PID Control System Design and Automatic Tuning using MATLAB/Simulink. Liuping Wang

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PID Control System Design and Automatic Tuning using MATLAB/Simulink - Liuping Wang

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1.18 Closed-loop unit step response with PI controller (Example 1.7)....Figure 1.19 Comparison of closed-loop responses using Padula and Visioli PI ...Figure 1.20 Comparison of closed-loop responses using Padula and Visioli PID...Figure 1.21 Unit step response of the fired heater process.Figure 1.22 Comparison of closed-loop responses using Ziegler–Nichols and Wa...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Closed-loop control system in transfer function form.Figure 2.2 Nyquist plot with a unit circle for illustration of gain margin a...Figure 2.3 Magnitude of

(solid line) together with dashed line to determin...Figure 2.4 Nyquist plots with a unit circle (Example 2.3). Key: line (1)
Figure 2.5 Nyquist plots for the modified controller with a unit circle (Exa...Figure 2.6 Magnitude of
(solid line) together with dashed line to determin...
Figure 2.7 Comparison of closed-loop step responses (Example 2.3). Key: line...Figure 2.8 One degree of freedom control system structure.Figure 2.9 Two degrees of freedom control system structure.Figure 2.10 Two degrees of freedom PI control system structure, where
Figure 2.11 Complementary sensitivity function with bandwidth illustration. ...Figure 2.12 Nyquist diagrams using Padula and Visioli PID controller (Exampl...Figure 2.13 Complementary sensitivity function using the Padula and Visioli ...Figure 2.14 Sensitivity function using the Padula and Visioli PID controller...Figure 2.15 Comparison of closed-loop responses using Padula and Visioli PID...Figure 2.16 Nyquist diagrams using the Padula and Visioli PID controller (Ex...Figure 2.17 Sensitivity functions using Padula and Visioli PID controller (E...Figure 2.18 Closed-loop responses to disturbance and measurement noise using...Figure 2.19 Closed-loop responses to disturbance and measurement noise using...Figure 2.20 Unit step response of the eighth reactor with lines to assist ob...Figure 2.21 Magnitude of modeling errors with the first order plus delay mod...Figure 2.22 Complementary sensitivity function and graphic presentation of r...Figure 2.23 Closed-loop step responses (Example 2.7). (a) Control. (b) Outpu...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Step response of the desired closed-loop transfer function. (a)

Figure 3.2 Closed-loop response (Example 3.1). (a) Control signal. (b) Outpu...Figure 3.3 Closed-loop response of PI control system (Example 3.2). (a) Cont...Figure 3.4 Closed-loop response of PID control system (Example 3.4). (a) PID...Figure 3.5 Closed-loop response of PID control system (Example 3.6). (a) PID...Figure 3.6 Reference response of the PID control system (Example 3.7). Key: ...Figure 3.7 Input disturbance rejection (Example 3.7). All controller structu...Figure 3.8 Closed-loop response (Example 3.8). (a) Control signal. (b) Outpu...Figure 3.9 Closed-loop response of resonant control (Example 3.9). (a) Distu...Figure 3.10 Sinusoidal input disturbance rejection (Example 3.10).Figure 3.11 Block diagram of the feedback and feedforward control system.Figure 3.12 Three springs and double mass system.Figure 3.13 Closed-loop responses for three springs and double mass system w...Figure 3.14 Closed-loop responses for three springs and double mass system w...Figure 3.15 Closed-loop responses with disturbance feedforward control for t...Figure 3.16 Comparison between the closed-loop output responses when using d...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Closed-loop response (Example 4.1). (a) Input signal. (b) Output ...Figure 4.2 Closed-loop response (Example 4.2). (a) Input signal. (b) Output ...Figure 4.3 Error signal and control signal in the integrator windup case (Ex...Figure 4.4 PI controller (position form) with anti-windup mechanism (

repre...Figure 4.5 Closed-loop response (Example 4.3). (a) Input signal. (b) Output ...Figure 4.6 Closed-loop response (Example 4.4). (a) Input signal. (b) Output ...Figure 4.7 Closed-loop response (Example 4.4). (a) Input signal. (b) Output ...Figure 4.8 Closed-loop response (Example 4.5). (a) Input signal. (b) Output ...Figure 4.9 Closed-loop response (Example 4.5). (a) Input signal. (b) Output ...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Block diagram of the system for a disturbance observer-based PI c...Figure 5.2 Block diagram of the control system using a disturbance observer.Figure 5.3 Transfer function realization of the estimator based PI controlle...Figure 5.4 Comparison of closed-loop control performance using an estimator ...Figure 5.5 Comparison of closed-loop control performance using an estimator ...Figure 5.6 Comparison of closed-loop control performance between the PI cont...Figure 5.7 Transfer function realization of the disturbance observer-based P...Figure 5.8 Closed-loop control performance using disturbance observer-based ...Figure 5.9 Transfer function realization of a resonant controller with satur...Figure 5.10 Closed-loop control response using a disturbance observer-based ...Figure 5.11 Closed-loop control response using disturbance observer-based re...Figure 5.12 Closed-loop control response using a disturbance observer-based ...Figure 5.13

(Example 5.5). Key: line (1)
; line (2)
.Figure 5.14 Magnitude of the sensitivity function (Example 5.6). Solid line:...Figure 5.15 Closed-loop control response using disturbance observer-based re...Figure 5.16 Closed-loop control response using disturbance observer-based re...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Approximation of a nonlinear function at

.Figure 6.2 Schematic of a double tank.Figure 6.3 Schematic of the ball and plate balancing system.Figure 6.4 Disturbance rejection. (a)
-axis response. (b)
-axis response. ...Figure 6.5 Making a square movement. (a)
-axis response. (b)
-axis respons...Figure 6.6 Making a circle movement. (a)
-axis response. (b)
-axis respons...Figure 6.7 Weighting parameters.

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Block diagram for a system suitable for cascade control.Figure 7.2 Block diagram of a cascade control system.Figure 7.3 Cascade closed-loop response signals (Example 7.2, primary contro...Figure 7.4 Closed-loop cascade control system.Figure 7.5 Sensitivity functions for the cascade control system (Example 7.3...Figure 7.6 Cascade closed-loop response to square wave disturbance signal wi...Figure 7.7 One controller for disturbance rejection.Figure 7.8 Deadzone nonlinearity.Figure 7.9 Closed-loop control response by neglecting the actuator dynamics ...Figure

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