The Ransomes: Matt, Nick and Katherine. Sara Orwig

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The Ransomes: Matt, Nick and Katherine - Sara Orwig

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Like hell!” Duke’s fiery gaze bored into Olivia. The room snapped with tension, yet she felt insulated, certain about what she wanted and reassured by Matt’s stand against his father.

      “The tramp will take you for as much as she can get!” Duke exclaimed, still staring at Olivia.

      “Tramp?” Matt put his hands on his hips, clenching his fists and taking a step toward his father. “I don’t think so,” he said in a chilling tone that made Olivia draw a deep breath. “She turned down your offer of half a million dollars—that’s no tramp after money, Dad, and you better face the truth. She’s going to be the mother of your first grandchild. You owe Olivia an apology.”

      “Matt, please,” Olivia said, standing and placing her hand on Matt’s arm. “I don’t want to cause a rift between father and son.”

      “Like hell you don’t,” Duke snapped. “In your lifetime you’ll never have such wealth as I’m offering. If you marry my son, you won’t be able to touch the Ransome money. Matt will see to that.”

      “I’m not after cash. There are other things in life that are important.”

      “I think you’re after the Ransome fortune and I’ll do everything in my power to keep you from getting a dime of it.”

      Olivia could feel the waves of anger emanating from Duke. His fists were clenched, and his face flushed a deeper red.

      “Dad, you’re on dangerous ground—” Matt said, stopping when she squeezed his arm.

      “Wait, Matt,” she said and turned to his father. “Mr. Ransome, it’s not the Ransome money that I’m after. I’d like my baby to be part of this family that he or she belongs to by blood, although after the past few minutes, I am having second thoughts about that. From what I know so far, Matt is an honorable man. I would like a father for my child. My baby is a Ransome, therefore, I would like my baby to have the benefits of being a Ransome, but not at a price that will compromise his or her life in any manner. Frankly, you, sir, make me want to walk out of the door and never look back. Your son, on the other hand, has accepted my proposition for a marriage of convenience that will give our baby opportunities beyond anything I can ever offer.”

      “Damn straight, you little—”

      “Dad!” Matt snapped in a tough, determined voice as he stepped forward with clenched fists. “Apologize to the woman I intend to marry and to the woman who is the mother of your grandson! You damn well apologize or you’ll never know this child. I’ll cut you off right here and now.”

      “Matt. Don’t!” Olivia stepped in front of Matt, placing herself between the two angry men. “Stop this! Don’t let me tear apart your family,” she urged. Her heart pounded and she was cold with worry, wondering if Matt even saw her or knew she was in front of him. His blue eyes flashed with fire and his chest heaved.

      “Get out of the way, Olivia,” Matt said without taking his gaze from his father.

      “No! I won’t let you two destroy this family,” she said.

      “If you reject my offer, you’ll regret it all your life,” Duke said, lowering his clenched fists and turning to look at her.

      “I’ll never regret turning down your offer,” she declared.

      Duke glared at Olivia. “You’re a cool customer, Miss Brennan. If you’re holding out for a better offer, you won’t get it.”

      “Sir, I’ve already gotten it,” she said softly, and his jaw tightened. Matt stepped beside her and placed his arm around her shoulders.

      “Dad, you apologize to my fiancée or don’t come back to my house or to our wedding.”

      Olivia bit back a protest at Matt’s threat because she wanted a united front with him, but his ultimatum to his father hurt. She never intended to rip apart a family.

      “You have my apologies,” Duke snarled in a tone that clearly indicated his insincerity. “There—you have your damned apology.” He looked at his son’s arm draped across her shoulders. “I hope both of you know what you’re doing,” Duke said.

      “I think we do,” Matt answered.

      “You give long and thorough consideration to my offer,” Duke said to her. “It would set you up for life. You know that you can have other babies and you know that we would provide a truly good life for Jeff’s child. There’s not a shred of love between you and Matt.”

      Olivia and Duke held each other’s gaze for a tense moment. “I won’t forget your offer. It was interesting to meet you, Mr. Ransome.”

      “You watch your step, missy. I’ll do everything I can to talk my son out of marrying you.”

      “I think your son probably makes his own decisions.”

      Duke nodded. Striding from the room, he slammed the door behind him.

      She let out her breath and turned to face Matt. “I hate that you and your dad had such a fight.”

      Shaking his head, Matt raised his eyebrows. “Dad didn’t tell me what he was going to do, although I should have guessed. I’m sure he thought he’d made you an offer that you couldn’t possibly refuse.”

      “Half a million to give you my baby and get out of your life.”

      “I’m a little amazed you could so quickly and easily turn down that amount.”

      “None of you get it—you can’t hang a dollar sign on a child. I’m not giving up my baby.”

      “I didn’t ask you to with my offer. I wanted you to let us share Jeff’s child’s life.”

      “I won’t give up my baby for any amount. I didn’t have to think about my answer.”

      Matt studied her and put his hand on her shoulder. “Dad doesn’t know you at all and he thinks everyone can be bought.”

      She ran her hand across her brow and Matt placed his finger beneath her jaw and tilted her face up. “Upset?” he asked.

      “This past hour hasn’t been the easiest time in my life,” she said, trying to lighten the moment, but she felt weak in the knees and anger still smoldered inside. As much as she wanted to ignore Duke Ransome and forget his hurtful words, his “tramp” accusation rang in her ears and it hurt.

      “I doubt if your father will attend our wedding.”

      “Oh, yes, he will. I know my dad. Did it ever occur to you that you could be getting into a union that you’ll hate?” Matt asked in a quiet voice while reaching out to trace his fingers along her cheek. “Soon I’ll be the legal father and have as much say as you in our child’s life.”

      Our child. The words slipped across her raw nerves, reminding her of all the changes that were soon coming because of her decisions. “I’m willing to take the chance. I think we’ll work out an arrangement we can both accept,” she said, hoping she sounded cool and Matt didn’t have an inkling of the butterflies she had over the thought of her future shared with him and his family.

      “If I ever worry about you holding your own with my family or anyone else, remind me to forget my concern,” Matt said. “I’ve seen some tough men that couldn’t cope with my dad. You won that round with the old man,” Matt added. “There are a lot of people who’ve had tough times, and they would’ve taken the money and never looked back. I think Dad lumped you in with that group.” Matt studied her, his gaze going slowly over her features and making her pulse drum.

      “Thanks for standing up for me.”

      Matt shrugged. “You gave him your answer. He should’ve accepted it and his remarks were way out of line, but he’s accustomed to getting his way and doing whatever he has to do to succeed. I misjudged you a hell of a lot more than a country mile,” Matt admitted. He leaned forward to brush a light kiss on her forehead before glancing at his watch.

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