Christmas Homecoming. Lenora Worth

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Christmas Homecoming - Lenora Worth

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Upper crust and top shelf. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t at least recognized him that day. But she’d never mingled in the same social circles as Jeremy Hamilton.

      “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” she whispered to Dawn.

      Dawn glanced down at the church bulletin, then frowned. “But I did. I told you all about him.”

      Leaning close, Gabi replied, “You just said you had a friend who’d been going through a rough time and needed some space, so you suggested he volunteer at the church.” Then she brought a hand to her mouth. “He’s the older brother. The one who—”

      Dawn interrupted with a whispered sigh. “He’s still a Hamilton, no matter who his biological father was. And he’s struggling, Gabi. With so many things. Jeremy and Tim have been at odds for a long time, but Tim wants to make amends. Jeremy is still hurting, though, and he needs to feel the love and trust of his church home. That’s why I suggested he volunteer here.”

      Gabi lowered her head. It was so like gentle Dawn to figure out a way to put Jeremy at ease, and to bring him back to his faith. “I understand that, but you could have warned me. I actually flirted with the man!”

      Dawn lifted an eyebrow, then smiled. “I didn’t tell you his name because I didn’t want to gossip in detail about his personal problems,” she said, glancing back to wave to other church members. “And I didn’t know he’d show up at the church so quickly.” Then she grinned again. “And I certainly didn’t plan on you running into him there, even though that worked out perfectly, if you ask me.”

      “What do you mean?” Gabi said, careful to keep her voice low. All around them, people were greeting each other and laughing and talking. It was always like this before the service began.

      Dawn shot her another hopeful glance. “Oh, nothing. Just…well…he’s lonely, Gabi. He needs a friend. And you’re—”

      “A single mother,” Gabi reminded her, her eyes going wide as she emphasized that fact. “A single mother from the wrong side of the tracks. And he’s the CEO of Hamilton Media. Dawn Leroux, are you trying to set me up with Jeremy Hamilton?”

      “Maybe,” Dawn replied. “And he’s not the CEO these days. But I’m hoping we can work on that, too.” Then her smile widened as Tim Hamilton came up the aisle and sat down beside her.

      Gabi spoke to Tim, then stared ahead, listening while Dawn and Tim whispered softly to each other, their newfound love endearing and sweet. Then she felt Dawn’s arm on hers.

      “Scoot over.”

      Gabi glanced up as she moved down to make room. She knew who it would be, waiting to take a seat at the end of the pew. Jeremy Hamilton looked at her, waved a hand, then sat down, his head turned toward her. He mouthed a “Hi, there,” his eyes moving over Gabi and her girls.

      Gabi gave him a weak smile, then turned to fuss over Talia and Roni as the organ music indicated the start of the service.

      “Who is that, Mommy?” Roni asked, leaning forward to peer down the pew.

      “Just a friend,” Gabi said, pushing her inquisitive daughter back. “Don’t stare, honey. It’s impolite.”

      “Well, he keeps staring at us,” Talia pointed out, waving at Jeremy.

      He waved back. And finally cracked a smile.

      “He’s just being friendly,” Gabi said. Then she handed her daughter crayons and a fresh sheet of notepaper from her purse. “Draw me a picture.”

      As the choir began singing the intro, Gabi stole another glance down the pew herself. Jeremy Hamilton was indeed smiling at her. And that smile sent a warm thrill all the way down to Gabi’s black leather ankle boots.

      Oh, Lord, she began to pray. I’m sure in trouble here. Please help me to put this man out of my mind. Let me be a friend to him, to minister Your tender mercies, nothing more.

      But that particular prayer seemed to go unheard. Because all during the service, Jeremy Hamilton was front and center in Gabi’s thoughts, and for more reasons than just tender mercies.

      Jeremy was glad to be out of the old church. Slipping on his overcoat, he took a long breath of the frigid December air, his gaze scanning the sloping churchyard and the footbridge covering a gurgling creek that met up with the Cumberland River just beyond the trees. The familiar stained-glass windows, oak-paneled walls, and high-arched ceiling of the old sanctuary should have brought him some sort of comfort. Months ago, he’d prayed for his father in the tiny prayer room inside the church. He’d felt safe and secure there, having no doubt that God would take care of his father. And that God would take care of him, too.

      Now, in spite of the familiar surroundings and all the smiles and greetings, he’d felt uncomfortable sitting there with everyone glancing at him. He wasn’t so secure in his faith on this cold Sunday morning.

      They all knew his shame. They all knew his pain. Thanks to someone leaking his true parentage to their rival paper the Observer, everyone in Davis Landing knew that Wallace wasn’t Jeremy’s father. And while no one at church today had been unkind to him, Jeremy couldn’t help but feel their intense scrutiny. He’d been away; he was estranged from his powerful, sick father. He and his brother Tim had been feuding and at odds. Jeremy wasn’t at all surprised that the grapevines and gossip mills were going full throttle against him.

      But Tim wants all of that to end, Jeremy reminded himself, still surprised that his high-maintenance younger brother had mellowed over the last few months. Maybe it was time for Jeremy to take some initiative and try to meet his brother halfway. Coming here today had been the first step, but now it seemed to be just one more bad decision.

      Feeling determined after hearing Reverend Charles David’s impassioned sermon about King David and how he’d overcome all his mistakes, Jeremy held his head up, taking in the crisp noontime air. He’d go and visit his mother later, after he’d had some time to think. Right now, he only wanted to get away from the cluster of after-church minglers who seemed intent on laughing and talking their way out of the sanctuary.

      Like David the shepherd crying out in the wilderness, Jeremy wanted to be alone with his torment. There were still so many things he needed to sort through—such as what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. He also wanted to contemplate who could be trying to destroy his family, since someone obviously continued to leak one scandal after another regarding the Hamiltons. The latest had involved his baby sister Melissa’s out-of-wedlock pregnancy. Thank goodness Melissa now had Richard McNeil to love and protect her. She could probably use some kind words from her oldest brother, too, Jeremy thought. He hadn’t been very kind to anyone lately.

      Glancing around, he looked for Tim to tell his brother he was leaving. In spite of his tentative truce with his brother, and his mother Nora’s pleas for him to forgive and forget, he wouldn’t be attending Sunday dinner with the family today. Since his mother hadn’t been in church, she would probably be at the hospital with Wallace anyway, and Jeremy wasn’t going there. He couldn’t bring himself to take up where he’d left off. It didn’t seem natural. None of this seemed right or natural.

      Closing his eyes, Jeremy sent up a prayer. I need Your strength, Lord. I need to feel Your love. Help me make things right again. Help me find my purpose here.

      He opened his eyes to find Gabi Valencia and her girls exiting the church. He’d been both surprised and cautious about seeing her again, since he’d never divulged his identity to her. She looked pretty in her sensible brown coat and long corduroy skirt, her hands holding on to her daughters on either side. The maternal scene stood out in sharp contrast to Jeremy’s rebellious thoughts. On impulse, he hurried to greet her.

      “Hello,” he said, waiting at the bottom of the steps.


      Her greeting was short and distant. And he thought he knew the reason why.

      “I never did introduce myself,” he said, hoping she’d

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