Rom-Com Collection (Part1). Kristan Higgins

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Rom-Com Collection (Part1) - Kristan Higgins

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amazing,” Prudence said. “Wow, Faith! You can do all that?”

      “Sure! I’d make a parking area back there on the ridge, widen the path down here, get the doors replaced. You’d come in and boom—magic.”

      “Parking? Kitchen? Electric?”

      “I talked to the building officer about permits, and she doesn’t see a problem. We’d just need to dig a trench, lay down some PVC, run electric up from the road. The old well might still be usable. Over there, see that area? That’s where the milking shed was. The caterers could set up in there.”

      And if it looked anything like what she had in her mind’s eye, it would be incredible, one of her most intricate projects as a landscape architect yet...and, finally, her contribution to the family business. Her little stone playhouse, transformed. “Think Dad’ll like it?”

      “Dad would like the Superdome if it made you stay home, Faithie. And I already love it,” Pru said, putting her arm around Faith. “Mom would be proud.”

      One of these days, those words wouldn’t kick her quite so hard. One of these days.

      The rain that had been threatening began to fall, pattering gently. “Come on, I’ll give you a ride,” Pru said. “My truck’s at the cemetery.”

      Halfway between the old barn and the vineyard buildings was the family cemetery. Seven generations of Hollands, from the soldier who’d fought in the Battle of Trenton with George Washington to the most recent burial—Mom.

      Prudence cleared away some wilted flowers from Mom’s marker. Constance Verling Holland, age 49. Beloved daughter, wife and mother. Always a smile in her heart.

      “You ever come here to talk to Mom?” Pru asked.

      Faith blinked. “Oh, sure,” she lied.

      “Me, too. Dad comes all the time, of course.” She straightened up. “Hey, thanks for listening.”

      “You bet. That’s what sisters are for.”

      At that moment, Pru’s phone buzzed. She looked at it and pressed a button. “Hi, Levi, what’s up?” she asked.

      At his name, Faith felt her skin prickle. She’d have to get used to it, she guessed. The guy was everywhere.

      “She did what? Where? Is she okay? Right. Right. Okay, I’ll be there in ten minutes.” Pru’s face was white.

      “What happened?” Faith asked, her heart galloping in fear.

      “It’s Abby. She was jumping into the falls. Drunk. With two boys.” Pru glanced at Faith. “She’s okay, but Levi’s got the three of them down at the station. Will you drive?”

      Moments later, they were in the tiny police station. There was Abby, teary-eyed and defiant, sitting at Levi’s desk. Thank God, she seemed fine. Levi was there as well, and Everett Field, for whom Faith used to babysit. No sign of the boys in question.

      “Baby, are you okay? Are you an idiot? I can’t believe you’d do something so stupid!” Prudence barked.

      “Really, Mom? You’re gonna tell me I’m stupid? Who’s got a thing for Dr. Spock, huh? You and Dad, that’s who. That’s stupid.”

      “It’s Mr. Spock, okay?” There was an aborted snort from Emmaline, who’d been a year ahead of Faith in school. “And we’re talking about an underage girl getting drunk and doing stupid, dangerous, life-threatening things with boys. I thought you were smarter, Abby!”

      Faith glanced at Levi, who looked quite intimidating, his face in a slight scowl, arms folded across his chest. If he flexed his biceps, that shirt was going to rip, which she probably shouldn’t be noticing right now. Behind him, Everett imitated Levi’s pose. Didn’t have quite the same effect. He smiled at her and gave a little wave, then remembered he was an officer of the law and resumed frowning.

      According to Levi, Abby had been talked into showing Adam Berkeley and Josh Deiner the falls on the Holland property. Josh had brought a six-pack, so he was in the most trouble, as was the package store employee who hadn’t carded him. The kids had each had a couple of beers, then jumped off the rock into the water, swimming and goofing around, when a lost hiker came upon them and correctly guessed that they were underage. Levi had scared the bejesus out of them by showing up.

      “I may puke,” Abby muttered, swallowing. Levi nudged the trash can closer to her with his foot, his expression unchanging.

      “You know your uncle Jack broke his arm out there,” Pru went on. “And what you were going to do with those boys, I have no idea!”

      “We weren’t gonna have sex!” Abby wailed. “If they’d even tried anything, I would’ve bitten everyone.”

      “You’re drunk. I can’t believe my little girl is drunk,” Pru said, her voice baffled.

      “And you’re a sex addict,” Abby said.

      “Underage drinking is against the law,” Levi said, his voice mild. “What you were doing was stupid, Abby. Your mother is right. Two boys, one girl, stupid. And that gorge is dangerous. A hiker broke his neck out there last year, and it took us four hours just to get him out. He’s paralyzed for life.”

      Abby’s eyes filled with tears. “Everyone hates me,” she said, then promptly puked into the garbage can, making Everett gag in sympathy.

      “Levi, can I take her home?” Prudence asked, and Faith’s heart gave a tug. Poor Pru looked years older.

      “Absolutely,” Levi said. “I’ll come by tomorrow.”

      “Okay, baby,” Pru said, holding Abby’s hair away from her face. “Let’s get you home. We’ll deal with this when you’re sober.”

      “Like you’re so perfect,” Abby sobbed. “Auntie, didn’t you ever do anything stupid when you were my age?”

      Why yes, honey, as a matter of fact. Faith cleared her throat and didn’t look at Levi. Her face felt hot. “Well, sure. But there’s stupid, and then there’s life-threatening. Let’s go home and clean you up, and you can enjoy your very first hangover.”

      “Am I gonna be arrested or something?” Abby asked, looking at Levi.

      “Go home and sleep it off, Abby,” he said. “All three of you kids will have to do some community service. But don’t you ever do something like this again, you got it? Josh Deiner is not someone you want to hang out with.”

      “Okay,” she muttered, tears dripping down her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Mommy.”

      “Let’s get you home. Your father’s going to have a fit, you know.”

      This brought on more sloppy crying. Faith sighed and grabbed Abby’s backpack.

      “It was so great seeing you,” Everett whispered, beaming. “Want to have a drink sometime?”

      “No! I mean, sure, to catch up, but not romantically, okay? Because I babysat you.” Faith smiled firmly.

      “You know, I used to think about you when I—”

      “That’s enough, Everett.” Levi’s voice was calm.

      “Right, right! Sorry, sir!” Ev looked at Faith again. “You look great.” He blushed, and she couldn’t help a smile.


      Levi’s voice made her jump.


      “Give her a talk. She obviously worships you.”

      For the first time in a long time, it seemed like Levi was looking at her with something other than contempt. And you know...a man in uniform...with those big, brawny arms... Her knees felt abruptly weak. “Okay. Thank you, Levi.”

      And she forgot,

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