Her Holiday Fling. Jennifer Snow

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Her Holiday Fling - Jennifer Snow

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over the water and the hours spent checking out girls at the pool. Being with his parents—that had been the best part of all.

      “Excuse me, I think you left this in the back of the seat in front of you,” a young woman said, coming up behind him just as the white budget car rental shuttle pulled up to the curb outside the airport.

      Hayley’s daytimer.

      “Oh... Actually, it’s not mine, but I can get it to the owner,” he said, taking it with a smile. “Thank you.” He adjusted his garment bag over his arm before rushing off to catch the shuttle.

      He scanned the area one last time for any sight of her but didn’t see her. After deboarding the plane, she’d said a quick goodbye and rushed off before he’d had an opportunity to ask if she’d like a ride to her hotel instead of taking the shuttle that would stop at eight different resorts along the way. The truth was he had been disappointed to end their time together. For a woman he barely knew, he kind of liked her. She was funny, smart and sexy—an irresistible combination...and she’d had enough integrity to refuse his crazy scheme.

      Nope. He wouldn’t miss another opportunity to see her. Boarding the shuttle, he took a seat up front, securing his duffel bag at his feet. The warm island breeze coming through the open windows rustled the multicolored sticky notes extending past the pages of the daytimer. He stared at it. This is private property—do not open it. Though, she had left it on the plane... She was lucky that he knew where she was staying so he could return it. One peek wouldn’t hurt, he decided, opening the book to that day’s date. Flight to Maui was written on the top of the page and highlighted in green. Wailele Polynesian Luau was listed toward the bottom and highlighted in pink. The rest of the page was blank. No harm done. Not much here he didn’t already know. He closed the book.

      How busy was her week? Maybe he could show up somewhere some evening and buy her a drink? No, that was stupid. If she had wanted to see him again on this trip she wouldn’t have taken off the moment she was free from the confines of the plane. Besides, what good would come of a drink with a beautiful woman like Hayley?

      His knees bounced and he looked everywhere but the source of temptation on his lap. He wouldn’t want anyone flipping through his personal belongings. Respect her privacy...

      What the hell. Once he gave back the book, he’d never see her again anyway. He flicked it open and started to scan its pages... Ten minutes later, he knew she was a Harvard graduate—based on her alumni event later that summer—that she had regularly scheduled eye and dental appointments and once she’d attended them she gave herself little star stickers, and that her next vehicle maintenance was booked for the following month at Los Angeles BMW. The woman had great taste in vehicles.

      Other than that, court cases and appointments with clients filled the remaining pages, all the way to Christmas. No vacations planned, no family dinners, no dates... She was obviously as career focused as she’d claimed and not at all interested in a relationship—exactly the kind of woman whose help he could really use that week.

      If only she’d taken him up on his offer.

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