Half Wolf. Linda Thomas-Sundstrom

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Half Wolf - Linda Thomas-Sundstrom

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a word, he urged her into a jog.

      She did not stop to question this, and matched Michael’s pace. He led her through another section of the park without communicating to her how different this run was compared to the last one they’d shared. Kaitlin didn’t require an explanation, because she sensed trouble in the air. Michael was tense. His grip on her wrist was tight.

      They weren’t alone. Somehow she was aware of another presence nearby and recognized the scent of Rena’s dark jeans. Michael’s female pack-mate was somewhere behind them, bringing up the rear.

      Was this how it was with werewolves? They possessed an intrinsic sense of each other, aware of Were presence without having to look?

      Although the idea was interesting, there was no time to ponder it. Michael ran, and she ran with him—through the park, past the edge of the campus, slowing only when they hit the street. There, they had to walk in order to blend in with the people on the sidewalk.

      Once they had cleared the short block leading to the university’s athletic grounds, Michael took off again with a speed that was more like flight.

      Kaitlin ran like the wind without becoming winded. Cool air on her neck stung. Turning her head made her grimace, but those things weren’t half as disconcerting as being mired in the fog of being uninformed. Who the hell were they running from?

      Please, don’t let it be vampires.

      Panic filled her with the thought of fanged monsters. Her pace flagged as the memory of unnatural teeth tearing into her flesh returned, and with it the reminder of there being more kinds of things in this world than anyone knew.

      She uttered a sound that made Michael toss her a sideways look. However, he wasn’t going to oblige by stopping to answer questions. Instead, he encouraged her on.

      They raced around the corner of a small building near the university’s farthest fields. Then, slowing so suddenly that she nearly passed him by, Michael whirled and pressed her to the building’s brick siding.

      “Don’t go there,” he warned. “Don’t think back too hard or too much. To be afraid is to be weak.”

      “I think I can feel them out there. Vampires.”

      “They won’t get to you. Not with me here and the pack on the prowl.”

      “It’s almost dark, Michael. Don’t vampires come out at night? Is that what you were warning me about when you said to come early?”

      He nodded. “When darkness comes, we wait for what hides inside it. I wanted you to avoid being caught up in that.”

      “Who? Who will face those things?”

      “I will. My pack will.”

      Kaitlin refused to address the ringing in her ears that signaled the extent of her panic. She whispered, “I’m not ready.”

      Warm hands cradled her face. Michael’s eyes met hers. “You don’t have to see them. No one expects you to. I just wanted you to view the place where you were attacked and accept it. Accept us. Accept me.”

      Michael drew back after saying that, as if he had just exposed a secret. Did that secret deal with his feelings for her?

      “What if...” Her voice faltered, so Kaitlin started again. “What if they hurt you?”

      He shook his head. “Not going to happen. Not here, like this. We’re fairly fluent in vampire, and these young fledglings have picked up a predictable pattern.”

      Kaitlin recalled the brute strength of the beast that had trapped her and how she had assumed she would never breathe again. But if darkness was minutes away and Michael’s pack would be going after vampires, where did that leave her?

      “What do I do?” she asked.

      “Go back to your place and wait this out. I was hoping they wouldn’t come back so soon. It’s unusual they would risk it. I didn’t mean for you to go through this again. I’ll send someone home with you to—”

      “Babysit me? Hold my hand? I don’t need that.”

      Michael held her to the wall with only one hand on her shoulder. Their hips weren’t touching. She couldn’t feel his breath on her face as he said, “Then it’s a good thing you have no say in the matter.”

      As if their sprint had finally caught up with her need for oxygen, Kaitlin said breathlessly, “Who made you king?”

      “Not king. Alpha,” he said with a split-second grin that made the rest of the world, as well as thoughts about the monsters occupying space in it, momentarily melt away.

      “And as such, you’re my responsibility,” he added.

      Michael’s tenseness had returned, which meant that the time for conversation had to be scheduled for a future date. Right on cue with the final nod of his head, the guests he must have been anticipating got nearer, as did nightfall.

      Growls rolled from Michael’s throat that would have scared the living daylights out of anyone who heard them, and nearly shattered Kaitlin’s reach for recovery.

      “They’re coming,” he said. “Lesson one, Kaitlin. Close your eyes and breathe. Inhale and tell me what you find in the wind.”

      Kaitlin did as she was told. She breathed the night in, coughed, breathed again. Heavy pressure on her nerve endings made her eyes fly open. “Is that the vampires?”

      “It’s the pack,” Michael said. “Some of it, anyway.”

      The scent accompanying the pressure she perceived was hard to define and meant more werewolves were coming. Her body responded quickly to this news. Heat closed around her as if a warm breeze had blown in.

      Michael said, “Time to go.” Then Rena, accompanied by two large men that weren’t quite as gorgeous as Michael, but a close second and third, turned the corner of the building...with their eyes trained on her.

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