Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance. F. Xavier Malcata

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Mathematics for Enzyme Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Performance - F. Xavier Malcata

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where 4 was meanwhile factored out and the associative property of the multiplication of scalars duly utilized; if aT Va = 0 as stated in Eq. (4.197), then Eq. (4.202) reduces to


      that implies


      since no restriction was imposed on b; therefore, aT Va = 0 implies Va =0n×1, besides Va =0n×1 implying aT Va = 0, as seen previously – so Va =0n×1 and aT Va = 0 are equivalent statements. Consequently, Va ≠0n×1 accounts for the inequality case in Eq. (4.196), i.e. aT Va > 0.

      If P denotes an (n × m) matrix, then the (m × m) matrix PT VP is (real) symmetric, positive semidefinite; in fact,


      Furthermore, the scalar


      – where a and b denote (m × 1) and (n × 1) column vectors, respectively, and Eqs. (4.57) and (4.120) were taken advantage of, will be positive if bPa0n × 1 and nil if bPa = 0n × 1, in agreement with the foregoing derivation, coupled with Eqs. (4.196) and (4.197); this is so because V is positive semidefinite by hypothesis. In other words,

      In the particular case of V = In, Eq. (4.196) degenerates to



      as per Eq. (4.120), or else


      in view of Eq. (4.110) – thus confirming its symmetry.

      A tensor, τ, consists on the extrapolation of a vector to a three‐dimensional space, based on each of its three directional components – so it has no geometrical representation, being defined solely by its components in a Cartesian R9 domain; its notation resorts normally to matrix form, viz.

      – so it can be formed by juxtaposition of three vectors of the type labeled as Eq. (3.6), or else

      using Eq. (3.1) as template. The unit tensors, φi,j (i = x,y,z; j = x,y,z), are, in turn, defined as arrays of nine components (all of which are zero but one, equal to unity), according to