The Royal House of Niroli Collection. Кейт Хьюит

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The Royal House of Niroli Collection - Кейт Хьюит

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He pressed a burning kiss to the top of her right breast, so close to her aching nipple she could barely think.

      She squirmed and tried again. ‘My…er…bathers are slipping.’

      She felt his smile on the side of her other breast. ‘Want a hand to take them off?’ he asked.

      She clutched at his head again, her voice totally breathless as his tongue rasped over her puckered nipple. ‘N-no….no….someone might see us.’

      He lifted his head and glanced around them. ‘There’s no one around for miles. Come on, if you take yours off, I’ll take off mine.’

      She stared at him in alarm. ‘You’re surely not serious?’

      He gave her a stomach-flipping smile. ‘As your very own personal swimming coach I insist you get a feel for the water. Believe me, it makes the world of difference. Besides, that costume of yours is like a diving weight belt. You’d sink to the bottom in two strokes.’

      Amelia hesitated for a moment. What harm would it do? she wondered. Wasn’t it about time she learned to put the past aside and enjoy life for once? Lucia was right: Alex was a man and she was a woman. This was the twenty-first century; women were entitled to have temporary lovers. It didn’t mean they were promiscuous or bad people. It was natural to feel desire; it was even healthy.

      She took an unsteady breath and pushed the bathers down with her hands and stepped out of them. She felt Alex’s gaze sweeping over her and her heart kicked in response to the almost palpable desire she could feel coming off him.

      ‘Now it’s your turn,’ she said huskily.

      His gaze locked down on hers challengingly. ‘You do it.’

      She swallowed and squeaked, ‘Me?’

      He nodded.

      She moistened her mouth and reached blindly with unsteady hands for the waist of his black bathers, her fingers curling into the fabric for purchase as she pulled them down past his lean hips. She felt him spring against her nakedness, the length and strength of him sending shock waves of delight between her legs. She could feel her womb pulsing with need, her whole body coming alive with escalating desire.

      The wild sea air crawled with tension as he brought his hands to her hips, gently pulling her against him, his hardened length slipping between her legs in an erotically teasing embrace that sent her senses into uncontrollable mayhem.

      She raised herself on tiptoe to accommodate him, her breath rushing out of her when he probed her intimately. She felt the separation of her tender flesh as he surged forwards, his deep, rumbling groan of pleasure as he filled her drowning out the breathless gasp of her own.

      His movements quickened, carrying her with him on a roller coaster of feeling as her sensitive nerves responded with increasing fervour to each of his determined thrusts. She felt her body tingling as it steadily climbed towards the summit of release, the inner muscles clamping on his thick- ness made slippery with the dew of her desire. His mouth crushed hers once more, his hot breath filling her as he plunged again and again until she was hovering in the balance—the pleasure she craved was close, but not quite close enough. She whimpered against his lips, unable to express her need, but in the end she didn’t need to; he felt it for himself. She quivered against his searching fingers, the engorged pearl of her womanhood responding with a heady rush, triggering a volley of panting cries from her throat as the waves of delight crashed in and over her. Her body rocked and shuddered against his until she felt him, too, tumble into the abyss of pleasure with deep, pumping thrusts that nudged her womb and made her skin prickle all over with sensation.

      Alex gradually eased himself away, his hands still holding her to counteract the swell of the ocean. ‘I guess you’re not going to believe me when I tell you I didn’t really intend for that to happen,’ he said with a wry grimace, ‘or at least not without protection.’

      Her eyes clouded and her cheeks went a delicate shade of pink as she bent down to retrieve her bathers. ‘It was just as much my fault as yours,’ she said as she wriggled back into them.

      ‘It was no one’s fault,’ he said, holding on to her arm to steady her. ‘I guess sooner or later I knew it was going to be like this.’

      She looked up at him. ‘Y-you did?’

      ‘Sure I did. It’s called chemistry.’ He smiled at her as he took her hand and led her to the picnic blanket on the sand.

      Amelia curled up beside him with a sigh of contentment, his arms holding her loosely as they watched the waves rolling to the shore. She pressed a kiss to his neck, the salt of his skin and the sea making her lips tingle.

      ‘You must be getting hungry,’ Alex said, dropping a swift, hard kiss to her mouth.

      ‘What makes you say that?’ she asked with a twinkling smile.

      ‘You’re starting to gnaw on me.’

      ‘You don’t like the feel of my mouth on you?’

      He pushed her back down and covered her with his body, a teasing smile playing at the corners of his mouth. ‘Do you hear me complaining?’

      ‘I guess not,’ she breathed as his lips claimed hers in a searing kiss.

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