Part-Time Fiance. Leigh Michaels

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Part-Time Fiance - Leigh Michaels

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was ego that kept driving him to the next even bigger deal.

      She saw Jason point her out, but he hung back a bit as Curtis approached. Behind the merger king’s back, Jason gestured toward Delainey’s dress and made a thumbs-up gesture to her. It was enough to make her wish she’d ignored his heavy-handed suggestion and worn a business suit instead of the sleek black velour with its heart-shaped neckline and lace-trimmed sleeves.

      Curtis Whittington seemed to appreciate the dress, however. His dark brown eyes devoured her. “You’re Delainey,” he said. His voice was lower and more gravelly than she’d expected. “It’s a pleasure.” His hand was cold, and it was all Delainey could do not to shiver and pull away from his touch.

      It’s cold outside, dummy, she told herself. It’s not like he’s a corpse.

      Curtis took the bar stool next to hers. “Nice place,” he said. “Do you like living here?”

      Apart from a few neighbors… “I think I’m going to like it very much. I’m still getting settled and learning my way around.”

      Jason snapped his fingers at the bartender and gave an order. “Curtis is thinking of buying something locally.”

      Delainey was startled. “You mean you’d move here? You’re based in Seattle now, aren’t you?”

      “Oh, I wouldn’t move exactly,” Curtis said. “But hotels are such a nuisance. If I’m going to spend any time in a place, I like having my own territory. And I foresee the possibility of spending a lot of time here.”

      “Then there must be several companies you’re interested in acquiring,” Delainey said.

      “Companies…and other things.”

      “Curtis just bought Foursquare Electronics,” Jason said.

      “Yes, I read that.” Delainey just hoped nobody quizzed her about it, since that was one of the magazine articles she hadn’t had time to finish. “Are you looking to expand more in that direction, or new ones?”

      “I’m always interested in something new,” Curtis said, and winked.

      The bartender brought the drinks, and Curtis knocked his Scotch back and ordered another before the man had even moved away.

      Delainey regarded him thoughtfully. If the man continued to drink at that rate… “Perhaps we should go on in to dinner.”

      Jason shook his head. “There’s no hurry. Let’s get to know each other.”

      “We can get acquainted over dinner,” Curtis said. “Let’s get started.”

      While Delainey had been waiting in the library bar, the dining room had almost filled, and now only a few tables, including their own, stood empty. Here were all the new neighbors that—if this evening had gone as originally planned—she would be meeting right now, Delainey thought wistfully.

      She glanced around the room and felt herself freeze. Now she knew what Sam’s definition of extra-special treatment was. And she’d been right to be wary.

      Because Sam and Emma had come to dinner after all—and they were sitting at the table next to hers.

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