EXTREMOPHILES as Astrobiological Models. Группа авторов

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EXTREMOPHILES as Astrobiological Models - Группа авторов

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The following activities have been detected using samples from both boreholes: iron and sulfur oxidizers, iron and sulfate reducers, methanogens, acetogens, methanotrophs and denitrifiers.

      Although methane can be produced abiotically, more than eighty per cent of the methane existing in the Earth atmosphere is generated by methanogenic archaea. With only a few exceptions, methanogenic activities are normally detected in environments with circumneutral pH and negative (reduced) redox potentials [2.66] [2.102]. These conditions are very different from those detected in the Tinto basin (acidic and high (oxidized) redox potentials). For a long time, methanogenic activities were not considered to be operating in the Tinto basin for this reason.

      After the detection of methane in the borehole fluids of the MARTE project and in the Martian atmosphere [2.46] [2.81], regular inspections for methanogenic activity were implemented in the study of the anoxic sediment of the Tinto basin. The first sampling station in which methane generation was detected was Campo de Galdérias, at the origin of the river [2.100]. Sediments from this station exhibited specific locations with negative reduced redox potential, surrounded by the high positive oxidation redox potential characteristic of the river. Pressure applied to the ground around this sampling site released gases occluded in the sediments. Microcosms using these reduced sediments showed very active methane generation after reaching negative redox potentials and a significant pH increase, following the spike with different methanogenic substrates. The highest methane production was obtained after addition of methanol [2.100].

      A second site, JL Dam, was selected for further analysis. Cores from this sampling site exhibited distinctive black bands with negative reduced redox potential and circumneutral pH among acidic reddish-brown sediments with positive oxidized redox potentials, similar to those detected in the sediments collected along the course of the river. The sequence of amplified 16S rRNA gene from the blackish bands corresponded to Methanosaeta concilii. Enrichment cultures using different methanogenic substrates allowed the identification of M. concilii using organic substrates, Methanobacterium bryantii using H2 and Methanosarcina barkeri using methanol [2.100].

      How can we explain the development of methanogenic activities in an ecosystem in which the characteristic pH and redox potential are the opposite of the required conditions? This apparent contradiction is resolved when we analyze the results at the microscopic level. The generation of micro-niches in a semi-solid matrix, such as sediments, or even more, in a solid matrix within a deep subsurface rock, could facilitate the growth of microorganisms generating environmental conditions quite different from the restrictive ones existing in the ecosystem [2.31]. As mentioned above, the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization allowed the detection of these micro-niches in the porous rocks of the deep subsurface of the IPB, many of which included biofilms with different types of microorganisms, sharing space and metabolisms [2.31].

      In 2000, Christensen et al. [2.24] [2.25] reported the occurrence of extensive outcrops of hematite in the region of Terra Meridiani. This mineral is abundant in Rio Tinto as the result of the maturation of ferric acidic minerals. This enigmatic enrichment led to the selection of Meridiani as the landing site for the Opportunity rover in 2004. During the exploration of this area, Opportunity detected hematite occurring in spheroidal concretions that were named blueberries. However, the most intriguing and revealing finding was the abundance of sulfates [2.93] [2.101] [2.80] where the main mineral phase was jarosite, as detected by Mössbauer spectroscopy on board the Opportunity [2.63]. Later on, it was observed that the acidic sulfates were very extensive in different Mars regions, supporting the idea that Mars had been exposed to a low-pH episode lasting hundreds of millions of years [2.79] [2.33] [2.29], whose origin has been related to the weathering of metallic sulfides [2.34] [2.112]. Very recently, the formation of iron sulfides associated with hydrothermal materials that are similar to the hydrothermal rocks of the Rio Tinto basement was reported [2.78]. This suggests that the biogeochemical cycles of the putative biosphere that could have emerged on Mars might have been dominated by S and Fe metabolism, as is observed in Rio Tinto.

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