Summer Loving. Cathy Williams

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Summer Loving - Cathy Williams

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The soft, dangerous tone sent sweet shudders chasing up her spine, melting the ice just a little.

      ‘And if I refuse?’

      ‘Cristo, why do you challenge me at every turn?’

      ‘Because I’m not a doormat. You liked that about me once, remember?’

      ‘I’m not in the mood to reminisce about us.’

      She wanted to tear her gaze away, to stomp away in fury, but she was frozen, held captive by the magic of his voice, the seductive uniqueness of his scent that filled her senses, made her want to linger a while longer, breathing him in.

      ‘If you meant what you just said about your...deficiencies, I think it’s in all of our best interest that we tackle the subject of us sooner or later, don’t you think?’

      ‘Don’t push me tonight, Ava. I’m at my limit.’

      Something softened inside her. ‘Not tonight.’ She stepped closer, an invisible cord pulling her to him, his heat a craving she couldn’t resist. Tentatively, she touched his firm cheek. ‘I’m truly sorry about Roberto. Will you tell me if there’s anything I can do?’

      He muttered something low under his breath. Incoherent and pithy, but it caught and stopped her breath nevertheless. Mesmerised, she watched one hand come up slowly, building her anticipation as it touched and traced the skin underneath her ear.

      She shuddered. The pad of one finger traced the vein pulsing heated, frantic blood through her body. Her breath grew shallow, causing her heart to accelerate even more from the lack of oxygen. When his finger came to rest on the pulse at her throat, it was all she could do not to moan.

      He caught her to him, one strong arm snagging her waist and lifting her off her feet like a pirate claiming his bounty.

      His mouth replaced his finger and she moaned at the relentless drum of desire beating in the swollen flesh between her legs, at the urgent tightening of her nipples. But he didn’t relent. He lapped her flesh with his tongue, driving her nearly out of her mind before he sucked, deeply, mercilessly.

      Oh dear God, she’d have a mark on there tomorrow, blatant evidence of Cesare’s rough possession.

      But right at that moment Ava didn’t care about anything except prolonging the pleasure of Cesare’s hot mouth on her. Eagerly, she tilted her head, offering the sensitive expanse of her neck to him.

      With a groan he accepted her offer, kissing the length of her throat and back again, before biting hungrily on her soft lobe.

      Her nails dug into his shoulders. Holding on tight, she lifted and threw her legs around his waist, anchoring herself against the pleasure of his lean frame. The hard rigid evidence of his arousal grazed her damp panties.

      The shockingly intimate position made them both tense, then draw together as if unable to resist the magnetic force of the desire arcing between them.

      When he started raining kisses along her jaw, she turned her head, met his mouth in a fierce kiss that rocked them both. She was hardly aware of him moving, barely aware of the firm sofa behind her back as he lowered her onto it.

      All she knew and craved was Cesare, above her, around her. Everywhere but inside her, where she desperately needed him to be.

      Frustration bit deep. Tightening her thigh muscles, she tried to draw him closer to the centre of her, to the place that wept for his possession.

      ‘You do this to me every time,’ he said against her lips. ‘You drench me in this...this insanity.’

      ‘You make me sound like some witch, wielding a potent spell.’

      The moment the words left her lips she regretted them. Because, just like the first afternoon of her return, her voice reacted like ice on his skin.

      Tense muscles locked in fierce rejection as he disentangled her from his body. Face taut, he levered himself away and stared down at her. When he stumbled backwards, she clutched his arm.

      ‘Please tell me this wasn’t another stupid caveman demonstration?’

      His pupils dilated and she glimpsed his turmoil before, with jerky movements, he removed himself to the other side of the room.

      ‘It wasn’t an intentional one, no,’ he replied huskily.

      ‘Then what exactly was it? God, Cesare, you’re blowing so hot and cold, anyone would think you were a virgin.’

      His face tightened. ‘You don’t know what you’re asking, Ava.’

      And she had a feeling she would regret the words, but her need to be with him, to experience the sheer bliss of Cesare’s lovemaking had pushed her past shame. ‘You’re my husband. I’m your wife, albeit an unwanted one. What could be simpler?’

      He whirled around. ‘We haven’t had sex in almost a year.’

      A harsh laugh left her throat. ‘Trust me, I know. And I’m not sure whether to be ashamed because I’ve let myself accept this preposterous situation between us or disgusted with myself because, despite everything, I still want you.’

      His smile was tinged with an arrogance that made her palms itch to slap it off his face. Then kiss him like he was her last breath. ‘Our chemistry defies reason and description. Always has. But you’re chasing a dream, cara. One that can never become reality.’

      She stopped and licked her lips. ‘Then why are you still here?’ Knowing he still wanted her, still desired her enough to shake his formidable control made her bolder.

      Cesare had always prided himself on his control. It was only with her, on occasion, that she’d seen his formidable willpower slip. She’d suspected for a long time that he resented her for that loss of control.

      She watched his hands unclench, and immediately clench again. ‘Because it’s becoming physically impossible to stay away from you.’

      His gaze locked on hers, studying every movement like a predator tracking a doomed prey. ‘Now it’s your turn. You know I can’t give you the wholesome family you want. What are you prepared to settle for?’

      The white-hot gaze slid down to linger on her lips. She knew exactly what that look meant, and yes, she could have settled for wild, untamed, skin-melting sex. But she knew it would never make her happy. ‘I’m not prepared to settle.’

      Her heart thudded as he gathered himself together. His features hardened, closed off as completely as a solid steel door slamming in her face.

      ‘Then we have nothing left to talk about.’

      Pain rushed like an icy river through her veins. Gasping in air, she lowered her head to hide the effect of his words. With numb detachment, she noticed her neckline was gaping, showing the full upper curve of her breasts. Hastily, she rearranged her dress, thankful her hair had loosened enough to cover the heat rushing into her face.

      She sensed him coming closer. For a second she thought he would touch her, soothe away his harshly spoken words, but when she risked a glance she saw him veer towards the door.

      Anger, gratefully received in place of fruitless hope, roiled through her. She surged to her feet and yanked her dress down.


      He didn’t turn around.

      ‘Tell me why you still wear your wedding ring but are condemning our marriage?’ She heard the strained bewilderment in her voice and would have given her eye teeth not to. ‘Is it because you don’t love me any more?’

      With one hand tensed on the doorknob, he turned. ‘Any more?’

      ‘Yes. Is that it?’

      ‘Ava, I desired you. I craved you with a need and desperation that bordered on the unholy. But I never claimed to love you.’

      * * *

      Ava lay in darkness,

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