Hundred-2. Valeriy Zamoryonov

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Hundred-2 - Valeriy Zamoryonov

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not color our being. Because of all this, many people have feelings of gloom and hopelessness. And a society dominated by despair is doomed to perish. But there are people who, no matter what, do not stop seeing the light and believe in bright prospects for the future. Often it turns out that such people are in the minority and in order to somehow restore parity they have to be more resourceful and not go to a direct confrontation. The gloom and gloom of which I spoke mainly captures the thinking of a person and in order for him to be able to fight this, this drawback must be seen as if from the outside. And then, in some cases, it turns out to understand this error in a detached way and realizing the hopelessness of the chosen path, to abandon false beliefs. And in many ways this is facilitated by the very people who see the light, when they speak out on a particular occasion, not meaning anyone in particular, but generally describing the phenomenon in society. In General, I believe that exposing the shortcomings of society, doing it without excessive maniacality, those who see the light perform a healing function for our common organism, the society in which we live.

      High energy

      I think everyone knows that very vivid emotional experiences are fraught with the fact that they are followed by the inevitable disappointment of everyday life. And there is also a huge tension associated with the fact that unconsciously there is a feeling of fear that it will all end because of your slowness. In General, the time of peak experiences of happiness is a very stressful state. But after all, no one wants something in half, everyone wants everything and in full. Although if you think about it, it may be easier to take from life what goes into your hands and treat it with less trepidation, thereby freeing yourself from the yoke of anxious experiences. Maybe this approach is more justified and gives a person a much more comfortable state. Can be nowadays synonymous with happiness is a total apofigey.


      Everyone knows that for the full perception of the entire spectrum of taste sensations in our diet there is such a seasoning as mustard. So, by direct analogy with this, exactly the same ingredient is present in the range of our feelings. No matter how your life develops and no matter what your relationships with the people around you are, there will always be at least a small bit of bitterness, even if it is to set off pleasant sensations. And here is another observation – over time, when a person increasingly resorts to stimulants to re-experience the taste of life, and this is known to be very chaotic distributes accents in the range of sensations, a very unpleasant effect can occur. The shifted accent may deviate in the direction of the same bitterness and then ceasing to be a shade, it becomes the main background. In this case, all your experiences turn into a continuous tragedy, despondency and hopelessness, which adversely affects the person as a whole.

      gruzdi grushevoy grusty

      One of the operational methods of working with agents is considered ideology (there is also money and dirt). So in order for a person to clearly perceive the recruitment code, it is necessary to destroy previous beliefs. Thus, if you carefully and thoroughly analyze a person’s judgments about the world around you, it is possible to point out to them their misconceptions and imperfections of fictional concepts, suggest the best option and invite them to cooperate. Such manipulations are possible both in relation to individuals and organizations, apparently on this principle all the theories about the world conspiracy are built, which, however, are quite possible. Well, as we all know, the idea that has taken hold of the masses becomes a material force.


      In the modern culture that promotes the cult of youth, such a concept as grandfather has been completely forgotten in the social environment. Although people with experience in the army understand the difference between a recruit and a person with experience in the team. It is quite clear that a person with a mindset for carefree youth can be absolutely no problem to charge a pumpkin with such turbidity that he stupidly to do what he is told. With grandfather, this will not work, grandfather does not tolerate fuss, everything is measured. And you know what the special cynus is to be a grandfather, he does not need to push elbows on the distribution with yellow-bellied youngsters, he just went in and took as much as he needed. I’m talking about discretion. Young he does not think, he grabs what they give. The grandfather builds the algorithms of his life on the basis of experience. So grandfather is not dead.

      Lie detector

      After all, music is the absolute language of harmony. I think if, as more and more information technologies are developed, it becomes possible to Express this harmony in a mathematical algorithm, it will become a kind of lie detector. With the help of which it will be possible to improve almost all facets of human life. And the most important thing is to fit the development of humanity into the General harmony of the universe-to find a common sound.

      Tree of life.

      The idea of the universe as an informational content leads to the idea that life is built according to a scheme quite similar to the structure of the directory tree. In other words, there is a root directory on which the hierarchy of content structured into directories is subsequently built. A careful study of the structure of the existing reality in the future, it is possible to lead to the fact that people will be able to articulate their paradigm of peace building and life in it and this does not need anything to design in the usual sense enough to put their own idea into practice, basing on the basic tenets of sacred tradition on the same root directory I mentioned above.


      In the light of the newly comprehended concepts fixed in our minds, we can make an assumption about such a mysterious phenomenon in our life as spirits. In fact, spirits are nothing more than mental organisms generated by our thoughts. That is, starting to build the algorithm of our thoughts, we Willy-nilly create a certain spirit, acquired by those who become familiar with the creations of your consciousness. I would like to sum up my thoughts with the words of the elder Seraphim: – «acquire the spirit of peace and thousands around you will be saved»

      Chewing gum for the mind bypassing the trap of doublethink

      Apparently, our mind is so arranged that when analyzing an event or phenomenon in life, we consider it only from two sides. And as our consciousness leans in favor of this or that opinion, we begin to understand whether it prevents us from living or helps us. Sometimes it turns out that the negative version of perception prevails and then we understand that this is very difficult for the harmonious perception of being as a whole. So in this case, you need to have in your Arsenal the so-called «gum for the mind». This is a thought that you have been spinning in your mind for a long time, such as choosing a car, or choose yourself to your taste. The main thing is that it was multivariant, such a thought can be twisted in the mind for a long time and you want it or not, get away from the trap of doublethink, which you can fall into if you do not take out the negative from your mind. In the meantime, your subconscious mind adjusts to a multi-variant view of the situation. And what is especially interesting in the process of how your mind was occupied with an abstract thought, there is a variant of the interpretation of events that is very organic and very logical in the paradigm in which you are aware of yourself.

      Life is a journey

      In fact, we are all Wanderers in this world. And maybe the life process itself is realized in a different way when we are on the road. But it would not be correct to speak only about the earthly journey, it certainly enriches a person, but not as a spiritual journey.

      We all move from the beginning of our lives in the space of life circumstances. And depending on what situations we experience, our inner world and ourselves change. Just as in the journey of the earth in the spiritual path, you need to adhere to certain rules in order not to become a hostage to the situation. And there are not many of these rules, but the main one is to always stay mobile and not drag an extra load. Since little of what we initially consider valuable to us can be useful to us in later life, and yet

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