Crystallography and Crystal Defects. Anthony Kelly

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Crystallography and Crystal Defects - Anthony  Kelly

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images, respectively, which are labelled B and C, respectively in Figure 1.26. We can preserve the threefold symmetry (while of course destroying the sixfold one) by stacking nets so that the extremity of t3 has coordinates of either images, images.or images, images. The two positions B and C in Figure 1.26 are equivalent to one another in the sense that the same lattice is produced whatever the order in which these two positions are used.

The stacking of triequiangular nets of points in a staggered sequence. Lattice points in the net at level zero are marked with a dot, those in the net at height z by an open circle, and those at 2z by a plus sign. The relationship between a primitive cell of the trigonal lattice and the triply primitive hexagonal cell. Plan view of the alternative triply primitive hexagonal unit cell used to describe the trigonal R lattice. The four 〈111〉 three-fold axes with acute angles of 70.53° between one another which together define the minimum symmetry requirements for a crystal to belong to the cubic crystal system.
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