Rapid Response. Jennifer Taylor

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Rapid Response - Jennifer Taylor

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it, Holly, don’t do that!’

      Holly jumped. ‘Do what?’ she muttered, struggling to rid her mind of that taunting little voice.

      ‘Look at me as though I’m some kind of…of ogre!’ He glowered at her. ‘Working with you is going to be a nightmare if you insist on walking round with that massive chip on your shoulder. What happened between us is history and it’s about time you got over it!’

      BEN couldn’t remember another time when he’d felt like such a louse. Apart from when he’d told Holly that lie, of course, and ‘louse’ wasn’t the word he would have used to describe himself then. He held his breath as he watched myriad expressions cross her face before she finally settled on anger. Good! He could put up with anything she cared to dish out so long as he didn’t have to see her looking so stricken.

      ‘Don’t flatter yourself, Ben Carlisle! I got over you a long time ago and there’s no chip on my shoulder, I assure you.’

      ‘Then let’s get on with what we’re here for.’

      Ben crouched down and peered inside the coach. He could feel the waves of antipathy emanating from her but steadfastly ignored them. It was neither the time nor the place to deal with this issue because, despite what Holly had said, there definitely was an issue. Holly had been deeply hurt by the way he’d behaved two years ago and it was still having an effect on her. If he did nothing else then he would have to find a way to set her free so that she could move on.

      The thought of exactly how Holly might choose to do that was unsettling. Even though Ben knew that he’d forfeited any rights where she was concerned, he hated the thought of her being involved with another man. Fortunately for him, the present situation was too grim to allow him to worry about it so he put it out of his mind while he focused on the problem of finding a way inside the coach. One of the windows further along from where they were kneeling had shattered during the crash so he pointed towards it.

      ‘I need to get inside so let’s try over there.’

      Holly stood up then had to grab hold of his shoulder and steady herself when the coach started to rock. The vehicle had stopped before it had reached the bottom of the embankment and there was a very real danger that it could start moving again if they weren’t careful.

      ‘Take your time,’ Ben instructed. ‘If this thing rolls over then we’ll go with it. I don’t fancy being squashed flat under several tons of metal.’

      ‘I don’t suppose the passengers who are stuck inside fancy it either,’ she shot back, obviously still furious with him.

      ‘I’m sure they don’t,’ he replied mildly to defuse the situation. Holly had a fiery temper and he didn’t want to run the risk of her getting hurt because she wasn’t thinking clearly. ‘So let’s take it nice and steady for all our sakes.’

      She shot him a smouldering look but, nevertheless, did as he’d suggested. Ben breathed a sigh of relief when she crouched down and began to inch her way forwards on her hands and knees. However, his relief was short-lived because from this angle he suddenly realised that he had a perfect view of her pert little bottom.

      He ground his teeth as a surge of purely male appreciation swept through him. Holly is just a colleague doing a job, he reminded himself sternly as he followed her along the coach. He must focus on that instead of letting himself get carried away by how attractive that lurid shade of green could look in the right circumstances. Holly was wearing one of the regulation uniforms that had been issued to all the members of the rapid response team. It was similar in style to his own flight-suit and had knee pads and umpteen zippered pockets. Nobody would have classed the garment as sexy but, then, few people had been privy to the view he was currently enjoying. Holly’s taut little derrière did wonders for the baggy garment!

      It was a huge comfort when they reached their destination at last and Ben could concentrate exclusively on the problem of getting inside the coach. He peered through the window then turned to Holly. ‘I should be able to get through there with a bit of luck. Can you pass me the bag once I’m down?’


      She didn’t waste time by asking questions, just moved aside to give him room to lower himself through the opening. It was a bit of a squeeze because his flight-suit was extremely bulky but he knew better than to take it off. The fabric it was made from had a twenty-second fire resistancy and that could be vital to his safety.

      Holly lowered the Thomas pack down to him then swung her legs through the opening. Ben shook his head when he realised that she intended to climb down into the coach as well. ‘I can manage. It’s a real mess in here so you stay up there.’

      She ignored him as she wriggled through the window and lowered herself into the coach. Ben glared at her. ‘Didn’t you hear what I said?’

      ‘Yes, I heard. And when Sean tells me that you’re in charge then I’ll do as you say. Until then I’ll make up my own mind about what needs doing, thank you very much.’

      She squeezed past him and went to check on an elderly woman who was lying by the door. Ben swore under his breath but he knew she’d made a valid point. He had no right to issue orders or expect her to carry out his wishes. Two years ago he’d been her boss although he would never have dreamt of pulling rank. It had been such a pleasure to teach her and watch her growing increasingly confident. However, the time he’d had to take out of his career while he’d undergone treatment for his illness had set him back and he had to remember they were on an equal footing now.

      It was another adjustment he would need to make in the coming weeks and it wasn’t going to be easy, but he had to forget about their past relationship and concentrate on the demands of this job. Gaining back some of the ground he’d lost was important to him and he wasn’t going to let anything stop him. He glanced at Holly and his mouth compressed. If Holly could handle this situation then, by heaven, so could he.

      ‘I can’t find a pulse.’ Holly frowned as she pressed her fingers against the artery in the driver’s right ankle. She waited a moment then shook her head. ‘No, still nothing.’

      ‘We’re going to have to get him out of there,’ Ben replied curtly. ‘He’ll lose that leg if we can’t restore the circulation pretty soon.’

      ‘See if you can get one of the fire crew to cut him out,’ she suggested, pushing the hair out of her eyes with a grubby forearm. Her hands, encased in a double layer of gloves, were covered in blood and there was more blood soaking through the knees of her uniform. The driver had been trapped in his seat by the steering column, which had buckled during the impact. He’d suffered a serious injury to his right thigh and had lost a lot of blood. They had rigged up a drip but as fast as they were pumping fluid into him, more blood was gushing out. Holly reapplied pressure to stem the flow but she knew the driver wouldn’t survive if he wasn’t freed soon.

      ‘I’ll see what I can do.’

      Ben got up and scrambled over the tangle of metal that had once comprised the first few rows of seats. One of the firemen was using an oxyacetylene torch to free a young woman who was trapped in the third row and the noise was deafening. They had managed to get most of the injured out now so there was just the driver and the girl left. She looked up when Ben came back and her heart sank when he shook his head.

      ‘No go. They daren’t use any more cutting gear in here because of the risk of fire. Apparently, the fuel tank is full and the build-up of heat could ignite it.’

      ‘Great! We’ll just have to keep our fingers crossed that they get that girl out soon so they can start on the driver next.’

      Holly looked round when she saw Nicky Brunswick making her way towards them. Nicky had been monitoring the young woman and Holly grimaced when she saw the worried expression on the paramedic’s face. ‘Don’t tell me—more problems?’

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