A Family for the Holidays. Victoria Pade

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A Family for the Holidays - Victoria Pade

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“Next to them?”

      “That’s Marshall—Mitchell’s brother.” The warmer tone returned to his voice. “He’s a doctor. Sports medicine. He practices at the resort now that it’s grown, but he was at the hospital in town before. He’s with Mia—she’s actually an heiress who came to Thunder Canyon to hide out. That’s how they hooked up.”

      “They look happy,” Shandie commented, feeling a twinge for what she’d lost herself as she looked at them standing there with their arms wrapped around each other’s waists.

      “Russ Chilton is beside Marshall. Russ has a ranch outside of town. He’s our good ol’ boy. He likes things the way they are, doesn’t like that change and progress are not only on the way, they’re here. He and Grant have always been as close as brothers. Closer than I ever was with mine…”

      Again Dax’s tone reflected a darker side that Shandie didn’t delve into.

      “Is your brother there?”

      “D.J.” Dax named him. Then he pointed a long index finger in the direction of the entrance to the lodge. “There he is. Looks like he and Allaire are playing host. See them standing in the doorway, waving for everyone to come in?”

      Shandie altered her line of vision until she located the couple Dax was referring to.

      Even from the distance she could see a resemblance between Dax and his brother, although they were opposite sides of the same coin. Where Dax was all bad-boy good looks, D.J. was pure boy next door.

      “He made a fortune selling barbecue sauce after he left Thunder Canyon,” Dax was saying. “Then he sank that money into opening a chain of his Rib Shack restaurants. He just opened one here. That’s where the dinner is tonight, so I guess that’s why he’s acting like everybody’s coming to his house.”

      Dax sounded as if that made him reluctant to go through with this, but Shandie wasn’t going to give him an easy out by asking if that were the case. Rather, she said, “And Allaire…”

      “My ex-wife,” he said. “She teaches art at the high school.”

      Nothing more was offered, and again Shandie didn’t think she had a right to delve into it.

      “There’s a late arrival—well, besides us,” she said when the driver and passenger of the car that had just joined the others got out and were greeted by the group.

      “Riley Douglas and his wife Lisa,” Dax said. “Riley is Caleb Douglas’s son. Caleb is as close to the town’s patriarch as there is. He’s the richest man around, has his hand in just about everything. He owns the resort, but he’s turned over running it to Riley now.”

      “That’s different than Grant—what was it, Clifton?”

      “Grant Clifton, right.”

      “Didn’t you say he ran the resort?”

      “He manages it. He supervises the day-to-day operations, while Riley is still the higher-up.”

      “And Riley’s wife, Lisa? What does she do?”

      “She’s an animal lover. She’s devoted to animal welfare—if there’s any suspicion of an animal being abused or neglected, Lisa’ll come out with both barrels blazing.” He paused, then concluded, “And that’s the whole bunch.”

      For a moment they just sat there silently, watching everyone gather at the lodge’s entrance to continue their hellos inside, to shake hands or clap backs, to exchange a hug here and there. It was very clear what a close-knit group it was and how happy they all were to be together. And Dax was making no fast moves to be in on it.

      “Well, it looks like this’ll be fun,” Shandie said with nothing whatsoever to base that on, merely trying to be encouraging.

      “Looks like it will be for them,” Dax muttered.

      Shandie finally decided to concede what she’d been trying to avoid and said, “If you don’t want to go, we don’t have to.”

      It took him a long time to answer that, during which he watched his friends, his exes, his brother from the distance and obviously reconsidered.

      But then he said, “Nah, we’ve come this far, we might as well go in.”

      “Like I said before, you might be sorry if you don’t,” she said gently to support his decision.

      “Yeah,” he agreed halfheartedly. “Who knows? Maybe it won’t be so bad.”

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