The Wedding Party Collection. Кейт Хьюит

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The Wedding Party Collection - Кейт Хьюит

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      Ryan drove slowly through downtown Jackson, encouraged but still frightened. Of course he’d never admit the frightened part to anyone. He’d ridden two-thousand-pound bulls and never once been afraid. Yet the thought of losing Betsy filled him with icy fear. Even though she’d kissed him as though she didn’t want to let him go, he had the feeling she still planned to walk away. He just wasn’t sure why.

      Traffic was heavy, but Ryan didn’t mind. Going home held little appeal, as did stopping at Wally’s Place. Although it was Ladies’ Night and the bar would be crawling with women, there was only one woman Ryan wanted, and she wouldn’t be there.

      As he slowed his truck for a turning car, he noticed that Hill of Beans was still open. Even though it didn’t make sense to flood his system with caffeine this late at night, he turned into the parking lot.

      Ryan pushed open the door to the coffee shop and breathed in the rich aroma. White lights and brightly colored bulbs still decorated a large fir tree sitting in front of the plate-glass window. Garlands of coffee filters—hand-decorated by patrons—added a festive air to the exposed-brick walls and beamed ceilings. It was hard to believe twenty-four hours ago, Ryan had actually been excited for what the new year would bring.

      This Valentine’s Day would have been his and Betsy’s first together, the first of many to come. Now it was looking like they might not make it there.

      No. Ryan shoved the thought aside before it had a chance to fully form. Betsy and he would be together. Failure wasn’t an option.

      “Look what the cat dragged in.” Cole’s broad smile of welcome belied his words.

      “I can’t believe you’re actually working, Lassiter,” Ryan shot back. “I thought you’d be home counting your money.”

      Cole not only owned this store but was also head of the Hill of Beans empire. Last Ryan knew, his childhood friend had something like fifty or sixty stores in multiple states.

      “There’s a big holiday show at the high school tonight.” Cole ignored the jibe. “I didn’t want the kids who work here to miss it, so I volunteered to fill in.”

      “How are Meg and Charlie?”

      “Charlie’s growing like a weed,” Cole said with a proud papa smile. “And Meg’s just finished her first trimester, so she’s starting to get her energy back.”

      A baby. Ryan fought a pang of envy. Before now he hadn’t thought beyond the fact that he wanted kids. And that he wanted Betsy to be their mother.

      Cole rested both hands on the counter, relaxed and confident, with an easy smile on his lips. After a dismal childhood, Ryan was glad his friend had finally found the happiness he’d long deserved. “What’s your pleasure?”

      “A small coffee should do it.”

      “I’ll pour a cup for myself and join you.” Cole lifted a brow. “If you feel like company, that is.”

      “Sure.” The last thing Ryan wanted was to be alone with his thoughts.

      Once Cole sat down, they talked sports for a few minutes. They’d just moved on to the upcoming Super Bowl game when the bells over the door jingled.

      Both men turned in their seats.

      Cole pushed his chair back, then lifted a hand in greeting to Nick and Lexi.

      The two had been laughing about something when they’d walked through the door, and their laughter carried easily into the shop.

      Another happy couple, Ryan thought with a trace of bitterness.

      It had once seemed as if everyone had someone special in their life but him. Then Betsy had come along and he’d realized the wait had been worth it. Now, she said she didn’t want him....

      “What brings you out on such a cold night?” Cole asked.

      Nick grinned. “If you could see the back of our SUV, you wouldn’t have to ask. Lexi closed out three stores.”

      His wife punched him playfully in the side. “What my darling husband is trying to say is that we’ve been out hitting the post-holiday sales.”

      “And I’ve loved every minute.” Nick looped an arm around her shoulders. “Coraline is keeping the girls overnight, so we’re making the most of the evening.”

      The successful family law attorney shot his wife a look that said the night was far from over.

      Ryan took a sip of coffee, relishing the heat on his tongue. A couple of days ago that could have been him and Betsy enjoying an evening out while anticipating a night of pleasure once they returned home.

      Cole moved behind the counter and smiled at the couple. “What would you like? It’s on the house.”

      After giving their orders, the two wandered over to where Ryan sat.

      “May we join you?” Lexi asked.

      “Of course we can, Lex.” Nick pulled out a chair for her. “We’ll be much better company than Cole.”

      “I heard that.” Cole returned to the table with their drinks. “Just for that, a tip is mandatory.”

      Once they were all settled around the table, Ryan expected one of the three to ask about Betsy, but they ended up talking about some foster kids that Lexi had to place on an emergency basis that afternoon.

      “I didn’t leave the courthouse until after five-thirty. But I’m happy to report the children now have a safe place to stay,” Lexi announced with a satisfied sigh.

      “Did you happen to run into Chad Dunlop while you were there?” Cole asked.

      Ryan stiffened at the name.

      “I didn’t.” Lexi cast Cole a curious look. “Should I have?”

      “Rumor is the county attorney is getting ready to charge Dunlop with first-degree sexual assault,” Cole said in a matter-of-fact tone.

      Ryan straightened in his chair. “Where did you hear that?”

      Cole chuckled. “It’s amazing what you learn when you stand behind that counter for an hour or two.”

      “I heard that same rumor earlier today,” Nick admitted.

      Lexi turned to her husband. “You never mentioned that to me.”

      “I didn’t know you’d be interested.” Nick shrugged. “We barely know the guy.”

      Ryan took a calming breath, determined to keep a conversational tone. “Either of you have details?”

      “Only that a former legal assistant claims he sexually assaulted her when they were working late.” Nick leaned back in his chair and shook his head. “Helluva thing.”

      A chill traveled through Ryan’s body.

      If Keenan hadn’t taught Betsy how to defend herself...

      If she hadn’t gotten lucky and placed her knee in just the right spot...

      Lexi’s curious gaze settled on Ryan. “You don’t seem surprised.”

      “I’m not.” Ryan pressed his lips together, telling himself not to say anything more, but he couldn’t help himself. “Dunlop is an animal.”

      “Didn’t Betsy used to work at his firm?” Lexi asked in a voice that was a little too casual.

      Ryan gave a short jerky nod.

      “Did she have any trouble with him?” Nick asked, his gaze narrowing.

      “I saw Betsy today in the courthouse parking lot,” Lexi said when Ryan didn’t immediately answer. “She was upset. I wonder if her tears had something to do with Chad.”

      “She was crying?” Ryan clamped down on the rage building inside him.


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