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it had always ended.

      With his career choice, anything more was absurd, because he knew, deep down to the marrow of his bones, a relationship would never work. Not only did he spend too much time away, but the job made secrecy necessary. Add to that the level of danger often involved, and it wouldn’t make sense to let a woman get too close.

      Before Molly, that reality had set fine with him.

      Now … now he found himself wondering about impossible things. He found himself thinking longer term. He wasn’t the kind of man who could commit to a lifetime, but a month? Two months? The idea of having her around, getting his fill of her, tantalized him.

      But she’d need time to recover from her trauma, and he had no idea how long that might take, or how long she’d tolerate his intrusion into her life.

      If he was able to nail her father for the sin of her abduction, where would that leave them? Once Molly knew the culprit, she could get on with her life without fear of another threat—and she’d no longer need Dare around.

      Driving down the highway by rote, his reflexes on autopilot, Dare let himself examine every possible scenario. He was damned good at what he did, and he had a hell of a lot of resources at hand. Through the years, he and Trace had built up contacts in the government, the military and within all the highest-profile businesses.

      Bishop Alexander thought he possessed power; in truth, he had no idea what real power could do.

      No matter how Dare looked at it, his time with Molly would be short-lived. Yes, she was a complication to his life, but now … now he rather liked the way she complicated things.

      Somehow he’d have to figure out a way to solve her dilemma and still give himself the time he needed to indulge his every carnal urge.

      And with Molly, the carnal urges were plenty.


      CHRIS TRIED TO DO all his chores, but at every moment he was aware of Molly. She’d awakened disoriented, confused that Dare had left and a little hurt even, but determined to hide that reaction behind calm acceptance.

      Both he and Dare had told Molly to make herself at home, and to an extent she did. But she remained cautious, trying her best to be inconspicuous, when such a thing wasn’t possible.

      She didn’t like to rock the boat or draw unnecessary attention to herself.

      Chris snorted. All the woman had to do was breathe to draw attention. True, she wasn’t a classic beauty with her average brown hair and dark brown eyes. She didn’t flirt, and what figure she had she managed to disguise.

      Most of the time, anyway.

      But there was something about her, an aura of sensuality that he knew had Dare on high alert. Her gentle smile and sedate manner emphasized that natural sex appeal. Chris had already noticed how she looked him in the eyes when she talked to him, how she listened intently when he talked, how she protested too much attention, and her effort to be unassuming.

      All very admirable qualities.

      Maybe it was the little things, too, like how she bit her lips, the way she lowered her lashes, the movement of her hands while she spoke, and her gratitude and graciousness about everything. One would never know the awfulness of what she’d recently gone through. She wasn’t clingy or needy or even all that shaken.

      At least, not with him.

      But she had slept with Dare, in the platonic sense, so she must still be feeling the effects of her ordeal.

      Since he’d never before considered Dare to be a coddler of any kind, it was a pretty incredible setup.

      Chris couldn’t help but wonder how long the nonphysical aspect of their bond would last.

      So far today, she’d done her utmost to stay out of his way. In fact, other than watching her on the monitors whenever possible while she was outside, he’d barely seen her since she’d eaten breakfast.

      For hours she’d strolled around the grounds. She’d stayed within the fenced perimeter, but that encompassed a lot of woods and rugged land. Molly Alexander wasn’t a princess or she wouldn’t have hiked and communed with nature for so long.

      She’d also walked along the shore, skipping rocks, examining leaves, testing the chill in the water with her toes. She appeared to like the outdoors as much as Dare did.

      Late March had brought an uncharacteristic warm spell, with daytime temps hitting in the low- to mid-sixties. Combined with the bright sunshine, it felt more like early summer than spring. Chris could understand why she’d wanted to get some fresh air. But most women would have been bored in no time.

      Not Molly.

      She played with the dogs by throwing their Frisbee and then racing them down the hill a few times, laughing all the way. When Sargie knocked her down, Chris waited for her to complain, to push the dog away and scold her.

      Instead she sat there in the dirt and leaves and smiled.

      She appeared to love the dogs, which meant that Dare was a goner for sure, whether he knew it yet or not.

      At one point late in the day, Molly came in to find a brush for the dogs, then went back out to sit peacefully on the dock, grooming first Sargie and then Tai. The girls loved to be brushed and gladly allowed the attention. Most importantly, Dare wasn’t around, so Chris knew this wasn’t a female ploy to get on his good side through his precious girls.

      Nope, Molly was just being Molly, genuine and honest and straightforward, and that was powerful enough to level any guy.

      Off and on, Chris checked on her, but Molly stayed there on the dock for a long time, just taking in the serenity of nature.

      Chris understood her awe, because he’d done the same many times. The way the setting sun cast long red ribbons across the surface of the lake could mesmerize him still. Little by little, the sun sank lower behind the western hills in a blazing crimson display that slowly faded to golden, then gray, until everything turned dim and chilly.

      Because he’d been keeping tabs on her, Chris wasn’t surprised when she poked her head around the door to the library.


      “Hmm?” One of his last chores for the day was refilling the paper trays to the many printers throughout the house. He looked up and found her windblown, rosy-cheeked and looking quite adorable again. “Had enough fresh air?”

      Her smile charmed him. “I had no idea that being on a lake was so …”


      She nodded. “The sounds and smells and the incredible quiet … It sort of saps all the tension away.”

      Meaning she’d been tense? Well, of course she had. Dare had left her alone in strange surroundings when she was still battered and uncertain of her safety. Chris understood Dare’s motives, but did Molly? And even if she did, would that make it any easier?

      Chris stored the remainder of the paper in a drawer and started toward her. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

      She hugged her arms around herself. “After the sun set, it started to get pretty chilly out there. I’d love a nice soak to warm up again.” She bit her lip. “Would it be okay if I used the tub? I mean, the Jacuzzi tub in Dare’s room? Or would he prefer that I didn’t—”

      “Of course you can.” Dare would love for her to make use of his tub. If he called, Chris just might tell him about it. That thought forced him to bite back a grin. “Do you know where everything is? Towels, soap …?”

      “Dare already showed me.” She hesitated. “Is there anything you wanted me to do to help out around here? I could do that first. I wouldn’t mind pitching in—”

      “I’ve got it covered.” He shooed her on her way. “Go, relax, enjoy. When you’re done, you really should

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