Crystallography and Crystal Defects. Anthony Kelly

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Crystallography and Crystal Defects - Anthony  Kelly

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groups that each point group and space group consists of a self‐consistent finite set of symmetry operations. Therefore, point groups and space groups can be described in the formalism of group theory [17–19]. A group G is a set of elements g1, g2, g3gn which conform to the following four conditions [19]:

      1 The product gigj of any two group elements must be another element within the group.

      2 Group multiplication is associative: (gigj)gk = gi(gjgk).

      3 There is a unique group element I called the identity element belonging to G so that its operation on a member of the group g is such that Igi = giI = gi.

      4 Each element within the group has a unique inverse; that is, for each gi there is a unique element gi−1 so that gigi−1 = gi−1 gi = I.

      Thus, for example, following the example of the point group mmm used by de Jong [5], p. 20, the eight group elements within this point group are: the identity, I; three 180° rotations about the x‐, y‐ and z‐axes; three reflections in the (100), (010) and (001) planes; and a centre of symmetry. A subgroup of these symmetry elements is found in 2mm: the identity, a 180° rotation about the x‐axis and two reflections in the (010) and (001) planes. Other subgroups are the point groups 222, 2/m, m, 2, images, and 1. Conversely, the point group mmm is clearly a supergroup for 2mm and 222.

      Similar principles apply to subgroups and supergroups of space groups. Thus, for example, following Hans Wondratschek in chapter 8 in Volume A of the revised, fifth edition of the International Tables for Crystallography [20], the space group Pimages2m is one member of the group whose minimal nonisomorphic supergroup is P63/mcm; it has as maximal nonisomorphous subgroups Pimages, P321, P31m and Pm2m. (Groups are termed isomorphic if they have an equivalent group multiplication structure, but differ in the nature of the elements constituting them [19]. Thus, for example, the point groups 2/m, 222 and 2mm are isomorphic: all three have four elements within the group and the same multiplication structure within them.)

      An example of a space group. An example of a space group.

      Source: Taken from [20].

      It is apparent from the Hermann–Mauguin notation of this space group, Pnma, No. 62, that crystals with this space group symmetry belong to the orthorhombic crystal system, point group mmm. The Schoenflies notation images indicates that the space group is dihedral (or two‐sided; from the ‘D’), that it has a twofold rotation axis (from the ‘2’), that there is in addition a mirror plane perpendicular to this twofold axis (from the ‘h’ subscript) and that it is the 16th of 28 such space groups imagesimages (space groups 47–74 inclusive), all of which are space groups derived from the mmm point group.

      The full Hermann–Mauguin notation for this space group is P21/n 21/m 21/a, showing that there are three mutually perpendicular sets of screw diads in addition to the mirror, m, and the diagonal, n, and axial, a, glide planes. The diagrams of the symmetry elements of the group follow the principles in Figure 2.24, with the use of standard graphical symbols for n (parallel to (100)) and a (parallel to (001)). The projections in the top left‐hand corner and the bottom right‐hand corner are both down [001], the one in the top right‐hand corner down [010] and the one in the bottom left‐hand corner down [100].

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