UP In Flames. Lori Foster

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UP In Flames - Lori Foster

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hand and held it. “Mel, I lied about the coconut.”

      He obviously thought her beyond naive, bordering on stupid. But she played along. “No aphrodisiac?”

      “Of course not. But you did want me.”

      Very slowly, his words sank in. She heard the wonder and the insistence. She turned her head to face him. “I still do, Adam.”

      “Are you sure?”

      He sounded uncertain, and for a man like Adam, that had to be unique. It was her turn to smile. Despite the lethargy that tried to rule her body, she rolled on top of him. He gladly went to his back and helped hold her in place, his hands firm on her bottom. She kissed his nose, his bristly chin. “No woman needs an aphrodisiac when you’re around. You breathe and women want to jump your bones.”

      “You were never interested, Mel.” He stroked her hair and gave her a slight smile. “No matter what I did, you managed to turn up your nose at me like I didn’t exist.”

      Her eyes widened. “You really think that?” Then another thought invaded her fogged brain and she asked, “Do you mean to tell me you constantly provoked me just to get my attention?”

      She might not have believed him, despite the recent display of his desire, if she hadn’t seen the look in his eyes. But there was so much feeling there, so much raw emotion.

      His hands cupped her head, his thumb brushed her cheek. “I’m sorry I was sometimes mean. As a kid, it seemed so damn unfair that you had everything, even things I hadn’t dared dream of. You sort of represented everything that was missing in my life, all the stuff my parents worked so hard for but could never get.”

      She felt the prickle of tears and knew he wouldn’t appreciate her sympathy. She swallowed hard.

      “But somewhere along the way,” he continued, “I started wanting you, not the material things you had. I’d stopped being mean by the time we were thirteen, Mel, but you didn’t notice. You still avoided me.” With a smile, he said, “You could get that pretty little nose so high in the air, I could have thrown myself at your feet and you wouldn’t have seen me.”

      He was so wrong, but how could she explain all the various things he’d made her feel over the years? Yes, she’d often been angry at him, but she’d also felt alive whenever he was near. Adam never ignored her like the rest of the town did. He didn’t give her only distant politeness. And he didn’t hide what he felt behind proper manners, as her parents were wont to do. Her mother and father loved her, she’d never doubted that. But they considered an excess of emotion uncouth. They’d always been careful in how they expressed their feelings.

      Not Adam. No, he teased and harassed and provoked—and she’d always responded to him, whether he knew it or not. In many ways, she’d equally dreaded and looked forward to her daily confrontations with him.

      Twining her fingers in his chest hair, she said, “I was never...indifferent to you, Adam.”

      He gave her a crooked smile. “No, most times you hated me. And all I could think about was getting you out of your dainty little pants. Hell, there were days I’d get hard just seeing you in town or in school. You had a way of walking, like a queen, that drove me crazy. Even when I thought you were skinny—”

      “I am skinny.”

      He shook his head. “No. You’re thin, but you’ve got all the right curves in all the right places. If I’d known what you were hiding under those schoolgirl jumpers, I’d never have survived puberty.”

      She felt her cheeks heat, and Adam hugged her closer. His gaze was hot, probing. “I wanted you so bad, Mel, it’s a wonder I survived. But I always knew you were out of bounds.”

      Daringly, she slipped her hand down his side to his hip. Hard muscle and bone moved as he shifted from her touch. “I’m not out of bounds now.” His eyes closed; his breathing came faster. Melanie leaned forward and kissed his chin. “Now, there’s just you and me—and I want you.”

      He gripped her buttocks even tighter and rocked her against the long length of his erection. “I need to be inside you, sweetheart.”

      She wasn’t experienced and couldn’t tease as well as he. Already she wanted him again and felt no shame in admitting it. “Yes, please.”

      He laughed on a shaky breath. “You always were so damn proper.”

      “What we’re doing now is far from proper, Adam Stone, and you know it.”

      His hands shifted, stroking her thighs. “All right, not proper. But you have to admit it feels damn right.”

      Nothing had ever felt more right in her entire life. Being with Adam seemed totally natural, because Adam was so natural. Loving him would be so easy. But nothing for the future had changed, and she doubted it ever would, not with the way Adam resented her background. But for right now, it just didn’t matter.

      Quickly rolling her onto her back, Adam sat up and reached for his bag. He lifted out a small foil pack and hastily tore it open with his teeth.

      Melanie watched him in fascination. “Are you really such a hound dog that you carry condoms everywhere?”

      Sitting by her side, he placed one hand on her belly and stroked. “Mel...I travel a lot, honey. And I avoid commitments like the plague.”

      Her eyes closed, both from the pain of his admission and the gentle stroking of his rough palm.

      “I’m a man,” he continued. His control seemed tightly leashed, but ready to break at any moment. “I enjoy sex, I won’t lie about that. But as a rule, I don’t believe in one-night stands.”

      She shifted, not really wanting details, unable to imagine him with someone else in just this way.

      “Melanie, look at me.”

      She did, surprised by the use of her full name.

      “I quit prowling after high school, sweetheart. But I am human, so I carry protection whether I plan on doing anything or not. I guess I’m old-fashioned enough to think if you make a baby, you should be a father, and I’m not ready to take a chance on that yet.”

      Melanie turned her face away. He couldn’t have been more blunt, and while his words hurt, she understood. Adam had been given very little in life, and his attitude was actually commendable.

      If only her heart weren’t already involved.


      Choking back the hurt, she looked at him and smiled. “You talk too damn much, Stone, you know that?”

      “And you’re just a bit demanding.” He pulled her on top of him again and situated her until she sat astride his hips. “I like it.” Automatically, Melanie braced her hands on his chest and tightened her thighs. Slowly, he entered her.

      She groaned at the incredible tightness.

      “Mel?” His voice was strained, filled with disbelief.

      “Not now, Adam.” Later, when she could catch her breath, she’d explain to him why she’d waited so long to experience sex. But now the experiencing was at hand, and she didn’t want to be distracted for a single moment.

      Adam’s chest rose and fell with his labored breaths. He pressed deeper. “Damn, you’re snug.” Every muscle in his arms and shoulders pulled taut with restraint.

      She tipped her head back and concentrated on relaxing, on accepting him.

      “Yeah. All the way, honey,” he urged. “All the way...”

      The natural resistance of her body gave way, and he buried himself completely inside her.

      Mel dropped forward against his chest, overwhelmed with his size and strength. His fingers bit into her buttocks, holding her and his control tightly. Then he broke.

      “I’m sorry,” he

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