Men Of Honour. Lori Foster

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Men Of Honour - Lori Foster

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because she was the one hiring him. And she knew without a doubt that if she said no, Dare would respect that.

      “But what happened, the hell those bastards put you through …” His gaze searched hers. “What happened just today should be enough to shut me down.”

      “Why?” Molly really didn’t think she wanted him shut down.

      His expression turned grim. “You haven’t exactly been around sterling examples of manhood, Molly.”

      She’d been held captive by total cretins—who had nothing in common with this remarkable man. Unable to help herself, she put a hand on his muscular forearm. “But don’t you see, Dare? That’s why you stand out even more. You’re very, very different from them.”

      “I know that.” He worked his jaw. “Do you?”

      “Yes.” She hadn’t known him long, but the threatening situation had given him room to prove himself beyond all measure.

      “No residual effects, then?” When she just looked at him, not really comprehending, he shook his head. Measuring each word with care, he said, “Sometimes, after a trauma like yours, anything remotely similar can trigger the bad memories, the panic, even hysteria. In your case, a guy getting too close—”

      “But you’re not just any guy.” Molly hoped her smile might reassure him. “You are the guy who got me out of that nightmare. I could never feel about you how I feel about them.”

      Unconvinced, Dare turned his hand over and waited for her to lace her fingers with his. She did so hesitantly. This was the fastest any relationship had ever moved for her, and the unusual circumstances were such that she didn’t entirely trust her own judgment. Not that she questioned Dare or his motives.

      But her own?

      She didn’t want to smother him with her neediness, an emotion normally foreign to her but plenty prevalent right now, no matter how she tried to hide it.

      He lifted her hand, stroked her knuckles with his thumb, and while it was the gentlest of gestures, he quickly turned very businesslike.

      “We have a lot to get through, Molly. More than you probably realize. Getting the goons off your ass will be the easiest part. Finding out who arranged your abduction—that’s going to take some doing. And trust me on this, the truth isn’t going to be satisfying. It’s a necessity, but it won’t make you feel better, and it won’t soften the memory.”

      “How do you know?” More than anything, she looked forward to nailing the ones responsible. She needed some closure on this living nightmare.

      “For one thing, it’s almost always someone you know, and someone you’d never suspect.” He held her hand tighter. “Because it’s usually someone you have a relationship with.”

      Her heart squeezed tight. “But I still have to know.”

      “Of course you do. And for that reason, I have a million questions I have to ask, and I can guarantee it’s not going to be easy for you. Inquisitions seldom are. But it’s information I need—”

      “It’s okay.” Molly licked her lips. “If … if this is going to be as hard as you say, then what do you suggest I do?”

      His eyes narrowed. “For starters, be one hundred percent honest with me, always.”

      “All right.” She’d never been a deceptive person anyway, and now, more than ever, she knew that honesty over every little detail really mattered.

      He unbuckled her seat belt. “I specifically requested no stewardess on the plane to ensure that we were alone.”

      “You did?” Before she could ask why, he lifted her over to sit in his lap.

      He leaned the seat back and arranged her so that they were both comfortable. “You still need to catch up on your sleep. This might be a good time.”

      With her face against his chest, his scent surrounding her, Molly allowed the lethargy to seep in. She was exhausted, and somehow Dare had known that once she got settled so close to him, giving in to the need for rest would be easier.

      After a lusty yawn, she gathered her thoughts. “You said you have questions.”

      “I do.”

      His left hand rested loosely at her hip, and his right hand was behind her, keeping her close. Molly felt secure and safe. “So?”

      “They’ll wait until we’re at my place—after we’ve both slept and eaten.”

      That worked for her, but …”Well, I have some questions, then.”

      He tucked in his chin to look down at her, saw that she was serious and relaxed back again. “Shoot.”

      It was easier like this, without him looking right at her. “You’re … attracted to me?”

      His short laugh rumbled from his chest beneath her ear. “Definitely.” He looked down at her once more. “You had doubts about that?”

      “I don’t know.” She had doubts about Chris, but for the moment, at least, it was easy to push those concerns from her mind. “You’re different from other men I’ve known.”

      “Not so different. I had to fight off a boner so I could hold you like this without maybe scaring you off.”

      His plain speaking fascinated her, but she didn’t dwell on that. “I’m not scared of you, Dare.”

      “No,” he said slowly, “you aren’t, are you? But neither of us yet knows how ready you really are. You’re holding it together, so let’s don’t test the waters too much, okay?”

      Honestly, she was so wiped out, and still felt so … raw, she didn’t mind that suggestion at all. “The thing is, I don’t get it.”

      “What’s not to get?”

      “I’m hardly at my best right now. Physically, I mean. I look like—”

      “You’ve been abused for nine days. Yeah, I know.” He gave her a little squeeze. “Bruises and fatigue can’t camouflage what’s there, Molly. You’re still an attractive woman. But looks aren’t the only draw.”

      “What else?” He didn’t know her well enough to like her personality. Or did he?

      “Bravery is something I admire a lot. Intelligence, ingenuity, control, logic. You’ve got it all in spades, lady, and I think it’s sexy as hell.”

      Even before she’d been taken, her breakup with Adrian and her father’s censure had left her struggling for her self-confidence. So many accolades now put her on the verge of being weepy. She didn’t feel brave or ingenious. She felt used, duped, angry and, deep down, very scared.

      Twisting around a little, she half sat up and looked at Dare. “Those men didn’t kiss me.”


      She shook her head. “You don’t have to worry about me overreacting to that.”

      For only an instant, he flashed that crooked grin again. Then something much hotter replaced the humor. “You want another kiss, do you?”

      “I really do.”

      Dare looked at her bruised cheekbone, at another fading mark beneath her eye. “They hit you.” His voice roughened; his hands on her tightened in a sign of protectiveness. “And bit you.”

      Molly drew in a thin breath. She couldn’t deny it, but right now the reality of that seemed further away. “You’re not trying to do either.”

      For the longest time he watched her, trying to gauge her mood, she knew. Molly just waited, anticipation heightened, tension coiling.

      He said very softly, with suggestion, “Well, maybe the bite, yeah?”

      She blinked,

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