Organic Mechanisms. Xiaoping Sun

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Organic Mechanisms - Xiaoping Sun

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uncatalyzed tautomerization and acid‐ and base‐catalyzed tautomerization is demonstrated in Figure 1.21d.

Chemical reactions depict the acid–base catalysis for enzymatic reactions. (a) Uncatalyzed concerted keto–enol tautomerization, (b) The acid-catalyzed mechanism for the keto–enol tautomerizatio, (c) The base-catalyzed mechanism for the keto–enol tautomerization, and (d) Comparison of energetics for uncatalyzed and acid- or base-catalyzed keto–enol tautomerization. Chemical reactions depict the (a) Mechanism for the concerted reaction of H2O and CO2 giving HCO3- and (b) Mechanism for the enzyme catalyzed stepwise reaction of H2O and CO2 giving HCO3-.

      Many biochemical reactions follow some fundamental organic reaction mechanisms demonstrated in this book. Various biological applications of the mechanisms are discussed in all the individual chapters.


Schematic illustration of the comparison of energetics for the concerted and the enzyme catalyzed stepwise reactions of H2O and CO2 giving HCO3-.
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