The Texas Ranger's Family. Rebecca Winters

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The Texas Ranger's Family - Rebecca Winters

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      “When you first mentioned divorce, what did he say?”

      “He looked all penitent and said he didn’t want one. Rod claimed the woman meant nothing to him. He promised never to see her again, but by then I was done. He was so cold and hadn’t shown real remorse for any of his behavior, including missing his daughter’s first birthday. I couldn’t understand it and felt like I’d never known him. Now I know why,” she reflected with a heavy heart.

      “I’ve seen his type before. He’s the kind that never formed emotional attachments early in life.”

      She nodded. “He’s exactly like that. Later on that night I asked him to pack up and leave the house. I told him I was going to hire an attorney and he’d need one, too. Though the house is in my name, he threatened that he was eligible for half the property and would sue me for it.

      “That’s when I knew I’d married a stranger. If he wanted to fight over the house he’d never paid for without any concern for his daughter’s future, there was no hope for us. I told him we’d have to work out everything in court. But he died before that day came.” She paused for a moment. “I never wished him dead, but he’s been dead to me for a long time.”

      Before the Ranger could say anything, the head of the forensics team came into the kitchen to say they were through. Saunders walked them to the front door, where they talked for a few minutes. After they filed out, he turned his attention back to Natalie.

      “It turns out that whoever invaded your home must have had a key. There’s no sign of a break-in.”

      “Maybe it was that other inmate you were talking about.”

      “Maybe, maybe not. But either way I’d say that’s enough questions for now. I’ll help you clean up your house before I leave.”

      “Oh, no. That won’t be necessary, but thank you.”

      He zeroed in on her with his gaze. “I insist. Until the surveillance team arrives, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

      A chill ran down her spine. “Surveillance?”

      “Absolutely. I’m having you and your house guarded around the clock.”

      Her heart thudded with anxiety. “So you think I’m in danger, then?”

      “Rod was a career felon. He could have enemies who wouldn’t hesitate to hurt you or your daughter.”

      “But why?”

      “Come on, let’s get your place cleaned up while we talk. If you’ll give me a towel, I’ll get the water out of the carpet.”

      “You don’t need to do that.”

      “I want to.”

      She couldn’t budge him. In the end she found him a towel that had been thrown on the floor next to the linen closet. “Here you go. I’ll clean up the nursery then I’ll go for Amy. Jillian needs to be relieved—she’s been such a help. I think I’ll take her one of these floral arrangements, maybe that large one with the daisies and roses.”

      “They’re beautiful. Who sent them?”

      “My boss. The one from the photo. John Willard. He and his wife have proved to be terrific friends.”

      The Ranger got down on one knee to perform his task and Natalie’s eyes lingered on the striking picture of virility he made. She decided he must be a man in a million to pitch in when he didn’t have to. She tore herself away and hurried to Amy’s room to put everything back in place. When she returned to the living room, she found it and the den restored and in perfect order, with nearly all traces of water gone.

      She discovered her guest in the kitchen, washing his hands. When he looked over his shoulder at her, she smiled. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’d been sent from Hire-a-Husband, that company you see around town. Are you married, Ranger Saunders?”

      He chuckled. “No. I haven’t had that experience yet.”

      “After interviewing me, you must be thankful.”

      “Not every marriage ends in pain—I’m sorry. That sounds incredibly insensitive.”

      “Not at all.”

      She watched him dry his hands as he turned to her. “Before any more time passes, I want you to save my cell number in your contacts. If an emergency arises, you can call me any hour of the day or night.”

      “Thank you,” she answered. She retrieved her phone and entered the number he gave her. “Now, will you tell me why you’re having me watched?”

      His hands went to his hips. “Did you know that LifeSpan fired your husband a month ago?”

      “No,” she whispered then sank down on the nearest chair. “That would have been after we separated. He never told me.” She buried her face in her hands. “What happened?”

      “LifeSpan has been losing money. One of the other accountants under your husband started checking back and discovered payments made to a company he could find no record for. They were payments your husband authorized. A full investigation has been started. They’re still tracing back to see how long it had been going on. So far they’ve found over nine-million dollars missing since the beginning of his employment with them.”

      Natalie gasped. “Rod did that?” She simply couldn’t believe it.

      “Yes, but the only portion of that money to show up in his personal records was four-hundred thousand.”

      Her head lifted. “He always wanted to keep our bank accounts separate. It’s all making sense now. Four-hundred thousand?”

      “Your husband withdrew it from his checking account the day before he was killed, and I’m guessing that whoever trashed your house wanted to get their hands on it.”

      She shook her head. “We’ve never had that kind of money, not even with our combined salaries.” Her body trembled. “I’ve been living with a monster.”

      “It’s evident he’s been a disturbed man most of his life. I’ll learn more when I speak to his grandmother. Though her husband died recently, I understand she’s still alive and was able to give the police a few facts about Park. I need to question her.”

      Natalie’s incredulous gaze met his. “That means Amy has a great-grandmother! I can’t fathom it. They have to have been in pain for years wondering what had happened to their grandson after he escaped.”

      “I’m sure that’s true. One day soon we’ll get all the answers. Will you be available to talk some more tomorrow? Since it’ll be Sunday, morning or afternoon will be fine for me.”

      He was coming by again? Her pulse picked up speed for no reason. “Do you want to come over at eleven or so? Amy will be ready to go down for her nap around then.”

      “Eleven it is.” He walked through to the living room and looked out the front window. “The surveillance team is parked out front in a carpet-cleaning truck. They’ll keep an eye on you around the clock to make certain you’re safe. I’ll see myself out the back door.”

      She watched his tall, rock-hard physique slip out through the kitchen and disappear from view once he reached the neighbor’s yard. Natalie clung to the open door. He’d convinced her that she and Amy could be in danger, but as shocking as all the revelations had been, he’d had a calming effect and she felt confident she wasn’t alone in this horror story.

      * * *

      KIT PHONED THE surveillance team from his truck to give them instructions. Once he let them know he was leaving the premises, he drove to the freeway and headed for Marble Falls. He’d have to drive fast to be on time for his mother.

      Needing to talk, he used voice commands to dial Cy, a fellow Ranger who was working on another case. He was gratified when he heard his friend’s

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