Falling for the Rebel Falcon. Lucy Gordon

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Falling for the Rebel Falcon - Lucy Gordon

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      ‘Hmm. He sounds interesting.’

      ‘Dangerous. If you meet him, be careful.’

      ‘But why? Where’s the fun in being careful?’

      ‘Must everything in life be fun?’

      ‘Of course. Fun is good. Fun is creative. Fun puts you in control and catches him on the wrong foot.’

      ‘Him? Who him?’

      ‘Any him.’

      ‘And that’s important?’

      ‘Oh yes,’ Perdita said with a little smile. ‘That’s very important.’

      Hortense made no reply. It could be hard to know just how much of Perdita’s lively speech she actually meant.

      They had reached the most expensive part of Paris, and soon a magnificent building reared up before them.

      ‘There’s La Couronne,’ Hortense said.

      ‘Wow! It looks a fabulous place.’

      ‘It was once the home of aristocrats, but the family was wiped out in the French Revolution, and the building went into decline until Marcel bought it. He specialises in grandiose hotels in big cities all over the world, and La Couronne is the best.’

      When she’d checked in Hortense accompanied her upstairs to her room, whose luxury made Perdita nod appreciatively.

      ‘It may strain your budget,’ Hortense said, ‘but it was the last one available, and it’s on the same corridor as the Falcons.’

      ‘That’s the bit that matters,’ Perdita agreed.

      They ordered a meal from Room Service and sat munching contentedly.

      ‘Was it difficult to dash off at a moment’s notice?’ Hortense asked.

      ‘Well, one person wasn’t too happy,’ Perdita admitted, and told her about Jim.

      ‘But in another way it was handy,’ she added. ‘I was due to go to my parents tomorrow, for a party to celebrate my cousin Sally’s engagement, and it’s probably better that I won’t be there.’

      ‘Your parents are academics, aren’t they? Big names in the world of learning, so I’ve heard.’

      It was true that Professor Angus Hanson was an imposing man whose learning and reputation struck awe into the hearts of those who knew him. His family were equally erudite, occupying high positions in research and education. All except Perdita, his youngest child.

      ‘They’ve always seen me as the black sheep,’ she told Hortense. ‘Frivolous, foolish, not caring about serious matters.’

      ‘Why is it better that you’re not there?’

      ‘Sally’s fiancé is a man I used to know, about three years ago. It seemed to be going well for us, but then I got the chance of a big scoop. Someone let slip something. I followed it up and … well, it did me a lot of good professionally.’

      ‘Ah yes, I remember hearing about that. It made your reputation as a journalist.’

      ‘But Thomas was horrified. He thought it was all terribly vulgar, and wanted me to abandon my career. When I wouldn’t … well …’ She shrugged.

      ‘If he’d loved you he wouldn’t have broken your heart for a reason like that,’ Hortense said, shocked.

      ‘Who said my heart was broken?’ Perdita demanded indignantly. ‘With all the chances that were opening up for me, I had other things to think of. Besides, I realised that he didn’t love me. He’s an academic, and he wanted to join my family for the sake of their standing.’

      ‘So he courted your cousin instead. Yes, it’s better you’re not at their engagement party.’

      Perdita gave a wry smile. ‘The only thing academic about me is my name. Apparently when my father discovered that my mother was pregnant yet again he groaned, “Well, I’ll go to perdition!”’

      ‘And perdition means hell, doesn’t it?’ Hortense chuckled.

      ‘That’s right. He really wasn’t keen on another child. After that, Perdita became the family nickname for me.’

      ‘But it’s not really your name, is it?’ Hortense said. ‘You write your features as Perdita Davis, but I noticed you checked in as Erica Hanson.’

      ‘Yes, that’s my real name, but I only use it for official stuff. Erica Hanson keeps her bank account in order, pays her taxes on time and generally behaves properly. Perdita Davis is as foolish and frivolous as a scholarly family ever produced.’

      She said this with an air of pleasure, even pride.

      ‘Where does the Davis name come from?’

      ‘The family more or less ordered me not to use Hanson in case people connected me with them and they died of shame,’ Perdita said ironically. ‘I just plucked Davis out of the air.’

      ‘So they can deny all knowledge of you,’ Hortense said, outraged. ‘That’s pretty nasty of them.’

      ‘They have a serious reputation to keep up,’ Perdita said, shrugging. ‘You can’t really blame them.’

      ‘I can. Reputation nothing! You’re a big success but they treat you like an outcast.’

      ‘Oh, I’m not melodramatic about it,’ Perdita said. ‘It’s not really important.’

      She spoke lightly to hide the fact that Hortense had hit a nerve. In truth she cared more for her family’s attitude than she would admit, and her friend’s indignation on her behalf warmed her heart.

      ‘They’re probably jealous that you’re making your fortune out of it,’ Hortense observed. ‘Your scoops are fast taking you to the top. Though, let’s face it, you do sometimes sail a bit close to the edge.’

      ‘I did at one time,’ Perdita agreed. ‘But recently I’ve been a bit less “adventurous”. I don’t break quite so many rules now. I’m even getting a bit respectable.’


      Perdita shrugged. ‘Maybe it’s my academic background coming out at last. Serious, respectable, upright. How about that?’

      ‘What brought this about?’

      ‘There was a big commotion recently. Have you ever heard of—?’ She named a journalist so notorious that his name was known over many countries.

      ‘Yes, wasn’t he the one who tricked that woman into talking to him, and it all ended in tragedy?’

      ‘That’s right.’

      ‘But surely it had nothing to do with you?’

      ‘No, I wasn’t involved in any way. But I met him once a few years back, and vaguely admired his tricksy methods. Not now, though. Let’s say I’ve grown up a bit, and it made me think about the road I was travelling.’

      ‘Does that mean strait-laced Erica has taken over completely, and cheeky Perdita no longer exists?’

      ‘Not at all. Perdita’s still there, still maddening, still taking chances. But these days she’s a bit more careful about how she might affect other people.’

      Hortense chuckled. ‘Serve you right if you met the man of your dreams and had to choose between your two selves. That would teach you a lesson.’

      ‘I don’t have any dreams,’ Perdita said cheekily. ‘My heart’s never been broken and it’s never going to be. I’ve got too many other things to do.’

      ‘Have you no sense of romance?’ Hortense demanded indignantly. ‘Here you are in Paris, the most romantic city in the world, and you’re not entranced the way

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