Introducing Large Rivers. Avijit Gupta

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Introducing Large Rivers - Avijit Gupta

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      11  9 Management of Large Rivers 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Biophysical Management 9.3 Social and Political Management 9.4 The Importance of the Channel, Floodplain, and Drainage Basin 9.5 Integrated Water Resources Management 9.6 Techniques for Managing Large River Basins 9.7 Administering the Nile 9.8 Conclusion References

      12  10 The Mekong: A Case Study on Morphology and Management 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Physical Characteristics of the Mekong Basin 10.3 The Mekong: Source to Sea 10.4 Erosion, Sediment Storage and Sediment Transfer in the Mekong 10.5 Management of the Mekong and its Basin 10.6 Conclusion References

      13  11 Large Arctic Rivers Introduction 11.2 Physiography and Quaternary Legacy 11.3 Hydroclimate and Biomes 11.4 Permafrost 11.5 Anthropogenic Effects 11.6 Discharge of Large Arctic Rivers 11.7 Sediment Fluxes 11.8 Nutrients and Contaminants 11.9 Mackenzie, Yukon and Lena Deltas 11.10 Significance of Large Arctic Rivers Acknowledgment References

      14  12 Climate Change and Large Rivers 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Global Warming: Basic Concept 12.3 A Summary of Future Changes in Climate 12.4 Impact of Climate Change on Large Rivers 12.5 Climate Change and a Typical Large River of the Future 12.6 Conclusion References

      15  Index

      16  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Selected characteristics of 24 large rivers.

      2 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Electrical conductivity and pH values of several major Brazilia...Table 5.2 Types of flood pulses and affected wetlands.Table 5.3 Macrohabitat diversity in three large Brazilian floodplains bel...Table 5.4 Morphological, physiological, and phenological adaptations used...Table 5.5 Species richness of terrestrial arthropods in Amazonian uplands...Table 5.6 Large Amazonian river flood plains: effect of flood pulse on th...Table 5.7 Biomass and net primary production per hectare and year of diff...Table 5.8 Nitrogen flux in the Camaleão Lake over an area of 650 ha from ...Table 5.9 Nitrogen input and output fluxes fromvárzea forest at Cama...Table 5.10 Annual cycle of economic activities of the riparian human popu...

      3 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Selected major deltas in the world.

      4 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Source to sink response of the Ganga River since MIS 3.

      5 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Impact of dams and reservoirs on large rivers.

      6 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Measurements on the Mekong.Table 10.2 The Mekong: summary of river units, south of China border.

      7 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Global rank and countries encompassed by each of the five larg...Table 11.2 Climate regions based on soil water balance (after Strahler an...Table 11.3 Climate regions of the Russian large arctic rivers based on qu...Table 11.4 Global rank of the five largest arctic rivers by discharge.Table 11.5 Sub-basins of Mackenzie River above Arctic Red River station: areas a...Table 11.6 Recorded hydrologic changes (1966–1996).Table 11.7 Sediment in large arctic rivers.Table 11.8 Specific sediment yield for the mountain tributaries of Macken...Table 11.9 Estimates of annual suspended load for main tributaries based ...Table 11.10 Mean monthly fine sediment loads (in 106 t) for delta-head ri...Table 11.11 Estimates of mean annual suspended sediment load at four benc...Table 11.12 Changing water and sediment pattern in Siberian hydrometric s...Table 11.13 Baseline infomation for two of the four ACIA regions (Central...

      8 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Common gases that produce enhanced greenhouse effect.

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 A sketch map showing the location of 24 large rivers in the world...Figure 1.2 The Mekong. (a) On rock, downstream of Chiang Saen, northern Thai...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Schematic illustration of the relation between structure and morp...Figure 2.2 Longitudinal profile of the Nile over varying regional structures...Figure 2.3 Diagrammatic sketches of cross-sections of the Mekong River in ro...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Average discharges of (a) suspended sediment and (b) water in the...Figure 3.2 Average annual hydrograph of selected large rivers as examples: t...Figure 3.3 Diagram showing average annual sediment movement between channels...Figure 3.4 Satellite image showing plumes of sediment entering

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