A Melody Called Peace. Scott Johnson

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A Melody Called Peace - Scott  Johnson

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      resounding to the Himalayas echoing upward for all to remember.

      This instance we will capture as it resonates the halls of eternity

      gifting us with acquiescence identifying our deserved recognizance.


       Perversion of a Competitive Capitalism

      Being born with scruples is necessary for a functioning conscious.

      A lackadaisical approach to a grave problem is severely noxious

      especially when amorally profiting from this insidious quandary.

      Life upon this planet is a priceless experience through conception

      arriving inexplicably from a celestial habitat quite contrarily.

      Through the unblemished souls of infants we have the perception

      to counsel our diversions and reaffirm our prospects as rapturous.

      Notwithstanding greed has dominated the landscape customarily

      leaving a trajectory of inhumanity neglecting common love forsooth.

      The miserly exhibit their ruthless blood money so cold and calloused

      during this exigency by high bidding items and concealing the truth.

      They pit the forlorn and helpless against each other with their ungenerous

      methods of disregarding decency while our brothers and sisters depart.

      Stealing the moment of an axiomatic principle of general concern

      by substituting a savage misconduct so disgustingly ravenous.

      The angels of sympathy are the heartfelt, who invariably sojourn,

      the front line respondents who unremittingly pray and sooth.

      Each requires admiration, from the assistants to the counterpart

      as they grapple with exasperation overwhelmed and timorous.

      The alibi of an open market is inexcusable, horrifically hideous

      while the viral hidden enemy marches without a lion’s heart.

      These dividends should be confiscated and the circus adjourned

      with a five-star general redistributing it to the humane and virtuous.

      This obviously reveals the shortcomings of competitive capitalism.

      The proceeding perplexity hopefully is devoid of perverse malice

      with a recognition of life as precious and the only steadfast priority.

      The obliteration of sensitivity for the unethical promotion of barbarism

      will be met dismissing the despicable with fervor and absolute authority.

      We chant “au corant” as our gullibility is misused to exhibit wisdom

      overriding iniquity to preserve our innocence held in God’s palace.

      The reprehensibility of this behaviour is a representation of charlatanism

      reeking with a satanic stench unspeakably gruesome and venomous.

      The perversion of a competitive capitalism is a seductive nihilism

      which unwarily captures these brokers and salesmen lost and oblivious.

      Perhaps not a fault of their own for they are propagandized with a phallus

      being injected brainwashed from a pitiless system so overly rancorous.

      It is time to instill a dose of righteousness through lessons in catechism

      to find a code of practice which brings rebirth for our sumptuous minority.

      As many take the stairwell through the galaxies they separate from schism

      rejoining their ancestral family as to the bosom of Abraham they return.


       Egomania Disrupts Relief

      The cheerleader of our nation has blurted through his megaphone

      his phrases of recovery sounding demonstratively monarchical.

      Pointing aggressively to younger female reporters with a tone

      of oppression steaming under his collar overwhelmingly fanatical.

      Devoid of all necessities for reducing our macabre calamity

      as the spiking is relentless gambling lives for the bureaucratical.

      Denying the importance of our vital Defense Production Act

      leaving capability squandered as Manhattan swallows tragedy.

      In the hospital where our monarch was born is the horrific impact

      to be witnessed as heroics are performed though he omits strategy.

      The results of excluding verification and tests defies logic and sanity

      as this viral infection marches while mankind has no chance to retroact.

      The inequality of the victims reveals a tendency of a sociological

      imbalance hidden secretly for decades vile and exhibiting inhumanity.

      These discrepancies must be discussed why this unfortunate systematical

      misuse has been allowed to exists in our republic avoided and untracked.

      Improvising blatant jargon while fumbling a sense of rationale is satirical

      for it serves only his survival while blaming the situation as unforeknown

      although an entire staff cautioned him of the grim and diabolical.

      Being confronted with inquiries answering dumbfounded in absurdity

      while claiming the federal government sits irremovably on its throne.

      Opening the gates prematurely for the economic high horses is stupidity

      possibly dangerously stampeding our environment with the emphatical.

      Scientists are wary of the solicitation of a fierce nose to the grindstone

      which disregards the beauty of idleness as we abide to peace and serenity.

      The seething of Fifth Avenue has paused at 42nd Street as the elliptical

      course encircles the library while Bryant Park lies silent in gentility.

      As the solemnity captures the hearts and spirits of our cornerstone

      we reflect the quiescence which holds us comforted in chastity.

      We needn’t allow ourselves to be politically bullied as sweet placidity

      encompasses our awareness mastering mitigation scattered and bestrown.

      Ignoring the jabberwocky as we evade disinformation; Quite typical

      as the order of the day trying to scramble and stress us with animosity.

      Our Native Americans were infected from the Black Rats of London. Known

      were malaria, small pox and cholera. Now the pandemic is the radical.

      The Feds want no misfortune although they’ve created a pandemonium

      stirring up their gibberish inside a barrel of rubbish they think is tactical.

      Once again we are confronted with mendaciously ruthless talk we must bemoan.

      The task force holds the microphone and all journalists cringe in disbelief.

      Their attempts at blaming others is a detour from their pompous podium


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