Industrial and Medical Nuclear Accidents. Jean-Claude Amiard

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Industrial and Medical Nuclear Accidents - Jean-Claude Amiard

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and clocks whose needles were luminous due to this radioactive element. This enthusiasm continued into the 1930s [AMI 13a].

      The dangerous nature of radioactivity was confirmed by research scientists, such as Marie Curie, by uranium miners subjected to high levels of exposure to radon and its decay products, and by radiologists who irradiated themselves intensely at the same time as their patients, accumulating their exposure over time.

      In addition, some cells are more radiosensitive than others. This is true for both plant and animal species, in addition to sensitivity differences between individuals. In a single species, in most cases, the first stages of life (embryo, fetus, child) are much more radiosensitive than adults and old people [AMI 16].

      Nuclear accidents are covered in a series of three volumes. The first volume is dedicated to definitions and classifications of nuclear accidents of military origin. It then tackles the consequences of the actions taken in warfare at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, then atmospheric testing of nuclear bombs and accidents that occurred during underground testing. The use of military force to act as a nuclear deterrent has caused various accidents, in particular among submarines and bomber aircraft. This first volume also considers the various accidents that have occurred during the manufacture of nuclear weapons, in particular those of criticality. This book finishes with estimations of the effects of a possible nuclear war.

      This book, the second volume in the series, is dedicated to accidents related to civilian use of nuclear technology, from the points of view of civil engineering, the production of electricity and tools for human health (in particular, detection and radiotherapy). Electricity production depends on several stages. Yet, accidents can occur at various stages of the fuel cycle, from mining to reprocessing of the exhausted fuel. Specific chapters are devoted to accidents that occurred in the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear reactors. A later chapter evokes the possible consequences of acts of terrorism. For each of the first two volumes, the consequences of nuclear accidents are detailed for the terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments and their flora and fauna, human health, as well as sociological, psychological and economic consequences.

      The third volume will expand on the future management of nuclear accidents, in particular looking at activities involving decontamination, feedback, post-accident management, risk, perception, Industrial Intervention Plans (PPIs in France) and the need to take potential accidents into account during project design.

      Nuclear accidents and disasters have given rise to an abundant literature. Why produce more books on the subject? Many books are openly pro- or anti-nuclear. The intention of the volumes in this series is to provide the reader with a clear, transparent and objective summary of the relevant scientific literature.

      Jean-Claude AMIARD

      March 2019


      Claude Amiard-Triquet (Honorary Research Director, CNRS, France) has taken on the onerous task of re-reading, annotating and casting a critical eye over the French version of this book, and Professor Philip Rainbow (former Keeper of Zoology, Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom) has done the same for the English version. I warmly thank them both for their time and efforts.

      A certain number of colleagues have made documents available to me and I am grateful for this. They are in particular Christelle Adam-Guillermin from the IRSN, Pierre-Marie Badot at the Université de Besançon, Mariette Gerber from INSERM in Montpellier, Anders Pape Møller from the CNRS at the Université de Paris Sud (Orsay) and Timothy Mousseau at the University of South Carolina and Jean-Claude Zerbib (radiation protection expert). I hope I have not forgotten anyone.

      I would also like to thank the members of the GNRC (Nord-Cotentin Radioecology Group), a multi-faceted group, for the remarkable work that they have accomplished, working together in complete harmony.

      List of Acronyms

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