Best Friend To Royal Bride / Surprise Baby For The Billionaire. Annie Claydon

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Best Friend To Royal Bride / Surprise Baby For The Billionaire - Annie Claydon

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post. I haven’t got any yet.’

      ‘Thank you. I dare say that’ll change, but I’m quietly triumphant over having beaten my excellent and glorious co-director.’

      Marie took a sip of her lemonade and saw the corners of Alex’s mouth quirk downwards. Maybe the joke was a little too close to the mark for him.

      ‘All right. Never say that again.’ His face was serious for a moment, and then he smiled, knowing he’d fooled her. ‘I might consign you to the dungeons.’

      ‘How about Your Majesty? I suppose that’s out as well?’

      He chuckled. ‘Definitely. That’s a throwing-from-the-battlements thing…’

      ‘Get back to work, Alex.’ Marie drained her glass, handing it back to him.


      MARIE HAD MADE no secret of the fact that staying away from the courtyards was driving her insane with curiosity. Alex had escorted her off the premises at five o’clock and gone back to work, sorting out the best of the bricks and discarding those that were damaged.

      The second day of Alex’s practical introduction to laying pavers had involved an early start and a concentrated burst of work, but by the afternoon he was surveying the newly swept paving with Charlie, the lad Jim Armitage had sent to help him. Alex suspected Charlie had also been instructed to report back to Jim if it looked as if he was about to make a complete mess of things, and it was a matter of some pride to him that Charlie hadn’t gone to seek out his boss at any point.

      ‘What do you think, Charlie?’

      Charlie nodded sagely. ‘Nice job. Are we going to lay out the planters now?’

      ‘Yes, I think so. Then we can show it to Marie.’

      ‘She can put her flowers in. She’ll like that.’

      Charlie spoke with the certainty of all his nineteen years, and Alex smiled. The warm colours of the brick had made all the difference to the space.

      ‘Yes, I think she will. Thanks for all your hard work.’

      Charlie nodded, obviously pleased.

      They set out the planters from the chart Marie had given them, and Alex left Charlie to bring some of the shrubs through from the other courtyard while he went to find Marie.

      She was sitting in the reception area, where she could keep an eye out for anyone whose curiosity had brought them to the door, staring at the screen of her laptop.

      As soon as she saw him she jumped to her feet. ‘Is it finished?’

      ‘Yes. You want to come and see it?’

      ‘There are a few things I have to do, but I’ll have a look later on…’ Alex’s face must have shown his dismay and she laughed. ‘Of course I want to come and see it!’

      ‘Okay.’ From his pocket he produced the extra-large handkerchief he’d brought from home that morning, brushing a speck of brick dust from it. ‘Stand still for a moment.’

      ‘You’re going to blindfold me? Seriously?’

      ‘Charlie’s worked hard on this. I think it deserves a little bit of a ceremony, don’t you?’

      The blindfold was nothing to do with Charlie. Alex just wanted to see the look on Marie’s face when she saw the paved courtyard.

      ‘Yes, okay, then. Hurry up!’

      He tied the blindfold carefully over her eyes, trying not to breathe in the scent of her hair. Then, just for good measure, he turned her around a couple of times. Marie flung out her hand, her fingers brushing his chest, before they found a secure hold on the sleeve of his T-shirt. Alex shivered as tingles pulsed down his spine. They were almost in an embrace.

      ‘Enough, Alex! Take me there or else!’

      ‘Okay. Hold my arm.’

      She clung on to him as he walked her slowly along the corridor. When the idea of blindfolding her had occurred to him this morning Alex hadn’t taken into consideration how good it would feel to have her walking so close, hanging on to him. He was glad he hadn’t foreseen it, because if he had he might have thought better of the idea. And it would have been a shame to miss this moment.

      Charlie opened the door for them, standing back with a huge grin on his face.

      ‘The step’s right in front of you…’ Alex held her arm firmly so she couldn’t fall, and Marie extended her foot. ‘That’s it. A little further.’

      When her foot hit the surface of the bricks she gave a shiver of anticipation, her fingers tightening around his arm. Alex’s knees almost gave way, and then suddenly his body was taut and strong again, ready to catch her if she fell.

      Marie stepped out into the courtyard carefully, letting him lead her into its centre.

      ‘You can take the blindfold off now.’ He heard his voice catch on the lump in his throat and knew he dared not do it for her. If he touched her hair again he might forget himself.

      Marie reached up, fumbling a little with the knot. She was silent for a moment, her hand to her mouth as she looked around.

      ‘Herringbone! I didn’t expect that!’

      Alex and Charlie exchanged smug looks. The herringbone pattern meant that there had been extra work in cutting the bricks at the edges, but they’d both agreed it would be worth it. Now, it was definitely worth it.

      ‘This is beautiful. It’s perfect. Charlie, you must have worked so hard…’

      It was just like Marie to praise the younger member of the team first. Charlie had worked hard, he’d made sure everything was exactly right, and he deserved it. Alex smiled as Charlie’s cheeks began to redden.

      ‘And you’ve set out all my planters as well. Thank you so much.’

      Charlie nodded. ‘Would you like to see the drainage gulley?’

      ‘Yes, please.’

      Alex watched as Charlie led her to one corner of the courtyard, showing her where excess rainfall would drain away from the surface and into a waste pipe.

      ‘You’ve made such a good job of it. When we put some flowers and seating out here it’s going to be a lovely place for people to sit.’

      Charlie was grinning from ear to ear, and had obviously taken about as much praise as one young man could stand from a beautiful woman. He muttered something about having to report back to Jim, and made his escape. Then Marie turned her gaze onto Alex.

      No words. Just a smile. But Alex felt just as pleased with her reaction as Charlie had obviously been.

      ‘You like it?’

      ‘You really need to ask, Alex? I love it.’

      Alex nodded. This was everything he needed. It was well worth the hard manual labour, the aching muscles and the scraped fingers.

      ‘Our garden…’ Marie turned around as if she could see it right now. Flowers and seating—everything as it would be when it was finished.

      ‘Yes. I like the sound of that.’

      ‘Me too. I could really, really hug you. If you weren’t so dirty.’

      He could really, really hug her too, and love every second of it. It was just as well that he was covered in grime, with streaks of adhesive all over his jeans.

      ‘I think I’ll go and give the showers in the gym changing rooms a trial run. Then I’ll go to my office.’

      ‘This has been keeping you from your other work…’ Marie shot him

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