Process Industries 1. Группа авторов
Читать онлайн книгу.rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_34e723f1-ac29-5932-ac1c-912fe4c009c9">Figure 1.5. The enterprise and its flowsFigure 1.6. Schema of the ISO 26000 standard
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. Our habitat as seen from space. For a color version of this figu...Figure 2.2. Population explosionFigure 2.3. Population change by country by 2050. For a color version of thi...Figure 2.4. Estimated World Population in 2100: Population Growth by Region....Figure 2.5. Schematization of a systemFigure 2.6. Water cycle (source: Wikimedia Common4). For a color version of ...Figure 2.7. Rachel Carson (1907-1964), inventor of sustainabilityFigure 2.8. Conceptualization of sustainable development. For a color versio...Figure 2.9. Sustainability and metricsFigure 2.10. a) The product as seen by the customer; b) the product seen by ...Figure 2.11. Resource Earth, garbage Earth. For a color version of this figu...Figure 2.12. Lifecycle of a product (Dal Pont 2012, p. 244)Figure 2.13. Example of a Smart City. For a color version of this figure, se...Figure 2.14. Interconnectivity. For a color version of this figure, see www....Figure 2.15. The consumer and related services. For a color version of this ...Figure 2.16. Connected city, a view of central data. For a color version of ...Figure 2.17. Connected city, a view of central dataFigure 2.18. Everyday connected objects. For a color version of this figure,...Figure 2.19. Main standards based on applications (source: microcontrollerti...Figure 2.20. Examples of smart objects in the urban area. For a color versio...Figure 2.21. Example of communicative street furniture (source: Avestone). F...Figure 2.22. Some objects in a Smart City. For a color version of this figur...Figure 2.23. Tools of a Digital City. For a color version of this figure, se...Figure 2.24. Main challenges of Smart City projects main for the decision-ma...Figure 2.25. Success factors of a city's transformation. For a color version...Figure 2.26. Example of the city of NiceFigure 2.27. Mobile convergence solutions: local communication, weather, tra...Figure 2.28. Return on Investment (ROI)Figure 2.29. Key steps in an LCA approach (source: Ecoinvent). For a color v...Figure 2.30. Coupling process modeling, multiobjective optimization, and mul...Figure 2.31. Absorption, distribution, metabolization, and excretion (ADME)....Figure 2.32. Lifecycle of a chemical substance. For a color version of this ...Figure 2.33. Aquatic food chain and transfer of pollution. For a color versi...Figure 2.34. Examples of 1D and 2D pharma codes. Note that since February 9,...Figure 2.35. Examples of UHF and HF RFID tags. The UHF tag has a dipole type...Figure 2.36. Lifecycle (source: Agathe Pernet). For a color version of this ...Figure 2.37. Typical feeds for Vegan® technologyFigure 2.38. Details of a lipid feedFigure 2.39. Schematic diagram of Vegan® technology. For a color version of ...Figure 2.40. Evolution of product quality during various stages of the Vegan...Figure 2.41. Advantages of HVO product compared to biodiesel (FAME/VOME). Fo...Figure 2.42. Vegan® process. For a color version of this figure, see 2.43. Schematic diagram of an EquiFlow™ Hy-Tray™ dispenser...Figure 2.44. 3D view of an EquiFlow™ tray installed in a reactor. For a colo...Figure 2.45. Representation of the scales involved in product designFigure 2.46. End use properties resulting from formulation and process imple...Figure 2.47. Product development process
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. DuPont business lifecycle over time (source: (Connelly 2006))Figure 3.2. Scales where chemical product design takes place. For a color ve...Figure 3.3. Chemical products in raw form and as customer product. For a col...Figure 3.4. Starch production in the EU in 2016. For a color version of this...Figure 3.5. Main starch application in 2017. For a color version of this fig...Figure 3.6. Temperature dependency of starch gelatinization. For a color ver...Figure 3.7. Examples of the application of gelatin in the food and pharmaceu...Figure 3.8. Structure of alginic acid. For a color version of this figure, s...Figure 3.9. Structure of alginate solution with or without calciumFigure 3.10. Principle production of alginate beads. For a color version of ...Figure 3.11. 100 years of Aspirin® product design. For a color version of th...Figure 3.12. Buffer system based on citric acidFigure 3.13. Coffee-based beverages consumption 2018 in the US (source: Hami...Figure 3.14. Distribution of coffee consumption in 2018 (source: Hamilton Be...Figure 3.15. Coffee: from raw material to new design products. For a color v...Figure 3.16. Cappuccino with and without buffer systemFigure 3.17. Product lifecycleFigure 3.18. Principle of circular economy
