A Melody Called Peace. Scott Johnson

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A Melody Called Peace - Scott  Johnson

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rain is challenging her grace.

      We all witness Kirstein and women similar to her

      But nothing we do for their deaths to defer.

      Together we can change their situations

      Improve their lives, welfare and educations

      And put a stop to their forced abrogation.


       An Autumn Song

      The lonely birds join the leaves' throng

      And together they sing an Autumn song.

      A sparrow joins them to sing

      A fallen leaf in the wind does swing.

      The cool breeze touches the naked trees

      Drops of rain wet the little angry bees

      Who can find no flowers to cuddle

      Instead together they do huddle.

      Summer slept and winter awaits

      But the fall the universe decorates

      With the colors: red, orange and yellow

      A cluster of brown leaves sleep below.

      Together, they all, sing the song of fall

      The crows dance, the snakes crawl.

      World is covered by a yellowish blanket

      And everyone is invited for the autumn's banquet

      Which is all about beauty and diversity

      When all sing a colorful ditty.



      In a cold summer you did depart

      Since then I carry a broken heart.

      Still don't know why you left me alone

      To live with sorrow, to live on my own.

      You were my close jaunty bright star

      But now you're drastically far,

      Now my life is a starless night

      In which I sleep with fright.

      We used to sailed on the same boat

      Going to islands so remote

      There you took my hand and said:

      "I won’t leave you, even when I'm dead"

      I died and you survived

      It was me who strived

      For all the moments of this love

      But now I'm like a hunted dove.

      The claws of your fake sweet words

      Hurt my heart like some poisonous swords,

      My story is more tragic than Macbeth

      I suffered a suffering black death.


       Chocolate Scoop

      Me, Amy, Matthew and John

      In a plain of Jonquil run.

      Amy a butterfly chases

      Big smiles on our faces.

      Me, Amy, John and Matthew

      Try a game which is new,

      Who catches a white moth wins

      Amy smiles, John grins.

      One…two…and three I caught

      Amy waits her shoes to knot.

      John caught one and Matthew none

      YAY, the game as usual I won.

      Mr. Anderson, the ice cream man

      Who said he has visited Iran,

      Calls us to eat ice creams

      Of happiness Amy screams.

      Since forever we're a group

      Always we eat the same chocolate scoop,

      We laugh, jump and eat

      Who cares his clothes to remain neat?


       Dead light

      Little kids with so many dreams go to bed

      While the lights still shine,

      For in the reality the light is dead

      New lights in their dream they design.

      Lights which never die.

      A light connected to eternity

      That help their dreams to fly

      And depart from the gray city.

      A reality without light

      Doesn't worth to exist,

      For people live in fright

      And for their goals they don't insist.

      A life without lights

      A life filled with darkness,

      Starless cold nights.

      Sadness the hearts harness.

      The kids prefer to sleep

      Not to wake anymore

      They sleep so deep,

      The reality they ignore.


       Dear Mr. Death

      Warm greetings dear Mr. Death.

      Where ever you are.

      Calm and greedy dear Mr. Death.

      Lives you take at a war.

      A letter and flower for you, Mr. Death.

      As a sign of friendship.

      For our long term cooperation Mr. Death.

      On the death fathership.

      Recently you've been vapid Mr. Death.

      Is anything wrong.

      Maybe for the vacuous life Mr. Death.

      Come on, you can get along.

      Remember the souls we took.

      By the hook or crook.

      Veracity we had in our work.

      You the boss and I the clerk.

      Now I am old and weak.

      A little tired and sick.

      Maybe I should resign.

      I can't grow like a wine.

      So I decided to go.

      Abdicated long ago.

      My bones were fragile.

      Couldn't resist to beguile.

      Neither me nor anyone else.

      In Tokyo or Wales.

      Can't take down Mandela.

      Let alone our wretched !..…

      Still to you I shall tell.

      May it for you rings a bell.

      I was born in 1913.

      Been savage and a little mean.

      In a land act i hailed the world.

      Not so far I became a lord.

      Lord of a separation.


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