It All Adds Up. Mickael Launay

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It All Adds Up - Mickael Launay

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three corresponding squares are 4,225, 5,184 and 9,409. And Pythagoras’ theorem does not fail: 4,225 + 5,184 = 9,409. For such large numbers, it becomes difficult to believe in a simple coincidence.

      You can try with all the right-angled triangles you like, small or large, fat or thin, it always works. In a right-angled triangle, the sum of the squares of the two sides that form the right angle is always equal to the square of the third side (which we call the hypotenuse). And it also works the other way round: if, in a given triangle, the sum of the squares of the two smallest sides is equal to the square of the largest side, then the triangle is right-angled. That is Pythagoras’ Theorem.

      Of course, we do not know for certain whether Pythagoras or his disciples actually contributed to this theorem. Even though the Babylonians never expressed it in the general form that we have just seen, it is highly likely that they already knew this result more than one thousand years earlier. For otherwise, how would they have been able to discover all the right-angled triangles that appear on the Plimpton tablet with such accuracy? The Egyptians and the Chinese probably also knew the theorem, which was also clearly stated in the commentaries that were added to the Nine Chapters in the centuries after it was written.

      Some accounts claim that Pythagoras was the first to give a proof of the theorem. However, there is no reliable source to confirm this, and the oldest proof that has come down to us is only the one in Euclid’s Elements, which was written three centuries later.

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