Cowboy at the Crossroads. Linda Warren

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Cowboy at the Crossroads - Linda Warren

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her opinions to herself.”

      “You’re getting angry for nothing,” Becca told him. “I just didn’t want you hoping that something was going to happen between us, because I’m not sure what I want and you’re too nice a person to keep baby-sitting me. You deserve a—” The doorbell interrupted her.

      “Excuse me,” she said, and got up to open the door.

      Ginger brushed past her. “Look at this,” she cried agitatedly. “Look at my hair! It’s one big fuzz ball. I can’t go to work like this.”

      Ginger had naturally curly red hair, and on humid days it sprang into a mass of tight ringlets. During the sweltering Houston summers, Ginger was always in a panic about her hair.

      “I looked in the car mirror and I couldn’t believe it! I just fixed it, and now I resemble the bride of Frankenstein. Your place is close to work, so I came here for emergency repairs. Can I use your curling iron?” Ginger turned and saw Colton. “You’re here awfully early.”

      “Got something to say about it?” Colton asked in a hard tone.

      “Had nails with your coffee, Prescott?” Ginger returned without skipping a beat, then swung toward the bathroom.

      Becca shrugged. “That’s Ginger.”

      Colton stood up, shaking his head. “I don’t know how you put up with her.”

      “We’ve been friends for a very long time.”

      Colton looked into her eyes. “Don’t worry about us. Don’t worry about anything.”


      He placed a finger over her lips. “I’ve got to get to work. I’ll call you later, and I’ll call Cord as soon as I get to the office.” He started for the door. “Thanks for doing this for my family. I know Cord will appreciate it.” Becca stared after him.

      Ginger came back with her hair looking much better. “Stuffed Shirt gone?”

      “Ginger, don’t.”

      “I have to run, anyway.”

      “Can you wait just a second?”

      Ginger glanced at her watch. “That’s about all I’ve got.”

      Becca told her about the visit to Triple Creek, about motherless Nicki and her father.

      “Wow. What’s this Cord like?”

      Becca groaned. “It’s not about Cord. It’s about Nicki.”

      “If you say so.” Ginger sighed. “Now, I’ve really got to go.”

      “Can you water my plants while I’m gone?”

      “Sure,” Ginger called, hurrying out the door. “Phone me when you’re back in town.”

      As Ginger left, Becca tried to ignore her words. Was she doing this for Nicki—or Cord? For both of them was her instant response, and she was getting tired of justifying her actions to everyone. She let out a long breath and went to make fresh coffee.

      Fueled by the additional caffeine and new resolve, she called the Prescott ranch. Cord answered it on the second ring.

      “Cord, it’s Becca.”

      “Hi, how are you this morning?”

      Her stomach trembled at the undertones in his voice, and she wondered why he had this effect on her and Colton didn’t. She swallowed.

      “Fine. Where’s Nicki?”

      “In her room.”

      “Cord.” She couldn’t keep the frustration out of her voice.

      “Della’s fixing her breakfast and I was about to go upstairs and get her. I’m not looking forward to this.”

      “Crying and screaming won’t hurt her. Not eating will.”

      There was a pause, then he asked, “When are you coming?”

      “In about two hours.”

      “Well, maybe I’ll wait and let you work your magic.”

      “Oh, no, Cordell Prescott. You go upstairs and bring her down for breakfast. Today is the day she starts to get better, and you have to be strong.”

      “All right, but if I’m a wreck when you get here, you’ll know why.”

      “Yes, I’ll know why. I’ll also know you’re the biggest softie I’ve ever met.”

      “I’ve been told that.”

      Another pause. Then he asked, “Do you know where Colton is? I tried his apartment but he wasn’t there.”

      “He was here, and he just left. You should be able to catch him at his office.”

      All the warm feelings inside him dissipated and he didn’t understand why. He knew Becca and Colton were seeing each other. That had been for years, so why, all of a sudden, was he feeling so discouraged by this evidence that they were sleeping together? Could Blanche be right? No, Blanche was never right about anything. His interest in Becca was strictly for Nicki’s sake. He would never covet his brother’s lover.


      He jerked himself to attention as he realized she was saying his name. “Yes.”

      “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

      He hung up the phone with a frown on his face. What was wrong with him? Nothing, he told himself. He just felt like this because of Blanche and her crude suggestion. He wasn’t attracted to Dr. Becca Talbert. Not at all.

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