Straight From The Hip. Susan Mallery

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Straight From The Hip - Susan Mallery

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Garth asked.

      “She’s having a tough adjustment.”

      “I would imagine getting used to being blind takes time. You’ll work your magic. That’s what you do.”

      “It’s not magic. It’s reality. She needs to get her head in the game. Otherwise she won’t have the surgery that could restore her sight.”

      “Better you than me,” Garth told him. “I don’t have the patience.”

      “Most days I don’t, either.”

      “Still, you’re doing it. Thanks for that. I know you didn’t want to do this, but it’s important. Just don’t let them know she’s there because of me.”

      “Your reputation as a ruthless bastard in business and life will stay as solid as ever,” Nick joked.

      “A reputation based on reality,” Garth reminded him. “You see the new Car and Driver? What is it with those guys and BMW? As far as they’re concerned, the Germans can’t build a bad car.”

      “Not everyone has a thing for old British cars that never run.”

      “Not old,” Garth corrected. “Classic. There’s a difference.”

      “Sure. It’s all a matter of how much money you want to sink into it. You can afford to have someone drive behind you with a tow truck. Most people can’t.”

      “If you’d come to work for me instead of starting your own company, you could have your own tow truck driver, too,” Garth pointed out.

      “No, thanks. I like my truck.”

      “Typical Texan.”

      “And proud of it. Go home. It’s late.”

      “Yeah, I will. See you next time you’re in town?” Garth asked.

      “Sure. I’ll call.”

      Nick hung up and returned his attention to the computer.

      So much had changed since that first meeting with Garth, he thought grimly. Too much. They’d shared a lot over the years. A lifetime. The one thing he’d never asked his friend was how well he slept at night. Had Garth conquered the past or did he, too, wake to the sound of the screams?

      GARTH DUNCAN REPLACED the receiver and turned his chair so he could see the Dallas skyline. Lights beckoned from dozens of other offices, all several stories below his own. No one else had as high an office or perfect a view. He’d made sure of that.

      It had taken a long time…nearly twenty years…but he was finally ready to destroy the Titans. Everything was in place. The lines were set. It was just a matter of reeling ’em in. Even Izzy had cooperated and become a player. That damned explosion.

      Who would have thought fate would be on his side?

      He knew the Titan sisters believed he was behind what had happened at the oil rig. But he wasn’t. His destruction of the Titan empire was subtle, untraceable. He wasn’t interested in bodies, he counted his victories in dollars and bragging rights. He wanted Jed Titan broken and shunned by the society he valued. If the Titan sisters lost everything along the way, better for him.

      Who had arranged the explosion? The investigation wasn’t complete, but Garth was confident the authorities would find that the blast wasn’t an accident. Coincidences like that didn’t just happen. Someone had done it on purpose. To put the blame on him? Or was there another Titan enemy looking to hurt Jed’s family?

      Either way, he would find out. And in the end, he would take everything from Jed Titan and not have a single regret.

      Well, maybe one.

      He hadn’t wanted to use Nick. But when Izzy had turned up blind, the opportunity had been too tempting to ignore. When Nick figured out he was being played, he wouldn’t be happy. Garth was counting on their years of friendship to see them through.

      Besides, it was worth the risk. He had to win. Win at any price. Even the trust of the man who had once saved his life.


      IZZY SPENT a restless night. Her skin felt hot and two sizes too small. Her head ached and she was hungry. She got up while it was still dark and pulled the chair from the small desk toward the window. Eventually she saw light, then she could make out greenery and the barn in the distance. For someone who could actually see things, it was probably a great view.

      She showered and got dressed, still not sure what she was going to do. While her sisters had probably thought there were no other options, Izzy refused to let them do this to her. It was her life—if she wanted to spend it doing nothing, that was up to her. They didn’t understand what she was going through. They didn’t know about the fear and hopelessness that haunted her. They had perfect lives, with great guys and a future that didn’t include being blind.

      She wanted to go home, and as she didn’t know the way, she was going to have to outwait Nick Hollister.

      Some time later, she heard footsteps in the hallway and braced herself. But a few seconds before the man entered, she realized it was Aaron and relaxed.

      “Good morning, sunshine,” he called from the doorway. “Are you ready to start your day? Dear God, it’s a good thing you can’t see yourself in the mirror. You’re a lobster, girlfriend, and it’s not pretty.” He made a clucking sound. “You’ll heal, but don’t do that again. Do you need me to spell wrinkles? I don’t think so. Come on. I’m taking you to the barn.”

      “No, thanks.”

      “Now, Izzy. Don’t be difficult. It’s not unreasonable to do a little work. We all pitch in. It’s not like you can help me on the computer.”

      Had it been Nick, she would have told him exactly what she was thinking. But Aaron had been nothing but nice to her.

      “My sisters paid Nick to kidnap me. I don’t have to do work to make things even.”

      “Fine, but what about your karma? It seems to me you need some good vibrations in your future. Come on. It’s nice out. You can meet Rita and she’ll make you laugh.”

      His tone cajoled, which made her feel better enough to get to her feet.

      “Look at you,” he crowed. “Walking and everything. Who’s a little trouper?”

      She moved toward him. “Don’t make me kill you.”

      Aaron laughed. “Now you sound like Nick.”

      “I’ll have to watch that.”

      “He’s not so bad.”

      “He didn’t toss you over his shoulder and drag you away.”

      “I know.” Aaron sounded sad. “My luck just isn’t that good. But maybe one day.”

      That made her laugh.

      They went outside. It was still early enough that the heat wasn’t oppressive.

      The barn loomed large. Izzy didn’t want to go inside. All she could see was darkness. It was her nightmare come to life. Then something moved through the darkness and stepped into the morning sun. The something became a person.

      “Izzy, this is Rita. Rita, Izzy. She’ll be staying with us for a while.”

      “Nice to meet you,” Rita said, sounding pleasant enough. “I’ve heard you’re good with horses.”

      “I know which end kicks.”

      “Then you’re hired. We have a dozen horses here. For now you can start with giving them a bath and making them pretty.”

      “I can’t wash a horse. I can’t see.”

      “So what? They’re not expecting a spa treatment,” Rita told her. “Just a nice bath. You’ll do

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