Millionaire Under the Mistletoe / His High-Stakes Holiday Seduction. Emilie Rose

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Millionaire Under the Mistletoe / His High-Stakes Holiday Seduction - Emilie Rose

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      That made the ball of anger swell inside her. “And what’s going to happen to my mother, my brother?” Me? “Now that you’ve destroyed our family?”

      Callum gave her a stony stare. He raised a dark, devilish eyebrow and asked sardonically, “Finished?”

      She hadn’t been. Not by a long shot. But before she could vent any more he’d cut her off, snapping “Grow up” in a supercilious, condescending way that made her feel childishly inadequate.

      Callum’s words had been unkindly prophetic. She’d had to grow up, and quickly. Much as Miranda loved her mother, she knew Flo could never be practical. Overnight Miranda had become the adult in the home. There’d been no choice.

      And now that same man was trying offer her money. A bribe?


      Miranda felt Callum Ironstone start as she spoke. The sensitive skin of her nape prickled. A moment later a pair of bright blue eyes glared down at her. She’d never noticed their color before.

      “What do you mean ‘No’?”

      Closing the folder with a snap, Miranda slammed it down against the glossy wood. “I mean I have no intention of accepting your blood money.”

      “Blood money?” he said softly, dangerously, and his gaze narrowed to an intimidating glitter.

      She refused to be cowed. “Yes, blood money for what you did to my father.”

      “Your father stole from Ironstone Insurance.”

      Miranda shook her head. “You got the wrong man.”

      “Give me strength.” Callum made a sharp, impatient sound. “You’re not a child anymore.”

      “Stop it!” She put her hands over her ears.

      Blue eyes bored into hers.

      Feeling foolish, like the immature child he’d accused her of being almost three years ago, she uncovered her ears and dropped her hands out of his line of sight into her lap and curled them into fists.

      With hard-won composure, Miranda said, “I’m sure being wealthy beyond belief means you’ve gotten used to throwing money around to make all your problems go away. But not this time. I won’t take a cent.”

      His jaw had hardened. A shiver closely allied to fear feathered down her spine as he bit out, “Don’t you think it’s rather late for fine principles?”

      Miranda stared at him blankly. “What do you mean?”

      “You’ve conveniently forgotten?”

      “Forgotten what?”

      His lips compressed into an impatient line. “Taking money from me.”

      “That’s a lie—I’ve never taken a cent from you.”

      She’d die of starvation before she did that. He’d caused her family so much grief.

      After the funeral, the house where Miranda had grown up with its apple orchard and paddocks had, by necessity, been sold along with her horse Troubadour and Adrian’s expensive racing bicycles. Her mother had never gotten used to the cramped terrace house in a rundown street south of the Thames that the three of them had moved into. Even with Adrian away during the term at the exclusive boarding school Flo had refused to countenance him leaving, space was tight.

      Thankfully the lump sum Ironstone Insurance had paid out after her father’s death had been invested wisely, the interest paying for Adrian’s and Miranda’s education as well as a modest retainer to support her mother, though it left Flo only a shadow of the lifestyle she’d once taken for granted.

      Yet as Miranda’s gaze remained locked with Callum’s, a deep sense of foreboding closed around her heart.

      “So where did the funds for Greenacres come from?” he asked, naming the exclusive culinary school she’d attended. He held up two fingers. “Two years. And your brother’s schooling at St. Martin’s…”

       No, please God.

      It had been a shock to discover her parents’ precarious financial position after her father’s death. But at least her father had kept his life insurance up-to-date.

      Voice trembling, she said, “My father’s life insurance policy paid f—”

      “Your father’s suicide voided the policy.”

      “No!” She realized she was shaking her head wildly. “That can’t be true.”

      Yet even as she denied it, her brain worked furiously. What he said sounded perfectly logical. From the stories her father had told about repudiated claims she knew about fine print. So why had the company paid out the policy after his death when they’d fired her father…had publicly branded him a criminal? And why had she never questioned the settlement?

      Because she’d trusted her father not to do anything that would leave her…them…so horribly exposed. Surely he would never have killed himself, cutting them off from the last lifeline available to them?

      But he had.

      Why had he killed himself, and abandoned them when there’d been so much to live for? It wasn’t as if he’d been guilty. Yet Thomas Owen had left his family vulnerable. And this man, a man she detested, had bailed them out.


      She must have said it out loud. Because Callum shifted from one foot to the other and discomfort flashed in his eyes. Her gaze sharpened. He thought she’d been asking why he’d supported them…and that made him uncomfortable. The next why? popped into her head: what did Callum have to feel guilty about?

      The answer hit her like a bolt of lightning, filling her with icy shock. Had it been a payoff? So they wouldn’t sue Ironstone Insurance? No. Her mother would never have accepted that.

      Or would she have? Miranda wavered. Things had been pretty dire after her father’s death. Had her mother been tempted?

      “You can’t have paid for everything.” Please, please, let it not be so.

      Something like pity softened his gaze. “Do you want to see the invoices?”

      Trepidation made her mouth go dry. “And the allowance my mother receives every month?” She paused. But she had to ask…had to know. “Are you paying that, too?”

      His eyes told her yes.

      It was too much. Miranda’s stomach started to churn again. The sick feeling that had unsettled her earlier swept over her like a tidal wave.

      She turned her head away and stared out the sheetglass window over the cloud-shrouded city where the light was rapidly waning. Miranda shivered. How much had Callum paid? How much did her family owe the man responsible for her father’s death? And how was she ever going to pay it back?

      Just trying to figure how much money was involved made her feel all weak inside. Jerkily, she staggered to her feet and yanked her coat on, hugging its warmth around her. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she faced him, her head held high. “I don’t want this job—I don’t want anything from you. And you can stop the allowance to my mother from today—she doesn’t want your money, either.”

      She stumbled across his office. The expanse of carpet stretched forever and the door seemed a long way away.

      As she grasped the doorknob, he spoke from behind her. “If I were you, I’d check that your mother feels the same way you do—you may be in for a surprise.”

      Chapter Two

      Outside the towering glass world of Ironstone Insurance darkness had fallen. Huddled in her coat, Miranda hurried toward the bus stop. Not even the festivity of the Christmas lights twinkling through the winter gloom could

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