Cold Case Cop. Mary Burton

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Cold Case Cop - Mary  Burton

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aren’t allowed in the club.”

      “This is a free country. Free speech is in the Bill of Rights,” Tara said. “I just want to talk to a few people.”

      The guard released Tara abruptly and she stumbled back. She barely caught herself before she fell on her backside.

      Jimmy folded thick arms over his chest. “Leave or I call the cops.”

      “Look, man, I just want to talk to Mrs. Talbot. I promise I won’t be a problem. I’ll be in and out in five.”

      The guard reached into the breast pocket of his jacket and pulled out a cell phone. “I’m dialing the cops.”

      Tara’s bravado faltered.

      “Jimmy,” Alex said, moving toward them. “What’s the problem here?”

      Jimmy’s scowl softened. “Hey, Detective Kirkland. How you doing? No problem here. I was just about to have this reporter arrested for trespassing.”

      Tara glanced up at Alex. And for just a second her face colored as if she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

      Alex took Tara’s arm. “You don’t have to worry about Ms. Mackey. I’ve got this under control.”

      Jimmy seemed grateful to be done with Tara. “Thanks, Detective.”

      Tara’s expression turned glib. “Friends in high places, pal.”

      Jimmy shrugged and returned to his post back in the club.

      Alex pulled Tara away. “Don’t push your luck.”

      Tara followed until they were out of earshot and then jerked her arm free. “Thanks, Kirkland. I’m not sure where you came from but I appreciate the help. Now I have to figure out how to get into that club.”

      Her cheeks were flushed and her green eyes sharp with the prospect of a challenge. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, drawing his attention to her full breasts.

      Alex realized he wanted to kiss her. Damn. Kiss Mackey. Where the hell had that come from? “Why do you want in the club?”

      “I found Kit’s old chauffeur but he didn’t have much to add. So I figured I would visit the club—Kit Westgate’s old hangout. I was hoping to ask around and see if anyone remembered her.”

      “No one’s allowed in without a membership unless they are a guest of a member.”

      “Yeah, I know. But I thought maybe I could just slip in the side entrance. I was five feet in the side door when I was stopped by that goon. He said he spotted me because I don’t blend in.”

      Alex studied her outfit. It didn’t blend. Frankly, it was a shade too tight and sexy for the club. “You’re just too…”

      “Inexpensive, lowbrow, cheap?” The hint of defensiveness in her voice surprised him.


      She blushed. “This is not sexy.”

      That made him grin. “Come on, Mackey. You know how to work an outfit so that the male cops you interview don’t think too clearly.”

      Mackey shrugged, unapologetic. “I get the quotes any way I can.” She shot an annoyed glance back at the club.

      “Get over it. You got caught and were tossed out.”

      She drew in a calming breath. “It’s not that I mind getting caught. It’s happened before. It’s just that these highbrow types put me on the defensive. They think a big bankroll and a pedigree makes them better.”

      “Sounds like you’ve got issues.” Tara Mackey was generally one of the most open-minded people he knew. “I’m surprised you have such a narrow view of the wealthy.”

      “You sound like Roxie.”


      “My aunt. She raised me.”

      The tidbit of information told him that he knew very little about Mackey personally. It was enough to make him curious about all the other things he didn’t know about her.

      Regina chose that moment to approach them. His ex looped her arm possessively around his. “Alex, who is your little friend?”

      Her emphasis on little had Tara visibly bristly. She opened her mouth, ready to fire back an answer.

      Alex cut Tara off before she could comment. “Regina, I’d like you to meet Tara Mackey. Tara is a crime reporter for the Boston Globe. Tara, this is Regina Albright.”

      Regina’s brows rose. “A crime reporter? You must have met Alex at the police station.”

      Tara smiled, but he sensed her tension. “That’s right.”

      Regina wrinkled her delicate nose. “Alex mentioned an article in the paper a few months ago. He wasn’t pleased with the headline.” She laid her manicured finger against her chin. “What was that headline? Oh, I remember. Arsonist Smokes Cops. That really made him mad.”

      Mackey’s didn’t flinch. “That was my piece. I was covering the north-side fires, set by an arsonist who called himself Nero.”

      Alex had called Mackey the day that article had come out. He had gotten her voice-mail and had expressed his displeasure in no uncertain terms. She’d responded later with a text message. Glad u red my stuff. “We caught the guy last week.”

      “And I reported that,” Mackey added. “Brady had a few nice quotes as well.”

      Mackey’s gaze dropped to Regina’s hold on him. Her lips flattened. Some knew of his privileged background, but for the most part he downplayed it. He doubted Mackey knew. He could almost hear the wheels turning in her mind.

      “Regina,” Mackey said slowly. “How do you know Detective Kirkland?”

      Regina grinned, looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. “Didn’t Alex tell you about me?”


      Alex pulled his arm free of Regina. “Regina and I were married a long, long time ago.”

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