Expecting The Rancher's Child. Sara Orwig

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Expecting The Rancher's Child - Sara Orwig

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Blake—dreams she definitely didn’t want.

      Had he felt anything when they’d met? Or had she imagined his response?

      She suspected that by tomorrow morning she would have her answers.

      Right on schedule, they touched down at Love Field in Dallas. She thanked the pilot and departed, crossing to the waiting white limo for another luxurious ride.

      When they finally turned onto the ranch road, they passed beneath a wrought-iron arch with the name BC Ranch.

      As they approached Blake’s house, she saw barns, outbuildings and a sprawling two-story stone ranch house that had to have cost a fortune. Slate roofs glistened in the sunlight, and she could spot the new wing because of construction equipment still in the yard. In front of the house sprinklers slowly revolved, watering the lawn and beds of early spring flowers bordering the porch.

      As she remembered Blake’s midnight eyes and black hair, butterflies danced in her stomach. She hoped when they greeted each other she felt nothing except eagerness to start this job and gratitude for his donation.

      The limo drove around the house, pulled beneath a portico and stopped. Blake stepped out and approached them. In jeans, a navy Western-style shirt and black boots, he looked like the successful rancher he was.

      The driver opened her door and she stepped out of the limo. When she looked up into Blake’s brown eyes, she realized this job would not be as easy as she had hoped, because a sizzling current rocked her to her toes.

      How was she going to work with this tall, handsome man without giving in to this attraction?

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