The Morning After the Wedding Before. Laura Ziepe

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The Morning After the Wedding Before - Laura Ziepe

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with joy as they walked over. She quickly scanned the small group of them, feeling a little gutted that Max hadn’t yet arrived. She was really looking forward to seeing him, even though she felt a little nervous about it.

      ‘Drinks?’ Holly offered, as Emma danced over with the broadest smile on her face.

      Emma hugged her. ‘How cool is it here? Let’s do a whip, shall we? We can buy a few jugs of cocktails and loads of beers for the boys so we don’t have to keep coming and ordering.’ She looked round. ‘Where are you sitting? Did Kim make it out today?’

      As Holly’s gaze landed on Kim, she tried to contain her laughter. She was lying down, reading her book with a huge sunhat on, as girls around her flounced around in tiny two pieces, drinking, dancing and splashing in the water. ‘She’s just over there.’

      ‘Come, let’s leave Charlie to take our order and we’ll sort the money out in a bit. Let’s go see Kim,’ she said happily.

      ‘Just a Diet Coke too, Charlie, if that’s okay? For Kim,’ Holly added hastily.

      Emma gasped in mock-offence. ‘Diet Coke? Charlie, just pretend you didn’t hear that. She’s not drinking a Diet Coke when she’s out with us,’ she said cheekily, pulling Holly along behind her.

      ‘Kim!’ Emma practically jumped on top of her, making her scream.

      ‘Em, you frightened the life out of me!’ Kim said in a high-pitched voice with a smile on her face, looking pleased to see her. ‘How are you?’

      ‘I’m good. Amazing. About to get married, can you believe? Thank you so much for coming all the way out here. I honestly feel so lucky to have people to make such an effort for me,’ Emma told them graciously, sitting on the edge of Kim’s sun lounger.

      ‘Ah, I’m so pleased to be here,’ Kim gushed. ‘I can’t wait to see your dress. You’re looking tiny by the way,’ she commented, pointing and admiring Emma’s toned figure through her white kaftan. ‘Holly mentioned that we were coming to help you with flowers or something? What time are we going?’

      ‘We’ll stay here for about an hour and a half and then get a taxi there. Thanks for agreeing to come.’

      ‘Is that Charlie over there?’ Kim questioned. ‘I’ve only ever seen him on your Instagram. He looks lovely. I bet you can’t wait to get married; you two literally look like the dream couple.’

      ‘Definitely can’t wait,’ Emma replied in a shrilly voice. ‘I’m so lucky. I can’t wait to start trying for a baby like you girls. I’ll be coming to you both soon for lots of advice I hope. Then I can join you on your kids’ days out.’

      ‘Don’t get too excited,’ Holly laughed heartily. ‘I’d happily never see another baby group again, but seriously, we can’t wait for you to join us either. Are you going to start trying straight away?’ Holly asked curiously.

      ‘That’s the plan,’ Emma said cheerfully. ‘Hopefully I’ll be pregnant by the end of the summer…’ she tailed off.

      ‘How exciting,’ Kim replied, her eyes glittery.

      ‘Oh look, there’s Max and Callum,’ Emma announced, looking over to the entrance.

      Holly felt her heart gallop at the sight of Max and Callum as she narrowed her eyes trying to make them out.

      ‘Oh my God,’ Kim said, her eyes widening and mouth forming an ‘o’ shape. ‘They’re hot. Wait, that’s the guy you tried to set me up with?’ she asked Holly. ‘The dark-haired one? Jeez. If I’d known he’d turn out like that I would have ditched Lee in a heartbeat,’ she giggled girlishly.

      ‘Yes, that’s him,’ Holly replied, wishing Kim would stop staring. It was so obvious they were discussing him. Not cool in the slightest. ‘He didn’t exactly look like that at college though.’

      ‘What exactly happened between you two last night anyway?’ Emma asked, grinning.

      Holly flapped her hand dismissively, feeling her face growing hotter. ‘It was nothing, honestly. Nothing at all.’ She didn’t want to admit how much she liked him already. Holly had always kept her cards close to her chest where men were concerned. She hardly knew Max and she didn’t even know if he liked her back yet. He may go around kissing everyone for all she knew. She remembered once at her school prom when she told everyone she really liked a boy called Matt Renshaw. She’d been spending quite a bit of time with him, and he’d hinted a few times he liked her as more than a friend. Everyone had teased her about it for ages, but Holly had never admitted it, too afraid of rejection. All girl friends got so excited when one night she finally said she did have feelings for him, trying to persuade her to go over to him to chat. When Holly finally gathered the courage to walk over to him, Matt started kissing a girl called Sarah Bentley. There had been tongues and everything and Holly had felt humiliated as she gazed at her friends’ pitying glances. She’d left it too late. Matt had got bored of waiting for her and was moving on. She’d have much preferred to never have said she liked him in the first place. That way, no-one would have been any the wiser over how sad she’d felt about the whole thing. For months Holly felt embarrassed every time she spotted Matt and Sarah together. The last she heard, Matt was still with Sarah and they had two little boys together so it all worked out for the best in the end.

      Charlie walked over with their drinks and Emma poured them out their cocktails. Holly noticed that Kim introduced herself straight away, taking a cocktail without even questioning where her Diet Coke was, much to Holly’s surprise. Then she noticed Kim put away her sun hat and take her shorts off, looking round at what everyone else was wearing.

      ‘I kind of wish I’d made a bit more effort with my swimwear now,’ Holly heard Kim say to Emma. ‘I’ve had this costume for years. I really should have gone shopping before coming here.’

      Emma shook her head dismissively. ‘You look great. I hope I look as good as you after two children,’ she said sweetly. ‘Besides, there’s tons of shops in Vegas if you want to go shopping.’

      ‘That would be great – maybe we could go after the flowers or something?’ Kim said hopefully. ‘I may just go and freshen up a bit in the ladies,’ she told her. She glanced in Holly’s direction. ‘Need to go?’

      ‘No, I’m okay,’ Holly replied.

      Kim seemed to be more up for it now since the others had arrived and Holly was glad.

      Max and Callum walked over to where they were standing.

      ‘Hey,’ Max said in a friendly voice. ‘What’s everyone drinking?’

      Charlie signalled to the table of drinks. ‘Beers are here mate,’ he pointed out, ‘just join the whip and help yourself.’

      ‘Cheers,’ Max replied, peeling off his white t-shirt to reveal the most stunning body Holly had ever seen. He was muscular, but not too big, with several tattoos on his chest and a sleeve tattoo on his right arm. Holly wasn’t really into guys with huge muscles like some personal trainers, so the fact he had just the right amount made him even more perfect. If someone asked her to draw her dream man, she’d be drawing Max. His skin was bronzed already, smooth and flawless. She felt her heart skip a beat when he looked in her direction with a smoldering gaze.

      ‘Hi Holly,’ he smiled, leaning over and kissing her cheek. She could see his eyes roaming up and down her body through his sunglasses. ‘How you feeling this morning?’ he asked.

      He was so confident and charming, and without a doubt the most handsome man she’d ever kissed. Holly wasn’t shallow and she knew looks weren’t everything, but she couldn’t recall a time she’d been so drawn to someone. She couldn’t recall ever fantasizing about someone the way she had done the past morning about Max. She’d found Rob attractive when they first met, but it was his personality that had made him more appealing the longer they’d dated. With Max, she could just stare at him all day. He was literally her type to a ‘T’, and so far, he seemed to have the personality

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