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Manufacturing aspirin: chemical version (source: (Mesplède 1995)...Figure 4.2. Manufacturing aspirin: industrial chemistry versionFigure 4.3. Manufacturing aspirin: chemical engineering versionFigure 4.4. Product tree (source: (Gani 2004))Figure 4.5. Important figures of fluid mechanics, chemistry, and thermodynam...Figure 4.6. Players of the young thermodynamic discipline in the first half ...Figure 4.7. a) Carnot’s drawing of his ideal machine in his book Reflections...Figure 4.8. Total energy balance for an open systemFigure 4.9. Portraits (from left to right) of Joseph Fourier (by L.L. Boilly...Figure 4.10. From laminar flow to turbulent flow. For a color version of thi...Figure 4.11. Portrait of Osborne Reynolds by John Collier, 1904 (source: Wik...Figure 4.12. Changes in concentrations of reactants and products over time. ...Figure 4.13. Catalysis promotes a reaction by lowering the energy barrier: E...Figure 4.14. Various stages of a heterogeneous catalytic process. For a colo...Figure 4.15. Different types of catalysts (photo by Céline Houriez, 2019). F...Figure 4.16. Diagram of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) (source: Päris Alm...Figure 4.17. Illustration of energy balance on an elementary section of an e...Figure 4.18. (a) Closed stirred reactor; (b) continuous stirred reactor; (c)...Figure 4.19. Typical process: three inputs and two outputs
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Various hydrodynamic lengths/scales in the case of a fluidized b...Figure 5.2. Simple distillation often used in laboratories (source: H. Padle...Figure 5.3. Continuous industrial distillation (according to (Humphrey (2001...Figure 5.4. Representation of vapor-liquid equilibria: a) isobaric diagram; ...Figure 5.5. McCabe–Thiele method (according to Humphrey (2001)). For a color...Figure 5.6. Drag coefficient (y axis) depending on the particle Reynolds num...Figure 5.7. Example of a circular gravity settling tank (source: Anglaret (1...Figure 5.8. Schematic diagram of a disk centrifuge (source: Anglaret (1998))Figure 5.9. Notations for a centrifugeFigure 5.10. Schematic diagram of a cyclone (according to: McCabe and Smith ...Figure 5.11. Filtration categories by particle sizeFigure 5.12. Drum filter (source: Coulson and Richardson (2002))Figure 5.13. Three main types of flow during agitation (source: Midoux (1996...Figure 5.14. Tangential impellers (Chemineer): (a) anchor; (b) screw; (c) do...Figure 5.15. Basic stirred tankFigure 5.16. Power number of a few impellers depending on the Reynolds numbe...Figure 5.17. TEMA standard for shell and tube heat exchangers (source: Perry...Figure 5.18. Typical temperature profiles in heat exchangers: (a) co-current...Figure 5.19. Nomograms for the calculation of a multitubular exchanger 1 she...Figure 5.20. “Levenspiel plot” the case of a curve with a minimum. For a col...Figure 5.21. Calculation and optimization of the overall efficiency from the...Figure 5.22. Typical residence time distributions. For a color version of th...Figure 5.23. Classification of equipment and process intensification methodsFigure 5.24. Potential equipment limitations, possible intensification strat...Figure 5.25. Different modeling scales and simulation in chemical engineerin...Figure 5.26. Multipurpose reactor used for teaching and research (photograph...Figure 5.27. Pilot rotary kiln designed for research work (photograph by Pha...Figure 5.28. Practical work bench for “reactors”: Comparison of conversion r...Figure 5.29. Practical work bench for “pressure drop” (photograph by Clément...Figure 5.30. Filter press pilot plant (photograph by Clément Haustant, 2019)...Figure 5.31. Illustration of the energy balance on an elementary section of ...Figure 5.32. Illustration of energy balance on an elementary section of the ...
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