Charade. Lori Foster

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Charade - Lori Foster

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At least, not completely. There were too many facets to his personality, and now he seemed genuinely thoughtful, interested in the children and concerned that he might have hurt her feelings. And he’d been very patient while she’d talked to Mr. Briant.

      His hand was warm and strong, feeling exactly as she remembered. But her reaction wasn’t dulled by familiarity.

      “I’m not invincible, Mr. Ramsey. I simply don’t believe in allowing myself to be trod upon.”

      “You’ve done that before, you know. Called me mister when you’re agitated. I think we know each other well enough to dispense with mister and Ms., don’t you?”

      She managed to slip her hand free, but only because Tyler allowed it. She needed to regather her defenses; Tyler was a devastating man when he was being the seducer. But as a caring, considerate man, he was downright potent. “I don’t really know you at all, but I think I know your type, and I’m not all that impressed by it. That’s one of the reasons I hesitated to involve you in this program. But I’ll be honest with you...Tyler. There was no one else to take Jason’s place, and—”

      He interrupted her long enough to say facetiously, “Stop, Carlie. You’ll swell my ego with all this praise.”

      Carlie heaved a disgruntled sigh, and saw Tyler’s eyes go automatically to her breasts as she inhaled. He wouldn’t be able to tell a damned thing, though, other than the fact that she did have them. Her shirt was buttoned to the throat and her suit coat was bulky, concealing any dimensions or shape. Carlie glared at him.

      Still not looking at her face, he said, “You’ve made quite a few assumptions about me, haven’t you? Did you ever consider you might be wrong?”

      “No. I hadn’t considered that.”

      “Well maybe you should.”

      When he finally looked up, appearing totally unrepentant, she frowned at him in exasperation. “I think it would be better if you kept your hands to yourself.”

      Tyler did a double take. “All I did was hold your hand. I didn’t make an indecent proposal.”

      His blunt speech could easily rattle her, but still her tone was brisk and confident. “This is a very small town,” she said. “People love to gossip. I don’t want to give anyone reason to speculate.”

      Tyler blinked, completely incredulous, a small, uncertain smile playing about his mouth. Then the smile broke, and he indulged in unrestrained laughter. Carlie immediately felt like a fool. Her remark had been totally asinine. No one would ever assume Tyler Ramsey was romantically involved with her. Secret rendezvous in disguise aside, the idea was too absurd.

      Tyler shook his head, still chuckling and watching Carlie with an air of expectation, as if he was waiting for another joke. She knew her face was red, and she hated it. She reached into her purse, blindly searching for her wallet, then threw a couple of bills on the table and stood. She slipped her purse over her shoulder and walked away.

      “Carlie! Wait a minute.”

      She ignored him.

      Tyler cursed as she walked out the door. When Carlie glanced back, he was hurrying after her.

      It was a beautiful autumn day outside, with only a hint of chill in the air to suggest that winter was approaching. The sun was a hazy tangerine glow dipping low on the horizon. And beneath it, her sturdy shoes clapping loudly on the pavement, stomped Carlie. She was intent on marching back to the school to retrieve her car.

      She heard Tyler jogging after her.

      “Leave me alone,” she said succinctly as he reached her side and tried to grasp her arm.

      “Be reasonable, Carlie. You can’t walk all the way back to the school.”

      “Of course I can. We didn’t go that far.”

      “I’d rather drive you.”

      “I’d rather walk.”

      Growling, Tyler grabbed her arms, despite her resistance, then shook her gently. “Will you stop being so contrary? You were worried about causing speculation? Well, what do you think it will do if I carry you back to my car?”

      “You wouldn’t dare.”

      “Take one more step and you’ll find out what I dare.”

      It was a standoff, and they glared at each other until finally Carlie did an about-face and, without a word to Tyler, stalked over to his car. She stood by the passenger door, impatiently waiting for him to unlock it. But before he opened the door, he caught her shoulders again.

      “Carlie, I didn’t mean to...that is... Oh, hell, I’m sorry, all right?”

      Carlie faced him, hard as that was to do. She felt thoroughly humiliated and had no problem blaming Tyler for her discomfort. She may have memories to cherish, but Tyler would obviously be appalled to learn the true identity of his mystery woman.

      Straightening her shoulders to hide her hurt, she stared at him with cold indifference. “Do a good job with the children. That’s all I ask. Beyond that, you don’t concern me.”

      * * *

      Tyler nodded stiffly, then walked to his own side of the car. His hands flexed on the wheel twice before he started the engine.

      “Doesn’t anything rattle that damned calm reserve of yours?”

      Carlie stared out her window. “Is that what your insult was meant to do? Rattle me?”

      “Actually, I didn’t mean to insult you at all.”

      Carlie snorted. “I’m not an idiot, Tyler. I understand how ridiculous I must have sounded. Certainly no one would ever think... I mean, the idea of me and you...”

      “That’s not why I laughed, Carlie.”

      She snorted again, and he grinned. “There, you see?” he said. “You just never say or do what I expect. You were sitting back there all prim and proper, your pretty hazel eyes all disapproving, and it just struck me funny. You seem too much of a modern woman to be so prudish.”

      Carlie felt mortified. “I’m not prudish,” she mumbled, memories of a few nights ago tumbling about in her mind. Then she told the necessary lie. “Just circumspect.”

      They stopped at a red light, and he turned toward her, scrutinizing her. She stubbornly ignored him, only briefly glancing his way. But it was enough to see his smile. She had the vague suspicion that he felt challenged. And an even worse suspicion that if it came to a battle of wills, she’d lose. Hands down.

      Tyler certainly had more experience sparring words. A thrill of trepidation ran down her spine, and then her reason for that trepidation was verified.

      “Your lips are nice. Full and soft, but not a hint of a smile. And I like your small, stubborn chin.”

      He was teasing, she could tell. And she almost grinned at his underhanded tactics. Almost.

      “Does it hurt?”

      That gained her reluctant attention, and a quizzical frown. “What?”

      “Wearing your hair so tight. It gives me a headache just to look at it.”

      She should never have looked at him. His dark eyes were shining and his firm lips were tilted in a boyish grin. He appeared totally harmless. But she wasn’t buying it.

      “How long is it?” Tyler moved when the traffic light turned green and drove smoothly down the uncrowded street. “Shoulder-length? Longer?”

      “I can’t see where my hair could possibly interest you, Tyler. But to end your juvenile tactics to annoy me, I’ll tell you. It reaches my shoulder blades, is a very mousy brownish blond, and I wear it this way because I don’t have time to fuss with fancy hairdos. As long as a person’s hair is clean, what should it matter to anyone else how it’s worn?”

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