Emergency At Inglewood. Alison Roberts
Читать онлайн книгу.about that triangular bandage I used as a sling for that little girl that broke her collar-bone at school?’
‘Right. We need more dressings and saline pouches, too. We had that student that got knocked off his bike just after her.’
Kathryn shook her head. ‘I’d completely forgotten about him.’
The cases had been so many and varied over the course of the day, they were becoming something of a blur. Except for the very first job. Kathryn would remember that in vivid detail for the rest of her life.
A quick trip to the coronary care unit had been squeezed in after delivering one of their later cases to the emergency department. The satisfaction in finding the man pain-free and virtually unscathed thanks to the angioplasty he had received so promptly to unclog his arteries had carried Kathryn through the rest of the afternoon on a real high. She was only just starting to come down now but the descent seemed to be picking up speed.
Stretching backwards relieved the ache in the small of her back. ‘Is it always this busy?’
‘No. It’s fairly unusual, fortunately.’ Tim looked up from checking the gauge on the Entonox cylinder and smiled. ‘I’ll bet you’re stuffed. Why don’t you go and put your feet up and have a coffee? I’ll finish the truck.’
Kathryn shook her head. ‘I’m happy to help.’
‘Just do it, Kat.’ Tim’s smile belied the stern tone and Kathryn grinned as she recognised the echo of the instruction that had pushed her into meeting the challenge their inaugural case together had presented.
She gave Tim a mock salute. ‘Yes, sir!’
Still smiling, she left the garage and headed for the commonroom. Move over, Nike, she thought. ‘Just do it’ looked set to become a private joke between her and her new partner.
‘You look far too happy to have just finished your first day on the road.’
Startled, Kathryn’s head swung towards the archway that separated the dining area of the commonroom from the kitchen.
‘I’m Laura,’ the young woman told her. ‘Tim’s old partner?’
‘Of course,’ Kathryn said. ‘I remember you from the restaurant.’
Laura looked blank for a moment, then her jaw dropped. ‘You’re that nurse!’ she exclaimed. ‘The one that Tim—’ She broke off abruptly and then laughed. ‘Did Tim know it was you coming as a probationary officer?’
‘I don’t think so.’ Kathryn was feeling disconcerted now. What had Laura been about to say? And was the uncomfortable start to their day actually because Tim had known she was coming and wasn’t pleased about it? A tiny silence fell that neither woman seemed to know how to break. Kathryn took the plunge.
‘You’re…um, Jason’s wife as well?’
‘That’s right.’ Laura’s smile was just as pleased as Kathryn’s had been on entering the room. ‘I’m just making a coffee while I wait for Jase to get back. Would you like one?’
‘Please. Black with two sugars.’ Kathryn noticed the empty car seat on the floor beside one of the couches. ‘Where’s your baby?’
‘Mrs Mack’s taken her for a walk in her new stroller. She’ll be back soon.’
‘How old is she?’ Kathryn accepted the mug of fragrant coffee and sat down with a sigh of relief. Laura sat on the opposite side of the table.
‘Who—Mrs Mack or Megan?’ Laura laughed. ‘Mrs Mack’s age is a well-kept secret but I’d say she’s in her late sixties. Megan’s nearly eleven months old.’
‘But you only started your maternity leave this week, didn’t you?’
‘Yeah. That’s because I’m pregnant.’ Laura smiled at Kathryn’s confusion. ‘Long story. Megan is Jason’s daughter but it was a bit hard for us both to keep working full time. I decided to take leave and be a full-time mother and we thought if I was at home with one baby, I may as well be at home with two.’
‘Sounds like a great idea to me.’ Kathryn nodded. She knew she was being assessed, however kindly, by Tim’s ex-partner, and she was just as curious herself. Laura was no taller than her own five feet two inches but Kathryn had seen her in action with Tim that night in the restaurant and so she knew just how far ahead she was in the confidence and competence stakes.
‘So how’s it been? Your first day?’
‘Amazing,’ Kathryn confessed. ‘I defibrillated my first patient on the very first job.’
‘Wow! Was it a successful resus?’
‘We went to see him in CCU this afternoon. He’s going home in a couple of days.’
‘Even better.’ Laura’s gaze was still interested. ‘And how are you getting on with Tim?’
‘He’s great,’ Kathryn said enthusiastically. ‘I’m going to learn a lot. I just hope he won’t get fed up working with me.’
Laura’s eyebrows rose. ‘I doubt that’ll happen in a hurry.’ A chuckle escaped, and Kathryn stared.
‘Why is that funny?’
‘Because you’re…um…’ Laura glanced towards the door and then lowered her voice. ‘Tim was rather taken with you that night in the restaurant. What he failed to notice was the fact that both you and your dinner companion were wearing wedding rings. He was, shall we say, a little disappointed when I pointed out the fact that you were married.’
‘Really?’ Good grief. Was that why Tim hadn’t rung? Why things had been so tense this morning? An unexpected flash of regret ambushed Kathryn. What a shame she hadn’t met Tim a long time ago. It was far too late now, of course, and she didn’t even think of men in those terms any more but suddenly Kathryn could imagine what her reaction to Tim would have been if she had still been single. It was enough to bring a flood of colour to her cheeks.
Laura bit her lip. ‘I shouldn’t have said anything. Tim would kill me if he knew. Don’t you say anything, will you?’
‘I’m hardly likely to.’
‘No, I guess not.’ Laura still looked worried. ‘And you don’t have to worry about Tim. He’d never try anything. He knows you’re married and that’s it as far as he’s concerned.’
Kathryn nodded. Of course that was it. As far as either of them were concerned. It did explain a few things, however, and Kathryn felt flattered that she could have inspired any interest in the first place. It had been a long time…no, it might even be the first time she had felt really attractive. Attractive enough for somebody to feel disappointed that she wasn’t available. Disappointed enough to feel upset even, and to screw up her phone number and throw it in the rubbish.
Laura looked relieved at Kathryn’s accepting nod. ‘If I’ve learned one thing about Tim McGrath in the time I worked with him, it’s that he’s completely honest and totally trustworthy. He’s also a great paramedic. There’s no way I would have given up working with him if I hadn’t had a better offer.’ Laura patted her tummy and grinned. ‘He’s also one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. You’re going to love it here but just remember, you’re only keeping my seat warm. I’ll be back one of these days.’
Tim came into the commonroom as Laura finished talking. ‘Yeah, right!’ he said. ‘You’ll be up to your ears in babies for the next few years, Laura Halliday, and you’ll be loving every minute of it.’
‘Yeah!’ Laura grinned at Tim. ‘I hear your new partner has been out saving lives.’
‘She has indeed.’ He looked pointedly at Laura’s mug. ‘Did you make me a coffee, then?’
‘Make it yourself,’ Laura retorted. She turned to Kathryn. ‘Don’t let any of these