted fancy

      Unpredictable with his jargon and his pants are very antsy

      Loving his followers responding to his blatant fascism

      reflecting his heritage which all Germans left for realism.

      Absurdly gyrating his left hand with an unnatural circle

      irking the ghouls to come forward with another obstacle.

      Close-minded from the get go to any other infallible program

      Stumbling over his words without the use of his diaphragm

      His guttural irrational impulses are cluttering our self-esteem

      Claiming only a handful deserve the lost American dream

      The four freshmen shyly sing their song as congresswomen

      exceedingly rapturous for every righteous loving citizen.

      This brings wrinkles to his brow and a burst a brutal vengeance

      warning them with consequences provoking an NSA surveillance.

      Blinded by hyped up Zionistic rhetoric he threatens the passive Persians

      raising the eyebrows of intellects forging their astute controversion.

      Hideous remarks initiating an investigation of his mental health

      His denial is perverted by his extravagantly superfluous wealth

      Plumply sneering into the camera, irritating all with his insincerity

      Illogically stumbling with his hodgepodge devoid of all clarity

      Mindlessly murmuring his jumbled presentation of myths so hysteric

      He reminds one of a drunken monk or a sanctimonious cleric

      Arousing his masses to a group of dangerous non-thinkers

      screaming out mottos damned for their gestures like token clinkers.

      Hallelujah for he will never reform, lost in his world of corrosion.

      fracking and whacking his course and polluting our seven oceans.

      The Antarctic is swelling with no homes for the penguins

      as the Jet Stream distorts in rapidity with Slavic eastern winds.

      The internal melting of our holy green island he seems to deny

      as polar bears are in deep despair as their habitat does modify.

      His incapacity to understand our climate change is colossal

      Still digging for the last and lost energy disturbing all sacred fossils

      We pray for his enlightenment although all hopes have been shattered

      and wait hopefully for words of wisdom from a jovial Mad-Hatter.

      Needlessly starting his re-election campaign with his silly gibberish

      swimming through untredded waters with all of his jellyfish.

      Reminiscing his days with all those talented big-time wrestlers

      Being remembered as one of the idiotically greediest embezzlers

      Oh Lord it is time for me to lay down my pen and stop searching for insults

      and let Green Peace and Friday for Future begin the well-needed revolt.


       Apathetic Cronyism of Dystopia

      Our man of arms has released another belligerent crony

      as the DOJ grinned displaying his wickedness and iniquity.

      Grimacing incessantly engulfed in a hypocritical sanctimony

      brassy and bold ignoring righteousness and basic human dignity.

      Peering callousedly hardened wearing no antiseptic mask

      Boasting as usual claiming the ordeal will suddenly disappear

      Relieving his doctors from their undertakings and tedious task

      Conveying irresponsibility while menacing all to domineer

      each neighborly attitude amidst his obediently helpless staff.

      Waiting for a shower of compliments yet the trusty umbrella

      is unlatched as they bounce off obliquely from his photograph.

      Despicably submerged in his horrible sense of image and self-worth

      stumbling over words and phrases for his autobiographical novella.

      His horoscopic tendencies have plagued him since his very birth

      Heaven forbid the dismal consequences which all fall on his behalf.

      Ridiculing his brotherly counterparts who miraculously do appear

      to possess a different opinion regarding his foolhardy referenda.

      Disemboweling all his predecessors like a reckless racketeer

      Constantly frowning with perversity, being bland is his only mirth

      Pillaging logical rationale with an outlook of sheer stupidity

      Heartless without sorrow always staring grimly and so austere

      consumed with banal fetishizing while he’s losing his cognizance.

      Tweeting while encompassed by his blindness and torpidity

      scribbling rubbish raging unscrupulously full of malarkey


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