The Baby Issue. Jennifer Taylor

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The Baby Issue - Jennifer Taylor

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her. ‘But don’t worry if you have to give it a couple of goes. The more agitated you get, the more Sam will play you up.’

      Sam was reluctant to leave his exciting new toys at first but he was finally persuaded that he could play with them another day. Anna followed as Ben saw them out. The waiting room was empty and Eileen had started switching off the lights now that everyone had left. The receptionist sighed ruefully when she saw Anna.

      ‘Talk about being thrown in at the deep end! I bet you’re sorry that you took this job.’

      Anna laughed. ‘Oh, it will take more than that to put me off. I’m far tougher than I look.’

      ‘You’ll need to be, working here,’ Eileen retorted, winking at her. She pretended not to have noticed that Ben had come back into the room. ‘It’s not just the general public who lead you a merry dance, I’m afraid. Some members of the staff here would try the patience of a saint at times.’

      ‘I wonder why my ears are burning? You weren’t alluding to me, by any chance, were you, Eileen?’ he asked wryly.

      ‘Now, why should you think that?’ the receptionist retorted. ‘It wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you told three people to make appointments for Monday morning when I’d already warned you that your list was full?’

      ‘Sorry.’ Ben tried to look contrite but his eyes were full of laughter when he turned to Anna. ‘Eileen is a real termagant when it comes to her appointment system. It’s a big mistake to fall foul of her, believe me. You end up having to make your own coffee for the next week!’

      ‘I’m only trying to safeguard your interests, Dr Cole,’ the receptionist said with a sniff, although Anna could tell that she wasn’t really offended. It was obvious that Ben had a good relationship with the older woman.

      ‘I know you are. And I am grateful. Honestly.’ Ben gave Eileen a warm smile. ‘We wouldn’t be able to run this place half as efficiently without you here to keep order, Eileen.’

      ‘Well, I don’t know about that,’ she said. However, it was obvious that she was pleased by the compliment. They exchanged a few more pleasantries then Eileen fetched her coat and left.

      Ben sighed as the door closed. ‘That’s it, then. End of another busy morning. Thanks again for all your help, Anna. I really appreciate it.’

      ‘It was nothing,’ she assured him. She glanced at her watch as he went behind the desk to turn off the rest of the lights. ‘Anyway, I’d better get a move on. I want to get to the shops before they close,’ she explained when he turned to look at her. ‘I need to stock up on groceries.’

      ‘You didn’t bring any with you?’

      ‘I never gave it a thought, to be honest. I had too many other things on my mind.’ Her face clouded as she thought about what had happened that morning. She still felt sick when she recalled what had been said…

      ‘Are you OK?’

      She jumped, feeling the colour rush to her cheeks when she saw the concern in Ben’s eyes. She had a sudden urge to pour out the whole miserable story before it struck her what a mistake that would be.

      She couldn’t afford to tell anyone the truth just yet. Although Ben Cole had come across as both kind and sympathetic, there was no knowing how he might react. Did she really want to run the risk of losing this job?

      ‘I’m fine. Just a bit worn out after all the rushing around,’ she replied evasively.

      ‘No wonder. As Eileen said, you were rather pushed in at the deep end.’

      He smiled at her and Anna felt a flurry ripple through her when she saw the appreciation in his eyes. It was obvious that Ben found her attractive, and whilst part of her rejoiced in the fact another part knew that it would be a mistake to encourage him.

      ‘How about if I gave you a lift into town?’ he continued. ‘You can get your shopping then I’ll drive you back here so that you don’t need to lug a lot of heavy bags. In fact, we could have some lunch first—’

      ‘No!’ She saw his start of surprise but she had to make her position clear once and for all. ‘There’s no easy way to say this, Dr Cole, so I may as well be blunt. I prefer to keep my private life and my professional one strictly separate.’

      She shrugged, feeling a shiver working its way down her spine when she saw how he was looking at her now. There was no warmth in his gaze any longer, just a remoteness that made her heart ache in the strangest way. ‘Whilst I intend to give one hundred per cent commitment during surgery hours, I’m not interested in fostering any kind of relationship with colleagues outside those times. Have I made myself clear?’

      ‘As crystal, Miss Clemence. I apologise if I was overstepping the mark.’

      His tone crackled with ice, leaving her in little doubt that he wouldn’t make the same mistake again. He switched off the last remaining lights then strode around the desk, pausing when he realised that she was still standing there. Anna had to steel herself when she caught the full force of his icy stare.

      ‘Was there something else, Miss Clemence? If not, I’d like to set the alarm and lock up.’

      ‘I don’t appear to have a key to the back door of the flat,’ she explained woodenly. ‘I’ll need it to get in and out over the weekend.’

      ‘I’ll see if it’s in Adam’s desk,’ he told her curtly. He swung round, leaving Anna to follow. She was miserably aware that he was annoyed with her. Not that she blamed him, of course. She’d been rude as she’d laid down the ground rules. Her only excuse was that she’d had no choice.

      ‘Here it is.’ He offered her the key then looked steadily at her. ‘Is that all now?’

      ‘Yes.’ She cleared her throat but it was an effort to force the words past the lump in it when she saw the chill in his eyes. ‘Thank you.’

      He inclined his head, although he didn’t say anything as he strode past her. Anna watched him go into the office then turned and quickly made her way to the stairs. She was halfway up them when she heard the alarm beeping, followed a few seconds later by the sound of the front door closing. And it seemed to her that she had never felt more alone than she did at that moment.

      Ben had offered her the hand of friendship and she had rejected it. Maybe she’d had no choice but it hurt to know that he wouldn’t offer it to her again. It struck her all of a sudden that she would have liked to have had him for a friend, to have been able to turn to him when times became really tough.

      She sighed sadly.

      Would Ben Cole still want to be her friend when he found out what she had taken such care to keep secret? He would probably thank his lucky stars that he hadn’t got involved!

      Her hand went to the gentle swell of her stomach concealed beneath her loose fitting T-shirt and her eyes were suddenly sad.

      How many men would be interested in befriending a woman who was having someone else’s baby?


      ‘I WONDER if you could do me a favour?’

      Anna was in the treatment room when Ben Cole tapped on the door. It was Friday morning and surgery was coming to an end. It had been a busy morning as usual, but she had thoroughly enjoyed her first week in Winton. Any qualms she’d had about her ability to do the job had soon disappeared. The work might be rather different to what she was used to but the basic procedures were the same, and she really liked the people she was working with.

      All in all, Anna had decided that things were working out rather better than she had feared they would. The only cloud on the horizon was the fact that Ben Cole continued to treat her with a distant courtesy that stung. Now as she saw the chilly

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