Cinderella's New York Christmas. Scarlet Wilson

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Cinderella's New York Christmas - Scarlet Wilson

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didn’t matter that he partially understood it. He couldn’t hide his flare of anger. Sebastian had got to spend a lifetime with his parents—Leo hadn’t even got to meet them.

      Giovanni gave a shake of his head and Leo settled back into his chair, staring pointedly at Sebastian until he did the same.

      Giovanni continued slowly. ‘There are conditions attached.’

      ‘What conditions?’ Leo couldn’t help it. He’d been in business too long to get caught out.

      ‘Leo must hold the controlling stake in the business for a minimum of six months. The shares can’t be sold, or transferred, to any alternative controlling company or family member.’

      ‘What happens if he does?’ Noemi’s voice was shaky.

      Giovanni looked at all three of them. ‘Any attempt to violate the terms of the will mean that the company shall cease trading and will be liquidated with its assets distributed amongst the other existing four hundred shareholders.’

      ‘What?’ Sebastian’s voice sounded wheezy. His eyes were wide.

      Leo sat frozen in his chair. He was a businessman. He had a head for business. He knew exactly what this was.

      ‘This is blackmail,’ he said coldly.

      ‘No,’ said Noemi quietly.

      ‘Manipulation, then.’

      She turned to face him and gave a slow nod. ‘You could be right.’

      ‘But why?’ Leo leaned across the table towards Giovanni. ‘Why on earth would—’ he couldn’t even bring himself to say the words ‘parents’—‘Salvo and Nicole do this?’

      Giovanni sighed and leaned back in his chair.

      ‘Did this just happen?’ interjected Sebastian angrily. ‘Did they just do this because they found Leo?’

      Leo drummed his fingers on the table. He couldn’t get his head around this at all. ‘Were they sick?’

      Giovanni started.

      Leo’s brain was struggling to make any sense of this at all. He asked again, ‘Were they sick?’ He shook his head. ‘This doesn’t make any sense. I don’t imagine for a second that they could have predicted the accident they were in, so the only other thing I can think of was that they were sick. They were trying to find a way that we...’ he paused for a second at that word ‘...would all have to work together. Nothing else makes sense.’

      Sebastian looked pale. His eyes found Noemi. ‘We would have known. They would have told us.’

      She gave a bewildered shrug. ‘They didn’t tell us about Leo until a month ago. And only then because I found his letter.’

      Giovanni cleared his throat. ‘Their will has always said this.’

      ‘What?’ This time it was three voices in unison.

      Giovanni gave a slow shake of his head. ‘They always believed they would find Leo. Initially, the will just named him as “the eldest biological child”. They never stopped searching. Even if they died before they found him, they still wanted him to know he was always part of the family, and to give him the opportunity to know the family business.’ Giovanni took a deep breath. ‘They believed in family. You know that.’ He shook his head. ‘They changed the will to include his name as soon as they found him. But the truth is he was always included. In their eyes, he was always part of the family—whether they knew his new name or not.’

      Noemi blinked and looked between Leo and Sebastian. ‘This isn’t about the business,’ she said quietly.

      Leo could tell Sebastian was still angry. There was a tiny tic in his jaw. But he met his sister’s gaze and gave her the slightest nod. ‘I know that.’ It was the most conciliatory thing he’d said since Leo had got there.

      Leo felt blindsided and he hated that. Every business meeting, every potential deal, he always went in prepared. He would know the background, the finances, the personalities and their quirks before he even set foot in the room.

      But here? For the first time since he’d been a child he felt totally out of his depth.

      It felt as if the room was closing in around him, suffocating him with the heat from the fire, the love from the pictures on the wall, and that horrible feeling of emptiness inside.

      Sebastian’s voice was tight. ‘Mamma and Papà spent their lives growing this family business. It’s gone from a few tiny shops in Italy to a billion-euro company with worldwide acclaim. You might know business, Leo, but you don’t know this business. And I’m damned if I’m going to let their pride and joy fall apart around you for the next six months because you don’t know what you’re doing.’

      He’d had enough. Leo had reached breaking point. He pulled back every emotion that he’d been struggling to keep in check. Business. Sebastian was talking business to him and no one was better at business than him.

      ‘I might not know anything about the jewellery business, Sebastian, but one business is the same as another. Don’t make any mistake, I don’t want to do this, and I’m not interested in doing this. I don’t need your mamma and papà’s business, and I certainly don’t need their money. I could walk away right now quite happily, but where would that leave you?’

      He let the words hang in the air. Noemi’s face was pale as she stood up and reached out and took Leo’s hand, stumbling. Leo caught her elbow but Sebastian was at her side in an instant. ‘Are you okay?’ He slid his arm around her waist, helping to prop her up. It was like she was caught between two brothers.

      She gave a shake of her head as she steadied herself for a few seconds, one hand still holding Leo’s. ‘Just a bit dizzy.’ She pressed her other hand against her stomach as she took some slow breaths and the colour in her cheeks started to return.

      When she lifted her chin, her eyes were filled with tears. ‘Don’t do this. Don’t be like this.’ Her head went from one brother to the other. ‘I hate this too. But Mamma and Papà want us to work together. They want us to be a family.’ She turned to face Giovanni. ‘You’ve read the will, but I think we should have a little time to consider what it all means.’ She let go of Leo’s hand and reached for his shoulders, turning him to face her. ‘Leo, I want to know you. I want to know my brother. I’ve already missed out on so much of your life, I don’t want to miss out on any more. I’m not asking you to be my best friend. But family is important to me—now, more than ever.’ She squeezed his shoulders. ‘Why don’t you both take a bit of time? This is a lot, I know that—for all of us. We all need to think—to process—and...’ she glanced at Sebastian again ‘...probably to cool off. How about we agree to meet again later?’

      Her eyes were pleading as she looked between the two men. Giovanni nodded. ‘Sounds reasonable. Nothing will happen quickly in terms of the will. It will take around six to eight weeks for things to be legally tied up back in Italy, and I can string things out as long as you all need.’

      ‘Fine.’ Sebastian’s answer was short.

      ‘We can meet again around Christmastime?’ Noemi said, her voice breaking with distress. ‘Back here?’ She pressed her lips together. ‘It’s what Mamma and Papà always wanted.’

      There was an edge to her words. A hint of desperation. It brought it home to him again. She’d just lost her parents. They all had.

      He moved from her grasp and collected his coat. The swell of emotion in the room too much for him. He gave the briefest of nods. ‘I’ll get back to you both,’ he said as he walked swiftly towards the glass doors and out into the dark night.

      He hadn’t even bothered to fasten his coat again and the Swiss Alpine air bit around him. He could barely register the cold, his body was so flushed with heat.

      New York. That’s where Leo wanted to be right now. That was where he

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