Darcy Dolphin is a Little Bit Magic!. Sam Watkins

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Darcy Dolphin is a Little Bit Magic! - Sam Watkins

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      First published in paperback in Great Britain 2017

      by Egmont UK Limited

      The Yellow Building, 1 Nicholas Road, London W11 4AN

      Text copyright © 2017 Sam Watkins

      Illustrations copyright © 2017 Vicky Barker

      The moral rights of the author and illustrator have been asserted

      First e-book edition 2017

      ISBN 978 1 4052 8423 3

      Ebook ISBN 978 1 7803 1757 1


      A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

      Stay safe online. Any website addresses listed in this book are correct at the time of going to print. However, Egmont is not responsible for content hosted by third parties. Please be aware that online content can be subject to change and websites can contain content that is unsuitable for children. We advise that all children are supervised when using the internet.




       Title Page


       Attack of the Zombie Crab


       Week 2

       Pebble Pals


       Week 3

       A Little Bit of Magic!


       Fishy facts!

       Fishy Funnies!

       Back series promotional page

      image lovely humans! That’s dolphin for ‘hello’ – just in case you forgot. I know you probably didn’t forget, because human brains are nearly as big as dolphin brains. We dolphins have super-big brains, which is why I’m really good at writing and stuff. Dad said today I have verbal diarrhoea. I asked what that meant and he said it means I talk a lot and use a lot of words. Yay! So I’ve decided to try and use at least one new word every day from now on!


      I wrote so many words in my last diary that I filled it right up, so Mum bought me this new one. It is very shiny and lovely – and I already have some mega-exciting news to start it off . . .

       Attack of the Zombie Crab



      Tomorrow my new pen pal, Coral Crab, is coming to stay with me for three weeks! She lives in a place called Rockpool. Our head teacher, Mr Snapper, told us that because summer has been so hot, all the water in Rockpool School has dried up! So the pupils will come to our school until they get their water back. It’s too far for them to go home every day, so everyone in my class has someone staying with them. It will be THE MOST FUN!! We’ve been writing sea-mails to get to know them.

      Our teacher, Miss Carp, asked us to suggest ways we could make our visitors welcome. I was bubbling with ideas.

      ‘A parade,’ I said, ‘with music and a synchronised swimming display . . . and I could do a welcome speech . . .’

      Miss Carp said that sounded nice but really she meant little things like being kind to them, and asking what food they liked, what games they liked to play and stuff like that.

      ‘I asked Melvin those things in my sea-mail,’ my friend Ozzie Octopus said. ‘Melvin’s a mudskipper. He likes mud. So I’ve made a mud corner in the shipwreck, to help him feel at home.’

      ‘Very thoughtful, Ozzie,’ Miss Carp said. Myrtle Turtle put her fin up.


      ‘My pen pal, Gloria Goby, likes painting and eating plankton,’ she said. ‘So Mum’s bought plankton pasties and paints.’

      ‘Excellent.’ Miss Carp beamed. ‘How about you, Darcy? What does your pen pal like?’

      ‘Um . . .’ I said. Luckily right then the bell rang. ‘Oh – I just remembered – I have to go to the library.’

      I shot out of the classroom. Flippering fishsticks, I wished I’d thought to ask Coral all those things! I was so busy telling her about me that I didn’t think to ask about her!

      In the library Miss Angler, the librarian, was sitting at her desk polishing her teeth. Miss Angler’s teeth are razor-sharp and she is very strict, so I’m always very polite to her.


      ‘Excuse me, Miss, and sorry to bother you but do you have any books about crabs?’ I said, nervously.

      Miss Angler glared at me, then swam off between the shelves, her little light dangling in front of her. A few minutes later she came back with a book. There was a scary-looking crab on the cover.


      ‘Attack of the Zombie Crabs,’ I read, ‘by James Halibut.’

      ‘A marvellous author,’ said Miss Angler, smiling wickedly. ‘I have all his books.’

      Hmm. I wasn’t sure if it was exactly what I needed – but I took it because it said ‘A FIN-TINGLING READ’ on the back.

      I read the first chapter in bed and am now too scared to come out from under my bedcovers. Can crabs really come back to life as zombies? I really hope Coral doesn’t do that sort of thing.

      Word of the day: FIN-TINGLING

      This means scary and exciting. I have to say that Attack of the Zombie Crabs is loads more scary than it is exciting.



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