Neurosurgeon . . . and Mum!. Kate Hardy

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Neurosurgeon . . . and Mum! - Kate Hardy

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      Be polite, smile, but keep your distance, Amy told herself. It isn’t your job to fix this. ‘Hello, Perdy,’ she said, staying exactly where she was.

      ‘Perdy, this is Miss Rivers.’

      Miss rather than Doctor. Did he know that she was a qualified surgeon? Or hadn’t Joe and Carrie told him that she was a medic of any kind? Not that it made much difference. She wasn’t a neurosurgeon any more.

      ‘Hello, Miss Rivers,’ Perdy said dutifully.

      That sounded so stuffy and formal. Completely not how Amy was. For a moment, she was tempted to offer her own first name; then her common sense kicked in. Keep your distance. Formality would help her to do that. She gave the little girl a polite smile. ‘Hello.’

      ‘Joe and Carrie are Miss Rivers’s aunt and uncle. She’s staying here for a while,’ Tom explained.

      Perdy looked worried for a moment, and then carefully made her face blank. ‘Does that mean we have to go and find somewhere else to live?’

      It sounded as though they’d moved around a bit, and Amy could remember being much happier here as a child because she was settled for the summer instead of dragging round after her parents with nobody to play with. Guilt flooded through her. What was the old saying? What goes around comes around. Joe and Cassie had been kind to her. She really ought to offer the same kindness to Perdy. It wasn’t the little girl’s fault that her presence brought back memories of Millie and a sense of loss that Amy would prefer to suppress.

      ‘No, darling, it just means we’re sharing the house,’ Tom said, ruffling her hair.

      ‘So I can still play with Buster?’ Perdy asked.

      ‘Absolutely,’ Tom reassured her.

      Amy should’ve guessed that Perdy would respond to the dog in the same way that Amy herself had responded to Joe and Cassie’s dogs as a child. Guilt twisted in her stomach again. But this wasn’t her problem and she had enough to deal with. She had nothing to offer a lonely little girl. Right now, she had nothing to offer anyone.

      ‘Are you here on a summer holiday, Miss Rivers?’ Perdy asked.

      ‘Sort of.’

      ‘Perdy, you’re asking too many questions,’ Tom said quietly.

      The little girl flushed, and shut up.

      Amy raised her eyebrows at Tom. OK, so she didn’t particularly want to talk about why she was here, but he could have just distracted his daughter instead of putting her down like that.

      He looked right back at her, and Amy found herself flushing as deeply as Perdy when she read the message in his eyes. Just who did Amy Rivers think she was, to judge him?

      He had a point. She hadn’t exactly helped matters, had she? And he was clearly trying to do his best with his little girl.

      ‘I’ll, um, let you get on,’Amy said. ‘I just wanted to introduce myself, that was all. See you later.’ She fled for the sanctuary of Joe’s office.

      Though not before she heard Perdy ask Tom, ‘Did she go because of me?’ And she could almost see the wobble in the little girl’s lower lip, the distress on her face.

      ‘No, honey, of course not. She’s just got things to do,’ Tom said.

      Which made Amy feel even more horrible inside. She’d have to find some middle ground. Surely she could be kind to the little girl, without taking down the barriers round her heart?

      She’d make the effort, later.

      Just not right now, when all the memories had come back to shred her heart all over again.

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